Organise downloaded content from Gmail Topic is solved

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Organise downloaded content from Gmail  Topic is solved

22 Dec 2018, 13:14

Hi all,

A short introduction. As a consultant, customers can send me files every day, for inspection/testing/output/... Emails are sent to Gmail. I need to download and organize these incoming files properly. I download the files from Gmail to my Downloads folder.

I created a working script to:
- close the 'Show all' button in Google Chrome (notification bar at the bottom of the browser page). It's annoying.
- ask for a customer name. The top 5 customers can be chosen with 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5. Otherwise, enter a name
- ask for the number of most recent files I download. Usually 1 (default value) but it could be much more too. Say, x files.
- get the x most recent files from the Downloads folder
- move the files to a folder containing:
* customer name
* the month (yyyy-mm)
* the day (yyyy-mm-dd)
- files are moved, so deleted from the Downloads folder. I don't need them twice
- in case a zip file is among the most recent x files, it's unzipped in the destination folder using 7zip. Criteria: file extension is 7z / zip / rar
- a new Windows Explorer window is started, pointing to the first file in the destination folder

The shortcut is Ctrl-Shift-F5, start if from the Gmail page / Google Chrome browser. The listing below is self-contained.

Any remarks and improvements are welcome ! Enjoy !

Code: Select all

WinGetClass, class, A
if (class="Chrome_WidgetWin_1")
Send ^j
Sleep 1000
Send ^w

InputBox, Customer, Folder for customer,Choose your customer:`n`n   (1) = Enter customer name 1`n   (2) = Enter customer name 2`n   (3) = Enter customer name 3`n   (4) = Enter customer name 4`n   (5) = Enter customer name 5,,,300,,,,,1
If ErrorLevel
   MsgBox, %c_Msg_Cancel%

if Customer is integer
if Customer = 1
  Customer = Enter customer name 1
else if Customer = 2
  Customer = Enter customer name 2
else if Customer = 3
  Customer = Enter customer name 3
else if Customer = 4
  Customer = Enter customer name 4
else if Customer = 5
  Customer = Enter customer name 5
  ; MsgBox, %c_Msg_Invalid_Choice%
  ; this combination is allowed too ==> create your own new case
  ; Return

; getting the day and month
myNow := % A_Now
FormatTime, currentMonth, % myNow, yyyy-MM
FormatTime, currentDay, % myNow, yyyy-MM-dd

sFilePath = D:\Consultancy\%Customer%\%currentMonth%\%currentDay%

if isValidFileName(sFilePath) != 0
msgbox Something's wrong: %sFilePath%
InputBox, nr_of_files, , Enter number of most recent files to be moved:,,,,,,,, 1
If ErrorLevel
   MsgBox, %c_Msg_Cancel%

if (nr_of_files >= 0)
FileCreateDir %sFilePath%
    loop % nr_of_files
           newestFile :=
           newestFile_File_Only :=
           newestFile_is_zip := 0
           Loop, D:\Z_Rest\Downloads\*.*
              If ( SubStr( A_LoopFileName, 1, 1 ) != "~" )
                 If modTime < %A_LoopFileTimeModified%
                    modTime := A_LoopFileTimeModified
                    newestFile := A_LoopFileFullPath
                    newestFile_File_Only := A_LoopFileName
                    if A_LoopFileExt in "zip,7z,rar,"
                       newestFile_is_zip = 1
           ; Track and move the most recent file
           If newestFile !=
                  FileDelete, %sFilePath%\%newestFile_File_Only%
                  ; 7 zip unzipping (based on:
                  if newestFile_is_zip = 1
                      if (A_Is64bitOS = 1)
                          runwait, "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x "%newestFile%" -o"%sFilePath%" -y,,hide
                          runwait, "C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe" x "%newestFile%" -o"%sFilePath%" -y,,hide
                      ; msgbox, 7zip has finished extracting "%newestFile%".
                      FileDelete, %newestFile%
                      FileMove, %newestFile%, %sFilePath%

; select the first file in the output folder, if not possible, select the folder
Sleep 300
Loop, %sFilePath%\*.*
	; Run, %A_LoopFileLongPath%
    found := 1
	Run %COMSPEC% /c explorer.exe /select`, "%A_LoopFileLongPath%",, Hide
If Not Found
    Run %COMSPEC% /c explorer.exe /select`, "%sFilePath%",, Hide

isValidFileName(_fileName, _isLong=true)
    forbiddenChars := _isLong ? "[<>|""\\/:*?]" : "[;=+<>|""\]\[\\/']"
    ErrorLevel := RegExMatch( _fileName , forbiddenChars )
    Return ! ErrorLevel

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