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Replace two RegEx lines with one, how?

Posted: 13 Jul 2022, 12:32
by Krd

I use the lines below borrowed from forums to reomve % sign in the end of MYvar and the first line to remove Space (First character). This works but how to make just one line of RegEx instead of two?

Code: Select all

Myvar := Clipboard
Myvar := " 50%"    ; For example
Myvar := RegExReplace(Myvar, "\s")
Myvar := RegExReplace(Myvar, "%$" )
MsgBox, No space=%Myvar%=No sign
Thank you meanwhile

Re: Replace two RegEx lines with one, how?

Posted: 13 Jul 2022, 12:45
by boiler

Code: Select all

Myvar := RegExReplace(Myvar, "^\s(.*)%$", "$1")

Re: Replace two RegEx lines with one, how?

Posted: 13 Jul 2022, 13:02
by Krd
Weird :S

It workds with my example but not in action like the two lines above. Hmmm. How to check where it fails?

Re: Replace two RegEx lines with one, how?

Posted: 13 Jul 2022, 13:07
by boiler
Does your copied text contain line breaks in it? If so, add the s option so the dot matches all newline characters:

Code: Select all

Myvar := RegExReplace(Myvar, "s)^\s(.*)%$", "$1")

Re: Replace two RegEx lines with one, how?  Topic is solved

Posted: 13 Jul 2022, 14:05
by AlphaBravo

Code: Select all

Myvar := RegExReplace(Myvar, "(\s|%$)")

Re: Replace two RegEx lines with one, how?

Posted: 14 Jul 2022, 04:20
by Krd
Many thanks to you boiler and AlphaBravo.

Alphas verion worked.

Boiler, my bad, yes it seems to be true that it has a linebreak. If I copy and paste the values in between two qutation marks, it would be:

Code: Select all

Myvar :="60%
Weird, this time the space/linebreak is at end...
Can you make changes to your code? Curious where the change is now :)

Re: Replace two RegEx lines with one, how?

Posted: 14 Jul 2022, 04:51
by boiler
I meant linebreaks between, not on the end. My code currently expects the space and percent sign to be the first and last characters of the string. And I showed how to handle linebreaks between.

Instead of stripping specific characters, if your goal is really to extract the number, then it can just be this:

Code: Select all

 MyVar := "

RegExMatch(MyVar, "\d+", MyVar)
MsgBox, % MyVar

Re: Replace two RegEx lines with one, how?

Posted: 14 Jul 2022, 08:20
by Krd
Yes, that whay im after and didn't even think the way you do. :facepalm:

But what to add to catch the decimental number like 4,2? As it just catches the first left number now.

Is this the right way to catch demintal numbers?

Code: Select all

RegExMatch(MyVar, "\d+,\d+", MyVar)

Re: Replace two RegEx lines with one, how?

Posted: 14 Jul 2022, 10:26
by boiler
That would only work if the number has a decimal point (comma) and would not catch it otherwise. You can capture it like this:

Code: Select all

RegExMatch(MyVar, "[\d,]+", MyVar)
Or like this if you want it to enforce that the decimal separator be in the right place and only one of them, if it exists:

Code: Select all

RegExMatch(MyVar, "\d+(,\d*)?", MyVar)

Re: Replace two RegEx lines with one, how?

Posted: 14 Jul 2022, 11:26
by Krd

Many thanks master! Now I see this

Code: Select all

and I like it :bravo: For a moment I was about to ask Bobo to explain to the noob what this does but I learned from the side you linked earlier :D