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Looking Help with Script for OBS Studio x64

Posted: 30 Sep 2022, 07:58
by Dasuho
Hello Good People I'm noob in AHK but trying my best i need working script for OBS Studio (version x64) where i will be able:
Using F9 on OBS and start recording file
Using F10 Stop Recording and change name of this file
Using F12 Upload file to Network storage Letter Y in Windows.

Please can somebody help me litte bit with this this whats i tryed but think i'm missing a lot

Code: Select all

;f8 - ON OBS Studio
;f9 - Toggle Recording from start 
;f10 -  Open folder containing videos and change name of record

;f12 - send files to server


Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\bin\64bit\obs64.exe" , C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\bin\64bit

SetKeyDelay, 1000, 100
Send F9
ControlSend,, F9, ahk.exe obs64.exe


msgBox, 0, Files moved ,Videos are being transferred, this can take a long time - click OK to proceed
ifwinExist Videos
	WinGetActiveTitle, ActiveWin
	if Activewin = Videos
Run %UserProfile%\Videos

counter := 0

Loop, %UserProfile%\Videos\*.mp4, 0, 0  ; Recurse into subfolders.
    LongFileName= %A_LoopFileName% ;Records File name
    SourceLocation = %A_LoopFileFullPath%
    StringLeft,LongFileName, LongFileName, 7 
;msgbox, %UsrName1%

FileMove, %SourceLocation% ,F:\\me-encode\drop box\normal, 0
counter := counter + 1

;**Reset the collections file to clear empty collections
msgBox, 0, Files moved , A Total of %counter% Recordings have been moved to the server

[Mod edit: Added [code][/code] tags. Please use them yourself when posting code.]