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hotkeys sometimes don't work

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 16:31
by agreyfield91
I have the following script to switch my windows key and alt key:

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.


SetTitleMatchMode 2
SendMode Input


My problem is, when I try to alt-tab with my new hotkey using win-tab, sometimes it doesn't work. I notice this especially when I try to alt-tab after not using the hotkey for awhile - it will only register the tab.

Why is this? I got #UseHook from another post, but it didn't help. If the answer to this has already been posted somewhere, please let me know where to go.

Re: hotkeys sometimes don't work

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 16:50
by mast4rwang
What is the purpose of using hook commands in your script?

Re: hotkeys sometimes don't work

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 16:53
by agreyfield91
I'm not sure - I'm new to ahk, so followed what others did. Is that causing the issue?

Re: hotkeys sometimes don't work

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 18:50
by Scr1pter
I don't really understand the sense of your code.
You either remap it, or you don't.

Remove LAlt::LWin if you want your lwin key to behave like LAlt.


Re: hotkeys sometimes don't work

Posted: 18 Jan 2019, 19:54
by agreyfield91
Wouldn't I be just left with two keys with the same functionality then? I'm trying to swap their actions.