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LV_GetText without a ListView/GUI

Posted: 26 Feb 2018, 04:05
by ivill
Hi, everyone, This script works very well for me, Thanks for @just me's help, but i just got an idea and meet a challenge, can't accomplish it by myself:
How can i make the script works without a GUI, use a preset conditions and vAmount(for example 30000) to calculate then instant get the results MsgBox, %Q1% %Q2% %Q3% %Q4% %R% by default

Really appreciate for your great help

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1
; Constant multipliers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
P1 := 7.25
P2 := 6.53
P3 := 6.16
P4 := 5.43
; GUI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gui, Margin, 10, 10
Gui, Add, Text, xm ym w200, Amount:
Gui, Add, Edit, xp y+2 wp Number vAmount, 30000
Gui, Add, Text, ym wp, Minimum Deviation:
Gui, Add, Edit, xp y+2 wp Number vMinD, 10
Gui, Add, Text, ym wp, Maximum Deviation:
Gui, Add, Edit, xp y+2 wp Number vMaxD, 50
Gui, Add, Text, xm wp Section, Maximum Iterations:
Gui, Add, Edit, xp y+2 w200 ReadOnly Number, 3
Gui, Add, UpDown, vUDI Range1-3, 3
Gui, Add, Text, ys, Maximum Results:
Gui, Add, Edit, xp y+2 w200 ReadOnly Number, 15
Gui, Add, UpDown, vUDR Range1-30, 15
Gui, Add, Text, ys, Maximum Delta (n * 48):
Gui, Add, Edit, xp y+2 w200 ReadOnly Number, 3
Gui, Add, UpDown, vUDD Range1-5, 3
Gui, Add, Text, xm, Results:
Gui, Add, ListView, xm y+2 w620 r15 gSelectResult, #|Q1|Q2|Q3|Q4|Result|Max Delta|%A_Space%
Loop, % LV_GetCount("Column") - 1
   LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, "Integer")
Gui, Add, Button, xm wp gCalculate, Calculate
Gui, Add, StatusBar
Gui, Show, , Calculator
; Exit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Calculate the results ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gui, +OwnDialogs
Gui, Submit, NoHide
Num := Amount
Min := Num + MinD
Max := Num + MaxD
MaxLoopCount := UDI
MaxResults := UDR
MaxDelta := UDD * 48
Q := Floor(Num // (P1 + P2 + P3 + P4))
Q -= Mod(Q, 48)
If (Q < MaxDelta) {
   MsgBox, 16, %A_ThisLabel%, Cannot iterate %UDI% times!
   GuiControl, Focus, UDI
Results := []
Loop {
   Q1 := Q2 := Q3 := Q4 := Q
   S1 := Q1 * P1
   Loop {
      S2 := S1 + (Q2 * P2)
      If (S2 >= Min)
      Q3 := Q
      Loop {
         S3 := S2 + (Q3 * P3)
         If (S3 >= Min)
         Q4 := Q
         Loop {
            S4 := S3 + (Q4 * P4)
            If (S4 >= Min) {
               If (S4 <= Max) {
                  R := (Q1 * P1) + (Q2 * P2) + (Q3 * P3) + (Q4 * P4)
                  D := 0
                  If ((Q2 - Q) > D)
                     D := Q2 - Q
                  If ((Q3 - Q) > D)
                     D := Q3 - Q
                  If ((Q4 - Q) > D)
                     D := Q4 - Q
                  If (D <= MaxDelta)
                     Results.Push([Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Round(R, 2), D])
                  If !(Results.Length() < MaxResults)
                     Break, 4
            Q4 += 48
         Q3 += 48
      Q2 += 48
   Q -= 48
} Until (A_Index >= MaxLoopCount)
For I, R In Results
   LV_Add("", A_Index, R*)
Loop, % LV_GetCount("Column")
   LV_ModifyCol(A_Index, "AutoHdr")
LV_ModifyCol(7, "Sort")
L := Results.Length()
SB_SetText("   Found " . L . " solution" . (L <> 1 ? "s." : "."))
; Select a result from the ListView by double click
Gui, +OwnDialogs
If (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick") && (SelectedRow := LV_GetNext()) {
   LV_GetText(Q1, SelectedRow, 2)
   LV_GetText(Q2, SelectedRow, 3)
   LV_GetText(Q3, SelectedRow, 4)
   LV_GetText(Q4, SelectedRow, 5)
   LV_GetText(R, SelectedRow, 6)
   ; do what you want to do with the variables here
   MsgBox, 0, Selected Result, %Q1% %Q2% %Q3% %Q4% %R% ; just for testing

