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Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 02:54
Hey people!
I would like to get "C" because it has the largest value in "INFO" selection.. How can I do that?
I would note that values are continuously changing


Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 03:32
by gregster
IniRead can read a specific section and deliver a linefeed (`n) delimited list. I would loop-parse that list into single lines and apply StrSplit with a '=' delimiter to each line, leaving me with pairs of a letter and a number, of which I would look for that one with the highest number. And repeat...

Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount  Topic is solved

Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 07:04
by Odlanir

Code: Select all

IniRead, allSect, myIni.ini, INFO
maxValue := 0
loop, parse, allSect, `n
   RegExMatch(a_loopfield, "O)(.*)=(.*)",v)
   if ( v[2] > maxValue ) 
      maxValue := v[2], key := v[1]
MsgBox % "The key " key "`nHolds the max value : " maxValue

Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 07:07
Thanks a lot! :D

Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 27 Nov 2017, 09:42
by A_AhkUser

If you expect only positive integers, this also can be achieved in-line:

Code: Select all

IniRead, pairs, % iniFile, INFO
MsgBox % (Object(StrSplit("0`n" . pairs . "`n", ["=", "`n"])*)).maxIndex()
Looks like I misread the title... in order to retrieve the key name instead, and without using RegExMatch:

Code: Select all

IniRead, pairs, ini.ini, INFO
max := (Object(StrSplit("0=" . (pairs:=StrReplace(pairs, "`n", "=")) . "=", "=")*)).maxIndex()
str := SubStr(pairs, 1, InStr(pairs, "=" . max . "=") - 1)
MsgBox % SubStr(str, InStr(str, "=", false, 0) + 1)

Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 01 Dec 2017, 14:49
@A_AhkUser Thanks.

@Odlanir, is it possible to output last 3 with max value?

Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 01 Dec 2017, 16:17
by jeeswg
@A_AhkUser: This is nice, a nice hack that you've done to get the maximum number in a list. Here's a version done on a comma-separated list instead of some ini data.

WARNING: Both these scripts are out of interest, they are not general methods, and can only handle integers (and where: max >= 0).

Code: Select all

q:: ;number list get maximum
;1,3,5 -> 1,,3,,5, -> {1:"",3:"",5:""}
;5 is MaxIndex, 5 is Length

vText := "1,3,5"
oArray := Object(StrSplit(StrReplace(vText, ",", ",,") ",")*)
MsgBox, % oArray.MaxIndex()

MsgBox, % Object(StrSplit(StrReplace(vText, ",", ",,") ",")*).MaxIndex()
[EDIT:] Here's a version done on ini data.

Code: Select all

q:: ;ini data get maximum value
;a=1,c=3,e=5 -> a,1,c,3,e,5 -> 0,a,1,c,3,e,5, -> {0:"a",1:"c",3:"e",5:""}
vText := "
oArray := Object(StrSplit("0," vText ",", [",","="])*)
MsgBox, % oArray.MaxIndex()

Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 01 Dec 2017, 16:21
Could you kindly make me one like you did previously to read .ini file but outputting last 3 instead :))

Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 01 Dec 2017, 16:53
by A_AhkUser

Using the method above (btw I edit my first reply which was wrong):

Code: Select all

IniRead, pairs, ini.ini, INFO
o := Object(StrSplit("0`n" . pairs . "`n", ["=", "`n"])*)
maxToRetieve := 3
Loop % maxToRetieve {
var%a_index% := o.maxIndex()
MsgBox % var1
MsgBox % var2
MsgBox % var3
Note: again, this will work only if you expect only positive integers.
@A_AhkUser: This is nice, a nice hack that you've done to get the maximum number in a list. Here's a version done on a comma-separated list instead of some ini data.
Thanks jeeswg. Btw it relies on THE hack of Helgef to convert ini data to an object


And in order to retrieve the key names...

Code: Select all

IniRead, pairs, ini.ini, INFO
pairs := "0=" . StrReplace(pairs, "`n", "=") . "="
o := Object(StrSplit(pairs, "=")*)
maxToRetieve := 3
Loop % maxToRetieve {
MsgBox % SubStr(pairs, InStr(pairs, (str:="=" . o.maxIndex() . "=")) - 1, 1)

Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 01 Dec 2017, 17:01
Thank you, how can i divide them in 3 different variables?

Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 01 Dec 2017, 17:46
by A_AhkUser
HIAC wrote:Thank you, how can i divide them in 3 different variables?

