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Mouse coordinates are different with Menu or Window Activate

Posted: 30 Sep 2022, 03:25
by michalb93
First of all, I'm using 2 screens: monitor on left and laptop on right. I've made a SCRIPT with clicks, it all clicked whereever I wanted to. How did it work:
1) on my left monitor I had script.
2) on laptop I had maximized window of application
3)script after double click was clicking it all correctly.

But, when I added script to GUI with buttons, or even same script but with WinActivate, mouse coords got screwed and clicked in wrong places. Why it did happen? Do I have to find mouse coordinates once again?

Re: Mouse coordinates are different with Menu or Window Activate  Topic is solved

Posted: 30 Sep 2022, 04:42
by GEV
Try adding

Code: Select all

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
on top (auto-execute section)

Otherwise the coordinates are relative to the current active window.