Minimum requirements: AutoHotkey, Windows Vista.
Required functions:
Code: Select all
loop Files, % DirName, D
return A_LoopFileAttrib
StrPutVar(string, ByRef var, encoding)
; Ensure capacity.
VarSetCapacity( var, StrPut(string, encoding)
; StrPut returns char count, but VarSetCapacity needs bytes.
* ((encoding="utf-16"||encoding="cp1200") ? 2 : 1) )
; Copy or convert the string.
return StrPut(string, &var, encoding)
} ;
Code: Select all
Displays a standard dialog that allows the user to select folder(s).
Owner / Title:
The identifier of the window that owns this dialog. This value can be zero.
An Array with the identifier of the owner window and the title. If the title is an empty string, it is set to the default.
The path to the directory selected by default. If the directory does not exist, it searches in higher directories.
Specify an Array with the custom directories that will be displayed in the left pane. Missing directories will be omitted.
To specify the location in the list, specify an Array with the directory and its location (0 = Lower, 1 = Upper).
Determines the behavior of the dialog. This parameter must be one or more of the following values.
0x00000200 (FOS_ALLOWMULTISELECT) = Enables the user to select multiple items in the open dialog.
0x00040000 (FOS_HIDEPINNEDPLACES) = Hide items shown by default in the view's navigation pane.
0x02000000 (FOS_DONTADDTORECENT) = Do not add the item being opened or saved to the recent documents list (SHAddToRecentDocs).
0x10000000 (FOS_FORCESHOWHIDDEN) = Include hidden and system items.
You can check all available values at
Returns zero if the user canceled the dialog, otherwise returns the path of the selected directory. The directory never ends with "\".
ChooseFolder(Owner, StartingFolder := "", CustomPlaces := "", Options := 0)
; IFileOpenDialog interface
local IFileOpenDialog := ComObjCreate("{DC1C5A9C-E88A-4DDE-A5A1-60F82A20AEF7}", "{D57C7288-D4AD-4768-BE02-9D969532D960}")
, Title := IsObject(Owner) ? Owner[2] . "" : ""
, Flags := 0x20 | Options ; FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS enumeration (
, IShellItem := PIDL := 0 ; PIDL recibe la dirección de memoria a la estructura ITEMIDLIST que debe ser liberada con la función CoTaskMemFree
, Obj := {}, foo := bar := ""
Owner := IsObject(Owner) ? Owner[1] : (WinExist("ahk_id" . Owner) ? Owner : 0)
CustomPlaces := IsObject(CustomPlaces) || CustomPlaces == "" ? CustomPlaces : [CustomPlaces]
while (InStr(StartingFolder, "\") && !DirExist(StartingFolder))
StartingFolder := SubStr(StartingFolder, 1, InStr(StartingFolder, "\",, -1) - 1)
if ( DirExist(StartingFolder) )
StrPutVar(StartingFolder, StartingFolderW, "UTF-16")
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHParseDisplayName", "UPtr", &StartingFolderW, "Ptr", 0, "UPtrP", PIDL, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0)
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHCreateShellItem", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr", PIDL, "UPtrP", IShellItem)
ObjRawSet(Obj, IShellItem, PIDL)
; IFileDialog::SetFolder method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+12*A_PtrSize), "Ptr", IFileOpenDialog, "UPtr", IShellItem)
if ( IsObject(CustomPlaces) )
local Directory := ""
For foo, Directory in CustomPlaces ; foo = index
foo := IsObject(Directory) ? Directory[2] : 0 ; FDAP enumeration (
if ( DirExist(Directory := IsObject(Directory) ? Directory[1] : Directory) )
StrPutVar(Directory, DirectoryW, "UTF-16")
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHParseDisplayName", "UPtr", &DirectoryW, "Ptr", 0, "UPtrP", PIDL, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0)
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHCreateShellItem", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr", PIDL, "UPtrP", IShellItem)
ObjRawSet(Obj, IShellItem, PIDL)
; IFileDialog::AddPlace method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+21*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileOpenDialog, "UPtr", IShellItem, "UInt", foo)