Re: LV_GetText without a ListView/GUI

Posted: 26 Feb 2018, 14:55
by Odlanir
Like this ?

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1
; Constant multipliers
P1 		:= 7.25
P2 		:= 6.53
P3 		:= 6.16
P4 		:= 5.43
Amount  := 30000
MinD    := 10 	; Minimum Deviation
MaxD    := 50 	; Maximum Deviation
UDR     := 15	; Maximum Results
UDD     := 3	; Maximum Delta ( 1 to 5  )
UDI     := 3	; Maximum Iterations (1 to 3 )
gosub Calculate

Num := Amount
Min := Num + MinD
Max := Num + MaxD
MaxLoopCount := UDI
MaxResults := UDR
MaxDelta := UDD * 48
Q := Floor(Num // (P1 + P2 + P3 + P4))
Q -= Mod(Q, 48)
If (Q < MaxDelta) {
   MsgBox, 16, %A_ThisLabel%, Cannot iterate %UDI% times!

Results := []
Loop {
   Q1 := Q2 := Q3 := Q4 := Q
   S1 := Q1 * P1
   Loop {
      S2 := S1 + (Q2 * P2)
      If (S2 >= Min)
      Q3 := Q
      Loop {
         S3 := S2 + (Q3 * P3)
         If (S3 >= Min)
         Q4 := Q
         Loop {
            S4 := S3 + (Q4 * P4)
            If (S4 >= Min) {
               If (S4 <= Max) {
                  R := (Q1 * P1) + (Q2 * P2) + (Q3 * P3) + (Q4 * P4)
                  D := 0
                  If ((Q2 - Q) > D)
                     D := Q2 - Q
                  If ((Q3 - Q) > D)
                     D := Q3 - Q
                  If ((Q4 - Q) > D)
                     D := Q4 - Q
                  If (D <= MaxDelta)
                     Results.Push([Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Round(R, 2), D])
                  If !(Results.Length() < MaxResults)
                     Break, 4
            Q4 += 48
         Q3 += 48
      Q2 += 48
   Q -= 48
} Until (A_Index >= MaxLoopCount)
str := "Found : " Results.Maxindex() " results:`nQ1`tQ2`tQ3`tQ4`tResult`tMax Delta`n"
For I, R In Results
    str .= R[1] "`t" R[2] "`t" R[3] "`t" R[4] "`t" R[5]  "`t" R[6] "`n"
MsgBox %str%


Re: LV_GetText without a ListView/GUI

Posted: 26 Feb 2018, 19:07
by ivill
Odlanir wrote:Like this ?

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1
; Constant multipliers
P1 		:= 7.25
P2 		:= 6.53
P3 		:= 6.16
P4 		:= 5.43
Amount  := 30000
MinD    := 10 	; Minimum Deviation
MaxD    := 50 	; Maximum Deviation
UDR     := 15	; Maximum Results
UDD     := 3	; Maximum Delta ( 1 to 5  )
UDI     := 3	; Maximum Iterations (1 to 3 )
gosub Calculate

Num := Amount
Min := Num + MinD
Max := Num + MaxD
MaxLoopCount := UDI
MaxResults := UDR
MaxDelta := UDD * 48
Q := Floor(Num // (P1 + P2 + P3 + P4))
Q -= Mod(Q, 48)
If (Q < MaxDelta) {
   MsgBox, 16, %A_ThisLabel%, Cannot iterate %UDI% times!

