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Suppress auto repeat in THM (TapHoldManager)

Posted: 25 May 2022, 15:56
by milliard
Hi. I have THM installed, it seems to be working normally, but I'm not being able to implement something like if letter m is hold, send shift down; when released, send shift up. Basically, I want to be able to use the letter m as shift when pressed down.

Here is the script I'm trying:

Code: Select all

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.

#SingleInstance Force ; Forces to keep only one version of the script active at a time

#include <TapHoldManager> ; Initializes the TMH library

SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

thm := new TapHoldManager() ; TapTime/Prefix can now be set here

thm.Add("m", Func("func1"))

Func1(isHold, taps, state){

	if (isHold=0) & (taps=1) & (state){
		Send, m
	if (isHold=1) & (taps=1) & (state=1){
		Send, {Shift down}

	if (isHold=1) & (taps=1) & (state=0){
		Send, {Shift up}

The problem I run into is that although shift gets pressed when holding m (it could be any other key or at least the alphanumeric keys), m is sent as well and it doesn't send shift up upon release from hold, so what happens is that it starts to spam "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" and when I release m, shift is still down, stuck.

I really don't know what i'm doing wrong, I thought ascribing a key to THM would block it so it wouldn't send the letter unless I added it to the function. When instead of making a "key down; key up" pair it works normally, I hold the key and it's only sent once and sends something else if I make an if with state=0 (release). But I don't know how to implement what I want in this case.

Searching on this forum I found this post by evilC: viewtopic.php?t=45020 in which he teaches how to suppress repetition of hotkeys:

Code: Select all

rcState := 0
akState := 0

*<#RCtrl::  ; LeftWin + RightControl => Left-click (hold down Control/Shift to Control-Click or Shift-Click).
if (rcState)
	return	; Suppress repeats
rcState := 1
SendEvent {Blind}{LButton down}

*<#RCtrl up:: 
SendEvent {Blind}{LButton up}
rcState := 0

*<#AppsKey::  ; LeftWin + AppsKey => Right-click
if (akState)
akState := 1
SendEvent {Blind}{RButton down}

*<#AppsKey up::
SendEvent {Blind}{RButton up}
akState := 0

And it works flawlessly. But I don't know how to adapt it to work with THM's ishold, taps, state. I don't even know if it's possible to adapt it.

Could a brighter mind please help me? Should I post this on THM's own topic? Thanks in advance!