; IFileDialog::SetTitle method
StrPutVar(Title, TitleW, "UTF-16")
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+17*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileOpenDialog, "UPtr", Title == "" ? 0 : &TitleW)
; IFileDialog::SetOptions method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+9*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileOpenDialog, "UInt", Flags)
; IModalWindow::Show method
local Result := []
if ( !DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+3*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileOpenDialog, "Ptr", Owner, "UInt") )
; IFileOpenDialog::GetResults method
local IShellItemArray := 0 ; IShellItemArray interface (
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+27*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileOpenDialog, "UPtrP", IShellItemArray)
; IShellItemArray::GetCount method
local Count := 0 ; pdwNumItems
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IShellItemArray+0)+7*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IShellItemArray, "UIntP", Count)
local Buffer := ""
VarSetCapacity(Buffer, 32767 * 2)
loop % Count
; IShellItemArray::GetItemAt method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IShellItemArray+0)+8*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IShellItemArray, "UInt", A_Index-1, "UPtrP", IShellItem)
; IShellItem::GetDisplayName method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IShellItem+0)+5*A_PtrSize), "Ptr", IShellItem, "Int", 0x80028000, "PtrP", ptr:=0)
ObjRawSet(Obj, IShellItem, ptr), ObjPush(Result, RTrim(StrGet(ptr,"UTF-16"), "\"))
if (Result[A_Index] ~= "^::") ; handle "::{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}\Documents.library-ms" (library)
; SHLoadLibraryFromParsingName
VarSetCapacity(IID_IShellItem, 16)
DllCall("Ole32\CLSIDFromString", "Str", "{43826d1e-e718-42ee-bc55-a1e261c37bfe}", "Ptr", &IID_IShellItem)
DllCall("Shell32\SHCreateItemFromParsingName", "WStr", Result[A_Index], "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", &IID_IShellItem, "PtrP", IShellItem:=0)
IShellLibrary := ComObjCreate("{d9b3211d-e57f-4426-aaef-30a806add397}", "{11A66EFA-382E-451A-9234-1E0E12EF3085}")
; IShellLibrary::LoadLibraryFromItem
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IShellLibrary+0)+3*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IShellLibrary, "Ptr", IShellItem, "Int", 0)
IShellLibrary2 := ComObjQuery(IShellLibrary, "{11A66EFA-382E-451A-9234-1E0E12EF3085}")
VarSetCapacity(IID_IShellItemArray, 16)
DllCall("Ole32\CLSIDFromString", "Str", "{b63ea76d-1f85-456f-a19c-48159efa858b}", "Ptr", &IID_IShellItemArray)
; IShellLibrary::GetFolders method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IShellLibrary2+0)+7*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IShellLibrary2, "Int", 1, "Ptr", &IID_IShellItemArray, "PtrP", IShellItemArray:=0)
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IShellItemArray+0)+8*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IShellItemArray, "Int", 0, "PtrP", IShellItem0:=0)
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IShellItem0+0)+5*A_PtrSize), "Ptr", IShellItem0, "Int", 0x80028000, "PtrP", ptr:=0)
Result[A_Index] := StrGet(ptr, "UTF-16")
DllCall("Ole32\CoTaskMemFree", "Ptr", ptr)
for foo, bar in Obj ; foo = IShellItem interface (ptr) | bar = PIDL structure (ptr)
ObjRelease(foo), DllCall("Ole32.dll\CoTaskMemFree", "Ptr", bar)
return ObjLength(Result) ? ( Options & 0x200 ? Result : Result[1] ) : FALSE
Code: Select all
Result := ChooseFolder( [0, "Dialog title - ChooseFolder.."]
, A_WinDir . "\System32\Non-existent folder\"
, [A_WinDir,A_Desktop,A_Temp,A_Startup,A_ProgramFiles]
, 0x10000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x00000200 )
List := ""
For Each, Directory in Result
List .= Directory . "`n"
MsgBox % List
Code: Select all
Displays a standard dialog that allows the user to open file(s).
Owner / Title:
The identifier of the window that owns this dialog. This value can be zero.
