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Multicolor text

Posted: 03 Feb 2020, 10:06
by Pilu

how can i coloring the words in the parts of sentence?
Is it passible?

I would like this : THIS is a test

Code: Select all

text1 := "This" ;<--Blue
text2 := " is"     ;<--Black
text3 := " a"     ;<--red
text4 := " test" ;<--green

All := text1 text2 text3 text4

Gui, add, Text, x2 y10 w100 h20, % all
Gui show, AutoSize

Re: Multicolor text

Posted: 03 Feb 2020, 10:12
by cefay

Code: Select all

Gui, Add, Text, Section cBlue, Blue
Gui, Add, Text, Section ys cGreen, Green
Gui, Add, Text, Section ys cRed, Red
Gui, Show,, Colours

Re: Multicolor text

Posted: 03 Feb 2020, 10:13
by boiler
text1 := "This" ;<--Blue
text2 := " is" ;<--Black
text3 := " a" ;<--red
text4 := " test" ;<--green
colors := ["Blue", "Black", "Red", "Green"]

loop, 4
Gui, Font, % "c" colors[A_Index]
Gui, Add, Text, % (A_Index = 1 ? "x2" : "x+1") . " y10 h20", % text%A_Index%
Gui show, AutoSize

Re: Multicolor text

Posted: 03 Feb 2020, 10:23
by scriptor2016

Code: Select all

gui, font, s20
gui, add, text, cRed x15 y0, T
gui, add, text, cBlue x30 y0, E
gui, add, text, cLime x45 y0, X
gui, add, text, cGreen x62 y0, T
gui, show, x200 y200 w200 h100, MyGUI

Re: Multicolor text

Posted: 03 Feb 2020, 10:26
by cefay
@scriptor2016 I thing your idea is really bad even if we use monospaced font

Re: Multicolor text  Topic is solved

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 05:58
by SpeedMaster
Use monospaced font + colored layers + function sliceword() 8-)

Code: Select all

gui, font, s12, consolas

var:="This is a test.`nHow can i coloring the words in the parts of sentence ?"

gui, add, text, w500 h60  , % var
gui, add, text, xp yp wp hp  cred backgroundtrans ,  % SliceWord(var, " a | can |words |of ")
gui, add, text, xp yp wp hp cblue backgroundtrans ,  % SliceWord(var, "This | i | in |the")
gui, add, text, xp yp wp hp  cgreen backgroundtrans ,  % SliceWord(var, " test.|How |coloring |parts")
gui, add, text, xp yp wp hp cpurple backgroundtrans ,  % SliceWord(var, "sentence")

gui, show,  h200


SliceWord(text, words) {
X:=1, output := ""
if (text) && (!words)
return regexreplace(text, "(?!\v).", " ")

while (X := RegExMatch(text, "(.*?)(" words "|\v)", M, X+StrLen(M)))
	output .= Spaces(StrLen(M1)) M2
return output

	Loop %x%
		Result .= " "
	return Result

Re: Multicolor text

Posted: 05 Feb 2020, 06:15
by Pilu
Thanks the answer SpeedMaster, boiler those solutions is good.

I would like to add the moving text script. So the looping variant is not work.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance, force

	Gui +hwndGUIHWND
	MovingText:= "This is a test"
	Gui, Add, Text, x10 y50 vMovingText_V, % MovingText
	Gui, Show, Center w300
	WinGetPos, , , Gui_Width, , ahk_id %GUIHWND%
	GuiControl, Move, MovingText_V, % "x" MovingText_X1
	SetTimer, StartMoving, 10

	if (MovingText_X2="")
		if (MovingText_X2<-MovingText_Width)
	GuiControl, Move, MovingText_V, % "x" MovingText_X2


; Function: Fnt_GetStringSize
; Description:
;   Calculates the width and height (in pixels) of a string of text.
; Parameters:
;   hFont - Handle to a logical font.  Set to 0 to use the default GUI font.
;   p_String - The string to be measured.
;   r_Width, r_Height - Output variables. [Optional] These variables are loaded
;       with the width and height of the string.
; Returns:
;   Address to a SIZE structure if successful, otherwise FALSE.
; Remarks:
;   LF (Line Feed) and/or CR+LF (Carriage Return and Line Feed) characters are
;   not considered when calculating the height of the string.
; Observations:
;   The width of the tab character is usually determined by the control, not by
;   the font, so including tab characters in the string may not produce the
;   desired results.
Fnt_GetStringSize(hFont,p_String,ByRef r_Width="",ByRef r_Height="")
    Static Dummy6596
          ,HWND_DESKTOP    :=0

    ;-- Workaround for AutoHotkey Basic
    PtrType:=(A_PtrSize=8) ? "Ptr":"UInt"

    ;-- If needed, get the handle to the default GUI font
    if not hFont

    ;-- Select the font into the device context for the desktop
    hDC      :=DllCall("GetDC",PtrType,HWND_DESKTOP)

    ;-- Get string size
        ,PtrType,hDC                                    ;-- hDC
        ,"Str",p_String                                 ;-- lpString
        ,"Int",StrLen(p_String)                         ;-- c (string length)
        ,PtrType,&SIZE)                                 ;-- lpSize

    ;-- Housekeeping
        ;-- Necessary to avoid memory leak


    ;-- Return to sender
    if RC
        r_Width :=NumGet(SIZE,0,"Int")
        Return &SIZE
        Return False

; Function: Fnt_GetStringWidth
; Description:
;   Calculates the width of a string of text.
; Returns:
;   The width of the string of text if successful, otherwise -1.
; Calls To Other Functions:
; * <Fnt_GetStringSize>
; Remarks:
;   This function is just a call to <Fnt_GetStringSize> to get the width of a
;   string.  Note that there is no associated "GetStringHeight"  function
;   because the height of a string is the same as the font height.  In addition
;   to <Fnt_GetStringSize>, the height can collected from <Fnt_GetFontHeight>.
    Return (pSIZE:=Fnt_GetStringSize(hFont,p_String)) ? NumGet(pSIZE+0,0,"Int"):-1