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Help with Keywait for Control Mouse Move

Posted: 03 Dec 2022, 13:20
by arbibarbarona

Code: Select all

If !go
SendEvent, {LButton down}
go := True
MouseMove, A_ThisHotkey = "Left" ? -2:2, 0,, R
SetTimer, Stop380, -400
SendEvent, {LButton up}
go := False
Hello guys.

I'm here again and I need some help setting up a Keywait function.
The Upper script works perfectly. But I want to add a similar function that If I press Down Control, It Sends the LButton down then using \, and Insert will move the mouse 12 pixel to left or right, then if I lift the Control up it lifts the LButton up.

Thank you in advance.

Code: Select all

SendEvent, {LButton down}
Keywait, ^
MouseMove, A_ThisHotkey = "^Left" ? -12:12, 0,, R
SendEvent, {LButton up}


Re: Help with Keywait for Control Mouse Move

Posted: 03 Dec 2022, 13:29
by boiler
^ is not the key name for Ctrl to be used with KeyWait. It's only Ctrl as a modifier to other keys. Use Ctrl.

Re: Help with Keywait for Control Mouse Move

Posted: 03 Dec 2022, 14:29
by arbibarbarona

Code: Select all

SendEvent, {LButton down}

MouseMove, A_ThisHotkey = "^\" ? -12:12, 0,, R

Keywait, Control
SendEvent, {LButton up}

THis seems to just function once. But what If I want to continuesly move the mouse while Left button is Down. Either left or right. and If I lift control up it release the action

Re: Help with Keywait for Control Mouse Move

Posted: 03 Dec 2022, 14:41
by boiler
Instead of KeyWait, use a While loop with GetKeyState().