Creating a pseudo pip window causes extreme lag when Window is active

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Creating a pseudo pip window causes extreme lag when Window is active

13 Jun 2019, 13:36

Hey all been working on a few QoL features on my "hotkey" script (its been deformed from hotkey to menu based to toggle actions but same idea) and one of the ideas I had is creating a pseudo pip mode for any active window. The basic idea is that I would toggle the action in my menu then click the 2 corners of the window I want to have be pip mode. Which would look something like this:

Code: Select all

KeyWait, LButton, D ; Wait for first click
MouseGetPos, X1, Y1 ;Store Top Left Corner
KeyWait, LButton ;Wait for Left mouse to be unclicked
KeyWait, LButton, D ;Wait for 2nd click
MouseGetPos, X2, Y2 ;Store Bottom Right Corner
WinSet, Region, %X1%-%Y1% %X2%-%Y1% %X2%-%Y2% %X1%-%Y2%, A ;Crops the Region of the Active window to only show the area between the clicks
Pardon if it doesn't work as I tore the code away from my working script as it was causing extreme lag when in use. This is just a quick idea of how I was going about it so I might be able to get some help with the actual issue. It seems like the lag is primarily related to having the window with the transparency being the active window as if I toggle alwaysontop and then click through to a separate window the lag disappears. Any ideas/better ways to handle this to eliminate the lag issue?

As a seperate minor issue is there any way to remove the title bar from windows? It has caused minor issues in the workflow as I would need to toggle the alwaysontop aspect off to get to the parts that I actually need to use, before going back to the window in pip mode and toggling it back on.

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