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Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 01:12
by nnnik

Code: Select all

        ;~ OnMessage(0x200, "OnMOUSEMOVE")
        ;~ OnMessage(0x201, "OnLBUTTONDOWN")
        ;~ OnMessage(0x202, "OnLBUTTONUP")
        ;~ OnMessage(0x2A2, "OnLeave")
        ;~ OnMessage(0x2A3, "OnLeave")
        ;~ OnMessage(0x8, "OnLeave")

    Class GDIGUI {
    static Init:=0
        If !GDIGUI.Init
        hInstance := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")
        VarSetCapacity(wndclassex, 16+8*A_PtrSize, 0)
        NumPut(16+8*A_PtrSize, wndclassex, 0, "UInt") ;cbSize
        NumPut(0x23, wndclassex, 4, "UInt") ;style HERE
        NumPut(RegisterCallback("WindowProc"), wndclassex, 8, "Ptr") ;lpfnWndProc
        NumPut(hInstance, wndclassex, 16+A_PtrSize, "Ptr") ;hInstance
        NumPut(DllCall("LoadCursor", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 32512, "Ptr"), wndclassex, 16+3*A_PtrSize, "Ptr") ;hCursor
        NumPut(6, wndclassex, 16+4*A_PtrSize, "Ptr") ;hbrBackground
        NumPut(&lpClassName, wndclassex, 16+6*A_PtrSize, "Ptr") ;lpszClassName
        atom := DllCall("RegisterClassEx", "Ptr", &wndclassex, "UShort")
        this.DrawBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap(this.Width, this.Height)
        this.BkgndBitmap:=Gdip_CreateBitmap(this.Width, this.Height)
        this.GUIhwnd:=DllCall("User32.dll\CreateWindowEx", "Uint", ExStyle, "Str", "GDI-Window", "Str", "GDI-App", "UInt", Style, "Int", x , "Int", y , "Int", this.Width, "Int", this.Height, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", hInstance, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")
        WindowProc(this.GUIHWND, 0, this, 0)
        DllCall("ShowWindow", "ptr", this.GUIhwnd, "uint", 5)

        static call:=0
        If !call
        tooltip %  ((a:=GetDC(this.GUIhwnd))=this.GUIHDC) "`n" this.GUIHDC "`n" a
        return call:=0
        return 0
        For each, GDIControl in this
            If (IsObject(GDIControl)&&IsFunc(GDIControl.Redraw))


Frontier2400GUI:=new GDIGUI()
Brush:=Gdip_CreateLineBrushFromRect(0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, 0xFF35281B, 0xFF261C13, 1, 1)
Gdip_FillRectangle(Bkgnd, Brush, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)

WindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam)
   static callbacks:={}
Critical ;Sollte zeitliche Probleme beseitigen
If !msg
If (callbacks.haskey(hwnd)&&IsFunc(callbacks[hwnd,"MSG_" . msg]))
    callbacks[hwnd,"MSG_" . msg].(wparam,lparam)
  return DllCall("DefWindowProc", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", msg, "Ptr", wParam, "Ptr", lParam, "Ptr") 
According to MSDN the class style 0x20 would give this Window a unique HWND but it doesnt stay the same at my PC.
I want to find out if its a Problem of the script or of this PC.
Simply run th Code and move the window around a bit.
Tell me if the tooltip changes.

Re: RegisterClassEx

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 01:42
by LazyMan
I am methodically challenged. :mrgreen:

Re: RegisterClassEx

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 06:52
by lexikos
You are passing the HWND to GetDC only once. On every subsequent call, you are passing a blank value. Although the tooltip doesn't show this.GUIhwnd, you should have noticed that the tooltip shows this.GUIHDC is blank.

Code: Select all

callbacks[hwnd,"MSG_" . msg].(wparam,lparam)
There is always a method name between the dot and open parenthesis. In this case, the method name is blank, and the target (this) of the method call is the GDIGUI.MSG_15 function object. When called this way, the function object executes the function, simply passing the parameters along, so the syntax object.(params) is essentially a function call, not a method call. In this case, the value wparam is assigned to the this parameter.

This is how you should call the method:

Code: Select all

callbacks[hwnd]["MSG_" . msg](wparam,lparam)
First, callbacks[hwnd] is retrieved. Then that object is used as the target of a method call, where the method name is "MSG_15" (assuming msg=15) - equivalent to callbacks[hwnd].MSG_15(wparam,lparam).
According to MSDN the class style 0x20 would give this Window a unique HWND
Nonsense. You probably mean that it gives each window a unique device context. HWND is a window handle, not a device context handle. Even if you meant HDC, you'd be wrong: MSDN doesn't say GetDC will return the same HDC each time. Two different handle values could plausibly refer to the same device context object.

Also, I recommend reading What does the CS_OWNDC class style do? - The Old New Thing

Re: RegisterClassEx

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 09:50
by nnnik
WOW Thanks.
I was just about as far as finding out some pieces of it in 3 hours of work.

Re: RegisterClassEx

Posted: 30 Jan 2014, 10:13
by nnnik
The gdip library is not a standard library on your PC.
You can download it here: ... 45-by-tic/