An Array with the identifier of the owner window and the title. If the title is an empty string, it is set to the default.
The path to the file or directory selected by default. If you specify a directory, it must end with a backslash.
Specify a file filter. You must specify an object, each key represents the description and the value the file types.
To specify the filter selected by default, add the "`n" character to the value.
Specify an Array with the custom directories that will be displayed in the left pane. Missing directories will be omitted.
To specify the location in the list, specify an Array with the directory and its location (0 = Lower, 1 = Upper).
Determines the behavior of the dialog. This parameter must be one or more of the following values.
0x00000200 (FOS_ALLOWMULTISELECT) = Enables the user to select multiple items in the open dialog.
0x00001000 (FOS_FILEMUSTEXIST) = The item returned must exist.
0x00040000 (FOS_HIDEPINNEDPLACES) = Hide items shown by default in the view's navigation pane.
0x02000000 (FOS_DONTADDTORECENT) = Do not add the item being opened or saved to the recent documents list (SHAddToRecentDocs).
0x10000000 (FOS_FORCESHOWHIDDEN) = Include hidden and system items.
You can check all available values at
Returns 0 if the user canceled the dialog, otherwise returns the path of the selected file.
If you specified the FOS_ALLOWMULTISELECT option and the function succeeded, it returns an Array with the path of the selected files.
ChooseFile(Owner, FileName := "", Filter := "", CustomPlaces := "", Options := 0x1000)
; IFileOpenDialog interface
local IFileOpenDialog := ComObjCreate("{DC1C5A9C-E88A-4DDE-A5A1-60F82A20AEF7}", "{D57C7288-D4AD-4768-BE02-9D969532D960}")
, Title := IsObject(Owner) ? Owner[2] . "" : ""
, Flags := Options ; FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS enumeration (
, IShellItem := PIDL := 0 ; PIDL recibe la dirección de memoria a la estructura ITEMIDLIST que debe ser liberada con la función CoTaskMemFree
, Obj := {COMDLG_FILTERSPEC: ""}, foo := bar := ""
, Directory := FileName
Owner := IsObject(Owner) ? Owner[1] : (WinExist("ahk_id" . Owner) ? Owner : 0)
Filter := IsObject(Filter) ? Filter : {"All files": "*.*"}
if ( FileName != "" )
if ( InStr(FileName, "\") )
if !( FileName ~= "\\$" ) ; si «FileName» termina con "\" se trata de una carpeta
local File := ""
SplitPath FileName, File, Directory
; IFileDialog::SetFileName
StrPutVar(File, FileW, "UTF-16")
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+15*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileOpenDialog, "UPtr", &FileW)
while ( InStr(Directory,"\") && !DirExist(Directory) ) ; si el directorio no existe buscamos directorios superiores
Directory := SubStr(Directory, 1, InStr(Directory, "\",, -1) - 1) ; recupera el directorio superior
if ( DirExist(Directory) )
StrPutVar(Directory, DirectoryW, "UTF-16")
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHParseDisplayName", "UPtr", &DirectoryW, "Ptr", 0, "UPtrP", PIDL, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0)
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHCreateShellItem", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr", PIDL, "UPtrP", IShellItem)
ObjRawSet(Obj, IShellItem, PIDL)
; IFileDialog::SetFolder method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+12*A_PtrSize), "Ptr", IFileOpenDialog, "UPtr", IShellItem)
StrPutVar(FileName, FileNameW, "UTF-16")
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+15*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileOpenDialog, "UPtr", &FileNameW)
local Description := "", FileTypes := "", FileTypeIndex := 1
ObjSetCapacity(Obj, "COMDLG_FILTERSPEC", 2*Filter.Count() * A_PtrSize)
for Description, FileTypes in Filter
FileTypeIndex := InStr(FileTypes,"`n") ? A_Index : FileTypeIndex
StrPutVar(Trim(Description), desc_%A_Index%, "UTF-16")
StrPutVar(Trim(StrReplace(FileTypes,"`n")), ft_%A_Index%, "UTF-16")
NumPut(&desc_%A_Index%, ObjGetAddress(Obj,"COMDLG_FILTERSPEC") + A_PtrSize * 2*(A_Index-1)) ; COMDLG_FILTERSPEC.pszName