Results := []
Loop {
   Q1 := Q2 := Q3 := Q4 := Q
   S1 := Q1 * P1
   Loop {
      S2 := S1 + (Q2 * P2)
      If (S2 >= Min)
      Q3 := Q
      Loop {
         S3 := S2 + (Q3 * P3)
         If (S3 >= Min)
         Q4 := Q
         Loop {
            S4 := S3 + (Q4 * P4)
            If (S4 >= Min) {
               If (S4 <= Max) {
                  R := (Q1 * P1) + (Q2 * P2) + (Q3 * P3) + (Q4 * P4)
                  D := 0
                  If ((Q2 - Q) > D)
                     D := Q2 - Q
                  If ((Q3 - Q) > D)
                     D := Q3 - Q
                  If ((Q4 - Q) > D)
                     D := Q4 - Q
                  If (D <= MaxDelta)
                     Results.Push([Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Round(R, 2), D])
                  If !(Results.Length() < MaxResults)
                     Break, 4
            Q4 += 48
         Q3 += 48
      Q2 += 48
   Q -= 48
} Until (A_Index >= MaxLoopCount)
str := "Found : " Results.Maxindex() " results:`nQ1`tQ2`tQ3`tQ4`tResult`tMax Delta`n"
For I, R In Results
    str .= R[1] "`t" R[2] "`t" R[3] "`t" R[4] "`t" R[5]  "`t" R[6] "`n"
MsgBox %str%

Hi, @Odlanir, can i get only the values from the first row? please check attachment 1.png
1.png (4.52 KiB) Viewed 1817 times
the final output is as shown on the attachment 2.png
2.png (1.84 KiB) Viewed 1817 times

Re: LV_GetText without a ListView/GUI

Posted: 27 Feb 2018, 02:39
by Odlanir
Yes, replace with this:

Code: Select all

UDR     := 1	; Maximum Results
For I, R In Results
    str .= R[1] "`n" R[2] "`n" R[3] "`n" R[4] "`n" R[5]
MsgBox %str%

Re: LV_GetText without a ListView/GUI

Posted: 27 Feb 2018, 03:01
by ivill
Odlanir wrote:Yes, replace with this:

Code: Select all

UDR     := 1	; Maximum Results
For I, R In Results
    str .= R[1] "`n" R[2] "`n" R[3] "`n" R[4] "`n" R[5]
MsgBox %str%
How to call the R[1]-R[5], in order to use them later (not just the example MsgBox %str% )

Code: Select all

For I, R In Results
MsgBox, %R[1]% "`n" %R[2]% "`n" %R[3]% "`n" %R[4]% "`n" %R[5]% ;Error: illegal characters

Re: LV_GetText without a ListView/GUI

Posted: 27 Feb 2018, 03:14
by Odlanir
First, your Msgbox is wrong, should be:

Code: Select all

MsgBox % R[1] "`n" R[2] "`n" R[3] "`n" R[4] "`n" R[5]
Second, after 107 posts you're asking how to populate a variable with another variable contents ? Strange.

Code: Select all

blablabla := R[1]
ccccccc   := R[2]
agfhasgsf := R[3]
another1  := R[4]
thelast   := R[5]
You know what those values mean, so call the variables to be able to recognize them later in the script

Re: LV_GetText without a ListView/GUI

Posted: 27 Feb 2018, 03:23
by ivill
Odlanir wrote:First, your Msgbox is wrong, should be:

Code: Select all

MsgBox % R[1] "`n" R[2] "`n" R[3] "`n" R[4] "`n" R[5]
Second, after 107 posts you're asking how to populate a variable with another variable contents ? Strange.

Code: Select all

blablabla := R[1]
ccccccc   := R[2]
agfhasgsf := R[3]
another1  := R[4]
thelast   := R[5]
You know what those values mean, so call the variables to be able to recognize them later in the script
I'm sorry, you are brilliant, I just recognized how clumsy i am... I'm grateful for your instruction. gonna have try.