Webbrowser (Shell.Explorer): Adding item via AHK to an JS-Array of objects

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Webbrowser (Shell.Explorer): Adding item via AHK to an JS-Array of objects

01 Nov 2019, 16:29


I have a crazy problem. When I try to add an item with Object.push( AHK_NewObject ) to an existing JS-Array of objects, the added object is empty. JS-Array of objects in my <script>-section like:

Code: Select all

var JS_ArrayOfObjects = [
  { id: 1, color: "green" } ,
  { id: 2, color: "yellow"}
] ;

Code: Select all

AHK_ArrayOfObjects := WB.document.parentWindow.JS_ArrayOfObjects
AHK_NewObject := { id: 3, color: "red" }
AHK_ArrayOfObjects.push( AHK_NewObject  )
The resulting JS_ArrayOfObjects is

Code: Select all

  { id: 1, color: "green" } ,
  { id: 2, color: "yellow"} ,
] ;
Any hints are highly appreciated!

Edit: Webbrowser in IE11-mode!

Many thanks and greetings
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Re: Webbrowser (Shell.Explorer): Adding item via AHK to an JS-Array of objects

01 Nov 2019, 18:28

No, you can't push ahk-objects to js-objects, these are completely different objects. The only way is to turn ahk-object to the js-like string, and then push this string to js-object in the js context, eg:

Code: Select all

script =
var JS_ArrayOfObjects = [
  { id: 1, color: "green" } ,
  { id: 2, color: "yellow"}
] ;

JS := GetJS()

AHK_NewObject := { id: 3, color: "red" }
jsStr := ObjToString(AHK_NewObject)

JS.eval("JS_ArrayOfObjects.push(" . jsStr . ")")

GetJS() {
   static doc := ComObjCreate("htmlfile")
        , _ := doc.write("<meta http-equiv=""X-UA-Compatible"" content=""IE=11"">")
        , JS := doc.parentWindow
   Return JS

ObjToString(obj) {
   if IsObject( obj ) {
      isArray := true
      for key in obj {
         if IsObject(key)
            throw Exception("Invalid key")
         if !( key = A_Index || isArray := false )
      for k, v in obj
         str .= ( A_Index = 1 ? "" : "," ) . ( isArray ? "" : """" . k . """:" ) . ObjToString(v)

      Return isArray ? "[" str "]" : "{" str "}"
   else if !(obj*1 = "" || RegExMatch(obj, "\s"))
      Return obj
   for k, v in [["\", "\\"], [A_Tab, "\t"], ["""", "\"""], ["/", "\/"], ["`n", "\n"], ["`r", "\r"], [Chr(12), "\f"], [Chr(08), "\b"]]
      obj := StrReplace( obj, v[1], v[2] )

   Return """" obj """"
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Re: Webbrowser (Shell.Explorer): Adding item via AHK to an JS-Array of objects

01 Nov 2019, 19:57

Yeah, when you send an ahk object to JS that is exactly what you get in JS, an AHK object. You can still reference the keys though

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