NumPut(&ft_%A_Index%, ObjGetAddress(Obj,"COMDLG_FILTERSPEC") + A_PtrSize * (2*(A_Index-1)+1)) ; COMDLG_FILTERSPEC.pszSpec
; IFileDialog::SetFileTypes method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+4*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileOpenDialog, "UInt", Filter.Count(), "UPtr", ObjGetAddress(Obj,"COMDLG_FILTERSPEC"))
; IFileDialog::SetFileTypeIndex method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+5*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileOpenDialog, "UInt", FileTypeIndex)
if ( IsObject(CustomPlaces := IsObject(CustomPlaces) || CustomPlaces == "" ? CustomPlaces : [CustomPlaces]) )
for foo, Directory in CustomPlaces ; foo = index
foo := IsObject(Directory) ? Directory[2] : 0 ; FDAP enumeration (
if ( DirExist(Directory := IsObject(Directory) ? Directory[1] : Directory) )
StrPutVar(Directory, DirectoryW, "UTF-16")
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHParseDisplayName", "UPtr", &DirectoryW, "Ptr", 0, "UPtrP", PIDL, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0)
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHCreateShellItem", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr", PIDL, "UPtrP", IShellItem)
ObjRawSet(Obj, IShellItem, PIDL)
; IFileDialog::AddPlace method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+21*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileOpenDialog, "UPtr", IShellItem, "UInt", foo)
; IFileDialog::SetTitle method
StrPutVar(Title, TitleW, "UTF-16")
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+17*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileOpenDialog, "UPtr", Title == "" ? 0 : &TitleW)
; IFileDialog::SetOptions method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+9*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileOpenDialog, "UInt", Flags)
; IModalWindow::Show method
local Result := []
if ( !DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+3*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileOpenDialog, "Ptr", Owner, "UInt") )
; IFileOpenDialog::GetResults method
local IShellItemArray := 0 ; IShellItemArray interface (
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileOpenDialog+0)+27*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileOpenDialog, "UPtrP", IShellItemArray)
; IShellItemArray::GetCount method
local Count := 0 ; pdwNumItems
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IShellItemArray+0)+7*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IShellItemArray, "UIntP", Count, "UInt")
local Buffer := ""
loop % 0*VarSetCapacity(Buffer,32767 * 2) + Count
; IShellItemArray::GetItemAt method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IShellItemArray+0)+8*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IShellItemArray, "UInt", A_Index-1, "UPtrP", IShellItem)
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHGetIDListFromObject", "UPtr", IShellItem, "UPtrP", PIDL)
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHGetPathFromIDListEx", "UPtr", PIDL, "Str", Buffer, "UInt", 32767, "UInt", 0)
ObjRawSet(Obj, IShellItem, PIDL), ObjPush(Result, StrGet(&Buffer, "UTF-16"))
for foo, bar in Obj ; foo = IShellItem interface (ptr) | bar = PIDL structure (ptr)
if foo is integer ; IShellItem?
ObjRelease(foo), DllCall("Ole32.dll\CoTaskMemFree", "UPtr", bar)
return ObjLength(Result) ? (Options & 0x200 ? Result : Result[1]) : FALSE
Code: Select all
Result := ChooseFile( [0, "Dialog title - ChooseFile.."]
, A_ComSpec
, {All: "`n*.*", Music: "*.mp3", Images: "*.jpg;*.png", Videos: "*.avi;*.mp4;*.mkv;*.wmp", Documents: "*.txt"}
, [A_WinDir,A_Desktop,A_Temp,A_Startup,A_ProgramFiles]
, 0x10000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x00000200 | 0x00001000 )
If ((List := "") == "" && Result != FALSE)
For Each, File in Result
List .= File . "`n"
MsgBox % List
Code: Select all
Displays a standard dialog that allows the user to save a file.
Owner / Title:
The identifier of the window that owns this dialog. This value can be zero.
