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save web page every 5 minutes

Posted: 21 Mar 2017, 20:29
by monomedic
I am trying to save a web page for every five minutes - its in a iframe grid widget - i can manually select all and paste but would rather have autokey do it
im using the urldownloadtofile - but cant figure out how to set up time interval - and changing the name of file each time - as well it must run between 930 - 400pm

Re: save web page every 5 minutes

Posted: 22 Mar 2017, 12:23
by Rohwedder
try this:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
SetTimer, Make, 1000
	Formattime, Time, %A_now%, HHmm
	If ((Time < "0930") Or (Time > "1600"))
	StringRight, Minute, Time, 1
	If ((Minute <> "0") And (Minute <> "5"))
	If (Time <> LastTime)
		LastTime := Time
		UrlDownloadToFile,, %Time%.htm

Re: save web page every 5 minutes

Posted: 23 Mar 2017, 10:59
by monomedic
thank you will try it out

Re: save web page every 5 minutes

Posted: 24 Mar 2017, 17:02
by monomedic
have just run thru a day of data - it works great pulling the the data- its constatntly changing thru out the day but the data pulled for each time frame was the same as the first - is there a way to refresh the website so it reads a new data

Re: save web page every 5 minutes

Posted: 25 Mar 2017, 09:14
by Rohwedder
I found an error, it must be:

Code: Select all

LastTime := Time
instead of

Code: Select all

LastTime = Time
However, a way to refresh the website, sorry, no idea!

Re: save web page every 5 minutes

Posted: 25 Mar 2017, 09:22
by smorgasbord