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Auto-start script in non-elevated mode?

Posted: 09 Mar 2019, 17:32
by KilliK

Is there a way to auto-start a script in non-elevated mode, when you load it from an elevated command prompt or file manager?
I know how to make it auto-start in admin mode, but I cant find anything for the opposite way.

Re: Auto-start script in non-elevated mode?

Posted: 09 Mar 2019, 18:39
by RickC
You could call psexec (, for example:

Code: Select all

Run, psexec.exe -l -d non-admin.exe
or use Task Scheduler and specify a non-privileged user account to use.

Re: Auto-start script in non-elevated mode?

Posted: 09 Mar 2019, 18:45
by jeeswg
Try this. Cheers.
Reloading: Admin to Non-Admin - AutoHotkey Community