You can use for example a pseudo-array (I edited my last post with an example of a pseudi-array and also once again added an example which retrieve key names instead...)

Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 01 Dec 2017, 18:32
Thanks a lot! It works, but there is another problem -.-


it won't consider numbers with decimals in it, so result would be 15, 8,5 instead of 30,11,15

Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 02 Dec 2017, 11:33
by A_AhkUser
HIAC wrote:it won't consider numbers with decimals in it, so result would be 15, 8,5 instead of 30,11,15
That's what I said. Here's a more general solution:

Code: Select all

maxToRetieve := 3
IniRead, sections, ini.ini, INFO
o := {}, s := ""
Loop, parse, % sections, `n
	i := InStr(A_LoopField, "="), l := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, i), m := SubStr(A_LoopField, i), o[m] := l, s .= m
var := LTrim(s, "=")
Sort, var, N D=
o := StrSplit(var, "=")
Loop % maxToRetieve {
MsgBox % o[o.length()]

Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 02 Dec 2017, 11:43
by A_AhkUser
A_AhkUser wrote:
HIAC wrote:it won't consider numbers with decimals in it, so result would be 15, 8,5 instead of 30,11,15
That's what I said. Here's a more general solution:

Code: Select all

maxToRetieve := 3
IniRead, sections, ini.ini, INFO
o := {}, s := ""
Loop, parse, % sections, `n
	i := InStr(A_LoopField, "=") ; what's the position of '='  in the current field ('A_LoopField') from 'sections' retrieved by parsing it using `n as delimiter ?
	l := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, i) ; left part
	m := SubStr(A_LoopField, i) ; right part
	o[m] := l ; key and value are reversed: one can use the value to retrieve the key later
	s .= m ; appends '=value' to 's'
var := LTrim(s, "=") ; remove the trailing '=' from the begining of 's'
Sort, var, N D= ; sort 'var' numerically using = as delimiter
o := StrSplit(var, "=") ; creates an array by splitting var using '=' as delimiter
Loop % maxToRetieve
	MsgBox % o.pop() ; removes and returns the last array element.

[EDIT] Added comments

Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 02 Dec 2017, 21:07
by jeeswg
Here are two other ideas:

Code: Select all

vText := " ;continuation section
Sort, vText, F SortPairAsc
MsgBox, % vText

SortPairAsc(vText1, vText2, vOffset) ;for use with AHK's Sort command
	vNum1 := RegExReplace(vText1, ".*=")
	vNum2 := RegExReplace(vText2, ".*=")
	return vNum1 < vNum2 ? 1 : vNum1 > vNum2 ? -1 : -vOffset

vText := " ;continuation section

oArray := []
Loop, Parse, vText, `n, `r
	oTemp := StrSplit(A_LoopField, "=")

	;AHK x32 supports -2147483648 to 2147483647

	;negative so that the bigger numbers
	;appear first in an object loop
	vNum := Round(-oTemp.2*1000000)
	if !oArray.HasKey(vNum)
		oArray[vNum] := []

vOutput := ""
for vKey in oArray
	for vKey2, vValue in oArray[vKey]
		vOutput .= vValue "`r`n"
MsgBox, % vOutput

Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 03 Dec 2017, 07:30
by Helgef
Hello :wave:
For the slightly off-topic sorting of ini-values,
A_AhkUser wrote:If you expect only positive integers, this also can be achieved in-line:
For all real numbers, v2,

Code: Select all

sort(regexreplace(section, "m)(^.+=\s{0,})(.+$)", "$2"), "N")
For v1,

Code: Select all

sortIniSectionValues(section, opt:="N"){
	section:=regexreplace(section, "`am)(^.*=\s{0,})(.*$)", "$2")	; removes keyX = 
	sort section, % opt
	return section
note that the `a option is not needed in v2.


Re: Ini read and output the Key name that has largest amount

Posted: 04 Dec 2017, 05:33
Thanks everyone.


This is what I need, but just if I could output the Key name too! I saw the code you posted, but I'm just too new so I don't get it :(

Code: Select all

IniRead, pairs, ini.ini, INFO
o := Object(StrSplit("0`n" . pairs . "`n", ["=", "`n"])*)
maxToRetieve := 3
Loop % maxToRetieve {
var%a_index% := o.maxIndex()
MsgBox % var1
MsgBox % var2
MsgBox % var3