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Help, script not working

Posted: 18 Dec 2018, 02:43
by AreZ
i found this script on forum but it is not working.
Anyone know why?

Code: Select all


SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
CoordMode, Mouse, Window
SendMode Input
#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
SetControlDelay 1
SetWinDelay 0
SetKeyDelay -1
SetMouseDelay -1
SetBatchLines -1

SetTimer, Macro1, 1000
CoordMode, Pixel, Window
PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 510, 618, 717, 680, 0xFFF56B, 0, Fast RGB
Until ErrorLevel = 0
If ErrorLevel = 0
Send, {LControl Down}{r}{LControl Up}
Sleep, 10
Send, {LControl Down}{q}{LControl Up}
Sleep, 10
Send, {LControl Down}{e}{LControl Up}
Sleep, 10
Send, {LControl Down}{w}{LControl Up}



Re: Help, script not working

Posted: 18 Dec 2018, 04:51
by hymal7
delete the 1st line that says AutoLVLup

Re: Help, script not working

Posted: 18 Dec 2018, 19:35
by AreZ
Yeah i tried deleting the first line, still not working.
Let me explain what the code is suppose to do, it is for League Of Legends, it should automatically level up skills, by pressing and holding left ctrl and pressing any of the letters q-w-e-r.
But for some reason it is not working.
Thnx for helping

Re: Help, script not working

Posted: 19 Dec 2018, 19:31
by AreZ

Re: Help, script not working  Topic is solved

Posted: 19 Dec 2018, 21:18
by Scr1pter
Are you sure about Pixel color and position?
Maybe the game was updated so that the script won't work.
It's normal that devs improve the UI of a game.

Use MouseGetPos and PixelGetColor to find it out.
In that case you will have to modify the script.


Re: Help, script not working

Posted: 20 Dec 2018, 14:25
by AreZ
Yeah you are probably right. I am new to ahk so i dont know how to do that. Tried looking for tutorials but still dont understand it.
Anyways thank you.