An Array with the identifier of the owner window and the title. If the title is an empty string, it is set to the default.
The path to the file or directory selected by default. If you specify a directory, it must end with a backslash.
Specify a file filter. You must specify an object, each key represents the description and the value the file types.
To specify the filter selected by default, add the "`n" character to the value.
Specify an Array with the custom directories that will be displayed in the left pane. Missing directories will be omitted.
To specify the location in the list, specify an Array with the directory and its location (0 = Lower, 1 = Upper).
Determines the behavior of the dialog. This parameter must be one or more of the following values.
0x00000002 (FOS_OVERWRITEPROMPT) = When saving a file, prompt before overwriting an existing file of the same name.
0x00000004 (FOS_STRICTFILETYPES) = Only allow the user to choose a file that has one of the file name extensions specified through Filter.
0x00040000 (FOS_HIDEPINNEDPLACES) = Hide items shown by default in the view's navigation pane.
0x10000000 (FOS_FORCESHOWHIDDEN) = Include hidden and system items.
0x02000000 (FOS_DONTADDTORECENT) = Do not add the item being opened or saved to the recent documents list (SHAddToRecentDocs).
You can check all available values at
Returns 0 if the user canceled the dialog, otherwise returns the path of the selected file.
SaveFile(Owner, FileName := "", Filter := "", CustomPlaces := "", Options := 0x6)
; IFileSaveDialog interface
local IFileSaveDialog := ComObjCreate("{C0B4E2F3-BA21-4773-8DBA-335EC946EB8B}", "{84BCCD23-5FDE-4CDB-AEA4-AF64B83D78AB}")
, Title := IsObject(Owner) ? Owner[2] . "" : ""
, Flags := Options ; FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS enumeration (
, IShellItem := PIDL := 0 ; PIDL recibe la dirección de memoria a la estructura ITEMIDLIST que debe ser liberada con la función CoTaskMemFree
, Obj := {}, foo := bar := ""
, Directory := FileName
Owner := IsObject(Owner) ? Owner[1] : (WinExist("ahk_id" . Owner) ? Owner : 0)
Filter := IsObject(Filter) ? Filter : {"All files": "*.*"}
if ( FileName != "" )
if ( InStr(FileName, "\") )
if !( FileName ~= "\\$" ) ; si «FileName» termina con "\" se trata de una carpeta
local File := ""
SplitPath FileName, File, Directory
; IFileDialog::SetFileName
StrPutVar(File, FileW, "UTF-16")
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileSaveDialog+0)+15*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileSaveDialog, "UPtr", &FileW)
while ( InStr(Directory,"\") && !DirExist(Directory) ) ; si el directorio no existe buscamos directorios superiores
Directory := SubStr(Directory, 1, InStr(Directory, "\",, -1) - 1) ; recupera el directorio superior
if ( DirExist(Directory) )
StrPutVar(Directory, DirectoryW, "UTF-16")
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHParseDisplayName", "UPtr", &DirectoryW, "Ptr", 0, "UPtrP", PIDL, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0)
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHCreateShellItem", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr", PIDL, "UPtrP", IShellItem)
ObjRawSet(Obj, IShellItem, PIDL)
; IFileDialog::SetFolder method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileSaveDialog+0)+12*A_PtrSize), "Ptr", IFileSaveDialog, "UPtr", IShellItem)
StrPutVar(FileName, FileNameW, "UTF-16")
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileSaveDialog+0)+15*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileSaveDialog, "UPtr", &FileNameW)
local Description := "", FileTypes := "", FileTypeIndex := 1
ObjSetCapacity(Obj, "COMDLG_FILTERSPEC", 2*Filter.Count() * A_PtrSize)
for Description, FileTypes in Filter
FileTypeIndex := InStr(FileTypes,"`n") ? A_Index : FileTypeIndex
StrPutVar(Trim(Description), desc_%A_Index%, "UTF-16")
