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Turn on SDH subtitles in MPC-HC

Posted: 16 Apr 2024, 17:40
by roysubs
My girlfriend is hard of hearing and I want to have a hotkey that will automate getting subtitles for MPC-HC (the maintained fork of Media Player Classic, Home Cinema that is on GitHub, which is my media player of choice; really simple clean interface).

To do this, I would need the following:

- Make sure the MPC-HC window is active, then focus on the media player window.
- Press the "Menu" key (the one between the right "Alt" and "Ctrl" keys on most keyboards) to bring up the right-click context menu for the focused media player.
- Press "b" to go to the subtitle menu
- Then somehow, find the item that contains "SDH" and activate that; no idea how to do that, I guess maybe we can extract the text from a menu then I search that text to know which line the SDH is on then cursor down x number of times until get it?

Any help would be appreciated.