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Incrementing a date

Posted: 29 Jan 2023, 07:48
by momo007
I need a script that works more or less like this

Pressing any combination of keys (say F1)
The script asks from which date I want to start (say 20.01.2024)

A loop starts (until I press another key combination (say F2) )
I mark on the screen where I want the date to be written
The date is written
The date is incremented by 1 day (21.10.2024)
The loop continues until F2 is pressed

The program does not need to deal with years in advance,leap years, or anything similar.
The primary use is to write down 30 consecutive dates from a specific date.


Re: Incrementing a date

Posted: 29 Jan 2023, 08:22
by mikeyww
I would go with the last one shown here.

Code: Select all

; This script sends a date, and increments it
#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33

InputBox, ib, Date, Enter a starting date.,, 225, 125
(!ErrorLevel && ib > "") && (part := StrSplit(ib, "."), date := part.3 part.2 part.1)

FormatTime, txt, %date%, dd.MM.yyyy
SendInput % txt
date += 1, D

Code: Select all

; This script sends a date, and increments it
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
date := A_Now

F1:: {
 Global date
 ib := InputBox('Enter a starting date.', 'Date', 'w225 h100')
 (ib.Result = "OK" && ib.Value != "") && (part := StrSplit(ib.Value, "."), date := part[3] part[2] part[1])

F4:: {
 Global date
 Send FormatTime(date, 'dd.MM.yyyy')
 date := DateAdd(date, 1, 'D')

Code: Select all

; This script sends a date, and increments it
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
date := ""

F1:: {                     ; F1 = Ask for date, and enable sending
 Global date
 If (ib := InputBox('Enter a starting date.', 'Date', 'w225 h100')).Result = "OK" && ib.Value != ""
  part := StrSplit(ib.Value, "."), date := part[3] part[2] part[1], SoundBeep(1500)

#HotIf date
~LButton Up:: {            ; LBUTTON UP = Send and increment date
 Global date
 Send(FormatTime(date, 'dd.MM.yyyy')), date := DateAdd(date, 1, 'D')

F2:: {                     ; F2 = Disable
 Global date := ""
 SoundBeep 1000

Re: Incrementing a date

Posted: 31 Jan 2023, 04:35
by momo007
thank you, its working :bravo: :bravo: