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Detect if the microphone is being used by certain applications

Posted: 12 Jul 2023, 14:17
by haomingchen1998
I want to use settimer to detect if the microphone is being used by zoom.exe or firefox.exe, if so, Send {F19}, are there ways to do that? Thanks!

Code: Select all


SetTimer, CheckMic, 1000 ; Check every 1000ms (1 second)

; Insert code to check if microphone is being used by zoom.exe or firefox.exe here
; If condition is met, send F19
If (condition)
    Send {F19}

Re: Detect if the microphone is being used by certain applications

Posted: 13 Jul 2023, 15:53
by malcev

Re: Detect if the microphone is being used by certain applications

Posted: 14 Jul 2023, 11:30
by haomingchen1998
This is beyond my grasp at the moment, but thank you for the information.