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Gdip_Imagesearch exclude found zones for correct result

Posted: 27 Jun 2017, 12:38
by Riki81
I need to count the number of images with Gdip_Imagesearch.
The problem is when I work with simple one-color images, the function does not exclude previous found zone in next instances-loop search...
There are significantly more hits in the result (61 hits instead of the correct 3, in example) and greatly reduced performance.

I found a temporary partial solution by changing the search stepY (or stepX) in Gdip_MultiLockedBitsSearch:

Code: Select all

iX := 1, stepX := 1, iY := 1, stepY := nHeight
But result still not correct in most situations. I'm looking for better solution.

Test example:!L99CWCaR!b_V9GI74duBK ... qF-SImufs8

I will be gracious if someone helps me.

Re: Gdip_Imagesearch exclude found zones for correct result

Posted: 28 Jun 2017, 06:20
by noname

You could change the haystack to exclude found images , it does not have to much of added search time and in principle will always work .

Code: Select all

SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
SetBatchLines, -1

#Include *i Gdip_All.ahk
#Include *i Gdip_ImageSearch.ahk

If !pToken := Gdip_Startup()
   MsgBox, 48, gdiplus error!, Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have gdiplus on your system

pneedle :=Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile("needle.png")
  Gdip_GetImageDimensions(pneedle , wn, hn)
phaystack:=pBitmap :=Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile("haystack.png")
  Gdip_GetImageDimensions(phaystack , wh, hh)



loop 40 ;just to be safe
    Gdip_ImageSearch(phaystack ,pneedle,list,0,0,wh,hh,,,,1)
    if !regexmatch(list,"\d")
    l .=list "`n"
    Gdip_FillRectangle(pGraphics, pBrush, pos.1,pos.2, wn, hn)
   ;  Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(phaystack,"t.png")
   ; Gui, add,picture,,t.png
   ; Gui, show,autosize
   ; sleep 500
   ; Gui, destroy

msgbox % "time= " a_tickcount-t "ms`n" l


Re: Gdip_Imagesearch exclude found zones for correct result

Posted: 28 Jun 2017, 07:54
by Riki81
Great solution, That's exactly what I wanted. Thank you, noname!

Re: Gdip_Imagesearch exclude found zones for correct result  Topic is solved

Posted: 28 Jun 2017, 12:54
by Riki81
Found another solution. It do same but inside Gdip_MultiLockedBitsSearch function. Now I can use ImageSearch with Instances=0 parameter as usual.
With big haystack this method ~15x faster.

Code: Select all

,ByRef OutputList="",OuterX1=0,OuterY1=0,OuterX2=0,OuterY2=0,Variation=0
    OutputList := ""
    OutputCount := !Instances
    InnerX1 := OuterX1 , InnerY1 := OuterY1
    InnerX2 := OuterX2 , InnerY2 := OuterY2

    ; The following part is a rather ugly but working hack that I
    ; came up with to adjust the variables and their increments
    ; according to the specified Haystack Search Direction
    Mod(SD,4) = 0 --> iX = 2 , stepX = +0 , iY = 1 , stepY = +1
    Mod(SD,4) = 1 --> iX = 1 , stepX = +1 , iY = 1 , stepY = +1
    Mod(SD,4) = 2 --> iX = 1 , stepX = +1 , iY = 2 , stepY = +0
    Mod(SD,4) = 3 --> iX = 2 , stepX = +0 , iY = 2 , stepY = +0
    SD <= 4   ------> Vertical preference
    SD > 4    ------> Horizontal preference
    ; Set the index and the step (for both X and Y) to +1
    iX := 1, stepX := 1, iY := 1, stepY := 1
    ; Adjust Y variables if SD is 2, 3, 6 or 7
    Modulo := Mod(SearchDirection,4)
    If ( Modulo > 1 )
        iY := 2, stepY := 0
    ; adjust X variables if SD is 3, 4, 7 or 8
    If !Mod(Modulo,3)
        iX := 2, stepX := 0
    ; Set default Preference to vertical and Nonpreference to horizontal
    P := "Y", N := "X"
    ; adjust Preference and Nonpreference if SD is 5, 6, 7 or 8
    If ( SearchDirection > 4 )
        P := "X", N := "Y"
    ; Set the Preference Index and the Nonpreference Index
    iP := i%P%, iN := i%N%

    While (!(OutputCount == Instances) && (0 == Gdip_LockedBitsSearch(hStride,hScan,hWidth,hHeight,nStride
        OutputList .= LineDelim FoundX CoordDelim FoundY
        Outer%P%%iP% := Found%P%+step%P%
        Inner%N%%iN% := Found%N%+step%N%
        Inner%P%1 := Found%P%
        Inner%P%2 := Found%P%+1
        While (!(OutputCount == Instances) && (0 == Gdip_LockedBitsSearch(hStride,hScan,hWidth,hHeight,nStride
			; Fill found region for exlude from next instances =================
			x := FoundX
			y := FoundY
			FillColor := "0xff000000"
			Loop, %nHeight%
				Loop, %nWidth%
					Gdip_SetLockBitPixel(FillColor, hScan, x, y, hStride)
				x := FoundX
            OutputList .= LineDelim FoundX CoordDelim FoundY
            Inner%N%%iN% := Found%N%+step%N%
    OutputList := SubStr(OutputList,1+StrLen(LineDelim))
    OutputCount -= !Instances
    Return OutputCount

Re: Gdip_Imagesearch exclude found zones for correct result

Posted: 29 Jun 2017, 12:12
by noname

Very nice integrated! Your adaptation makes it a lot easier to use but after playing with it I cannot find a big speed advantage,the haystack is a screengrab about 1380x768 pixels the needle is the same as you used.

fullscreengrab with needle images and larger colour area

I am quite surprised by this result :eh:

Re: Gdip_Imagesearch exclude found zones for correct result

Posted: 29 Jun 2017, 13:32
by Riki81
Yes, the difference is only with a large amount of hits. Stress-test with one color 1920x1200 haystack and same 30x30 needle: