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AHK and Bass.dll

Posted: 18 Nov 2013, 20:35
by PuzzledGreatly
I've started looking at Bass.dll but have little to no idea how to get it working with AHK. I got the script kindly provided by tmplinshi to work but could do with more examples to stop, start and loop a file. I looked on the old forum and saw some posts about bass.ahk but couldn't find that library and suspect that it is out of date (I'm using AHK_L 64 bit). Any chance someone could give me some pointers about bass.dll with AutoHotKey. Thanks.

Re: AHK and Bass.dll

Posted: 20 Nov 2013, 16:20
by emmanuel d
i have my one mediaplayer with bass but im on xp and 32bit so your dllcalls wil differ

and with the new ahk versions my scripts fail.

Re: AHK and Bass.dll

Posted: 20 Nov 2013, 19:11
by PuzzledGreatly
Thanks for the reply. just me kindly supplied code to loop using Winmm.dll in this thread. I'm interested in it but I think Bass.dll is beyond my current needs.