StrPutVar(Trim(StrReplace(FileTypes,"`n")), ft_%A_Index%, "UTF-16")
NumPut(&desc_%A_Index%, ObjGetAddress(Obj,"COMDLG_FILTERSPEC") + A_PtrSize * 2*(A_Index-1)) ; COMDLG_FILTERSPEC.pszName
NumPut(&ft_%A_Index%, ObjGetAddress(Obj,"COMDLG_FILTERSPEC") + A_PtrSize * (2*(A_Index-1)+1)) ; COMDLG_FILTERSPEC.pszSpec
; IFileDialog::SetFileTypes method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileSaveDialog+0)+4*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileSaveDialog, "UInt", Filter.Count(), "UPtr", ObjGetAddress(Obj,"COMDLG_FILTERSPEC"))
; IFileDialog::SetFileTypeIndex method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileSaveDialog+0)+5*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileSaveDialog, "UInt", FileTypeIndex)
if ( IsObject(CustomPlaces := IsObject(CustomPlaces) || CustomPlaces == "" ? CustomPlaces : [CustomPlaces]) )
for foo, Directory in CustomPlaces ; foo = index
foo := IsObject(Directory) ? Directory[2] : 0 ; FDAP enumeration (
if ( DirExist(Directory := IsObject(Directory) ? Directory[1] : Directory) )
StrPutVar(Directory, DirectoryW, "UTF-16")
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHParseDisplayName", "UPtr", &DirectoryW, "Ptr", 0, "UPtrP", PIDL, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0)
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHCreateShellItem", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr", PIDL, "UPtrP", IShellItem)
ObjRawSet(Obj, IShellItem, PIDL)
; IFileDialog::AddPlace method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileSaveDialog+0)+21*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileSaveDialog, "UPtr", IShellItem, "UInt", foo)
; IFileDialog::SetTitle method
StrPutVar(Title, TitleW, "UTF-16")
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileSaveDialog+0)+17*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileSaveDialog, "UPtr", Title == "" ? 0 : &TitleW)
; IFileDialog::SetOptions method
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileSaveDialog+0)+9*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileSaveDialog, "UInt", Flags)
; IModalWindow::Show method
local Result := FALSE
if ( !DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileSaveDialog+0)+3*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileSaveDialog, "Ptr", Owner, "UInt") )
; IFileDialog::GetResult method
if ( !DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IFileSaveDialog+0)+20*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IFileSaveDialog, "UPtrP", IShellItem) )
VarSetCapacity(Result, 32767 * 2, 0)
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHGetIDListFromObject", "UPtr", IShellItem, "UPtrP", PIDL)
DllCall("Shell32.dll\SHGetPathFromIDListEx", "UPtr", PIDL, "Str", Result, "UInt", 2000, "UInt", 0)
Result := StrGet(&Result, "UTF-16")
ObjRawSet(Obj, IShellItem, PIDL)
for foo, bar in Obj ; foo = IShellItem interface (ptr) | bar = PIDL structure (ptr)
if foo is integer ; IShellItem?
ObjRelease(foo), DllCall("Ole32.dll\CoTaskMemFree", "UPtr", bar)
return Result
Code: Select all
MsgBox % SaveFile( [0, "Dialog title - SaveFile.."]
, A_ComSpec
, {Music: "*.mp3", Images: "`n*.jpg;*.png", Videos: "*.avi;*.mp4;*.mkv;*.wmp", Documents: "*.txt"}
, [A_WinDir,A_Desktop,A_Temp,A_Startup,A_ProgramFiles]
, 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x10000000 | 0x02000000 )
aldrinjohnom⠀ wrote:Can you translate this code into the function you are talking about:
FileSelectFile invfile, S24,, save the file with your chosen extension, text(*.txt)|Document(*.doc)|Music(*.mp3)|Video(*.mp4)
Code: Select all
R := SaveFile( [0, "save the file with your chosen extension"] ; [owner, title/prompt]
, "" ; RootDir\Filename
, {Text: "*.txt", Decument: "*.doc", Music: "*.mp3", Video: "*.mp4"} ; Filter
, "" ; CustomPlaces
, 2) ; Options ( 2 = FOS_OVERWRITEPROMPT )
MsgBox % R