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How to check if the script doesnt stop

Posted: 02 Apr 2024, 09:03
by Sliten
I made a script with the script recorder which recorded my mouseclicks so i could automate a progress for my companie.
There is 1 Problems now and that is it also records which windows i opened (the window contains a number of the person file that i opened ) if this number is not correct because i deleted a different person file the programm will just stop and doesnt move anymore.
My idea was to track if the mouse stops moving for like 6 seconds and send an MsgBox if that happens but the code is 800 lines long and i do not understand how to make this work.

This is a fragment of the code but there will not be many changes so if i can make this work everything should be fine

Code: Select all

Loop, 1

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen

      tt = Coiffeur Next ahk_class SunAwtFrame
      WinWait, %tt%
      IfWinNotActive, %tt%,, WinActivate, %tt%

  Sleep, % 2843 //playspeed
MouseMove, 430,840
MouseClick,L, 430, 706

  Sleep, % 2031 //playspeed

      tt = Kundenverwaltung ahk_class SunAwtDialog
      WinWait, %tt%
      IfWinNotActive, %tt%,, WinActivate, %tt%

  Sleep, % 1610 //playspeed

MouseClick, L, 652, 149

  Sleep, % 281 //playspeed

	  tt = Kundenverwaltung ( 7709 ) ahk_class SunAwtDialog

  Sleep, % 1610 //playspeed

MouseClick, L, 828, 233

  Sleep, % 641 //playspeed

MouseClick, L, 791, 273

  Sleep, % 406 //playspeed

MouseClick, L, 600, 264

  Sleep, % 2157 //playspeed

Send, {Blind}{Shift Down}

  Sleep, % 1062 //playspeed

Send, {Blind}e{Shift Up}ric

[Mod edit: Added [code][/code] tags. Please use them yourself when posting code.]