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Ending the output of a macro on any input

Posted: 04 Dec 2022, 08:41
by The Spirit
How can I stop the output of a lengthy macro on any input whatsoever?
Let's assume I have the following simplified example:

Code: Select all

MouseMove, 100, 200
Sleep, 50
Send, g
Sleep 100
MouseMove, 300, 400
Sleep 50
Send, k
Sleep 100
Send, i
Can I tell it to stop on the spot when I press another button? If I were to press another macro for example after 150 ms then they would overlap, potentially ruining both of them.
Thank you :)

Re: Ending the output of a macro on any input  Topic is solved

Posted: 04 Dec 2022, 08:53
by mikeyww
You can reload the script, or set a "stop variable" and then check that variable in your hotkey subroutine.

Re: Ending the output of a macro on any input

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 17:10
by The Spirit
How would I go about it in an efficient way? The only way I can think of is having a variable, let's call it b, whose value is then switched at the start of every macro while the command that I want to be interruptable uses exactly that variable in a While equals something condition. That means I have to put b everywhere, and that still wont work on some input like left click, which I do not use a macro for.
Is there a command I could use which I only need to mention once? Something like

Code: Select all

while (b = GO)
MouseMove, 100, 200
Sleep, 50
Send, g
Sleep 100
MouseMove, 300, 400
Sleep 50
Send, k
Sleep 100
Send, i
Sleep 50


Re: Ending the output of a macro on any input

Posted: 07 Dec 2022, 19:04
by mikeyww

Code: Select all

a Up::
While (A_PriorKey = "a") {
 MouseMove, 300, 700
 Sleep, 50 * (A_PriorKey = "a")
 If (A_PriorKey = "a")
  Send g
 Sleep, 100 * (A_PriorKey = "a")