Improved SendTo dialog Topic is solved

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Improved SendTo dialog

24 Apr 2020, 15:40

Hi all,

I was thinking along the following lines. Out of the entire filesystem and folder structure of my hard drive, about 30 folders are important. I have 1 START folder that contains a shortcut to several files and also to these 30 folders. The list can change, though.

So when I need to copy or paste files to a certain folder, I now press Win-e for the File Explorer, then launch the START folder, then right-click the target folder shortcut and Paste.

I think that can be faster/easier and I don't need all the File Explorer windows. The idea is to have a popup userform with a listbox containing the 30 folders. Basically, we need to loop through the START folder and keep (1) all shortcuts, that (2) point to a valid folder. Then I can click on a folder and the selected files can be moved to the target folder.

The path of the START folder can he hardcoded in the script, but a loop would be good to loop through its contents.

Does anyone have something along these lines ? I can do the rest of the scripting based on an example for example. I could add the Desktop location / Downloads / USB key location to the list, and so on.

Thank you in advance !
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Re: Improved SendTo dialog  Topic is solved

25 Apr 2020, 11:06

Try something like this;

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force

; Create a GUI with checkboxes to save the path of the last copied files and 
; copy/move selected items to other directories shown in a Menu:

; Add in this list the path of the directories
folder_paths =
D:\my folder

; Create the Menu
Loop, Parse, folder_paths, `n
	Menu copy_files, Add, %A_LoopField%, copy_files
	Menu move_files, Add, %A_LoopField%, move_files

; save the path of the last copied files

; Create the GUI
    If  (type == 1)  ; the Clipboard contains text or files copied
        If (DllCall("IsClipboardFormatAvailable", "uint", 15))  ; the Clipboard contains files
            ToolTip, file(s) copied
            Gui, destroy
            Gui, Color, ControlColor, Black
            Gui, Font, CDefault, Lucida Console
            Gui,  Add, Button,   x30 y5 w100 h26 gCopy, Copy
            Gui,  Add, Button,   x230 y5 w100 h26 gMove, Move
            Gui,  Add, CheckBox, x20 y50 vCh200 gCheckAll   cYellow, Select All
            Gui,  Add, CheckBox, x20 y75 vCh201 gUnCheckAll cYellow, De-Select All
            Loop, Parse, Clipboard, `n, `r
                y_pos := 100 + (A_Index * 25)
                Gui,  Add, CheckBox, x20 y%y_pos%  vCh%A_Index% cYellow, %A_LoopField%
                I := A_Index ; number of copied files
            Gui_height := 125+I*25
            Gui,  Show, x5 y5 w400 h%Gui_height%, Files copied ; comment out this line if you want to only show the Gui after pressing F1
            Sleep 1000

; Press F1 to show the Gui if it's hidden
F1:: Gui,  Show
; or If the command in the above function is commented out
; F1:: Gui,  Show, x100 y5 w400 h%Gui_height%, Files copied

Loop, %I%
    GuiControl,, Ch%A_Index%, 1
GuiControl,, Ch200, 1
GuiControl,, Ch201, 0

Loop, %I%
    GuiControl,, Ch%A_Index%, 0
GuiControl,, Ch200, 0
GuiControl,, Ch201, 1

Menu copy_files, show

Menu move_files, show

Gui, submit, nohide
Run %A_ThisMenuItem%\
Loop %I%
    GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
    If (checked = 1) ; if the control is checked
		GuiControlGet, file,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
        FileCopy, %file%, %A_ThisMenuItem%\, 1  ; overwrite existing files

MsgBox, 262180, Move Files, Are you sure you want to move the selected files to`n`n"%A_ThisMenuItem%"?
IfMsgBox No
Run %A_ThisMenuItem%\
Loop %I%
	GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
    If (checked = 1) ; if the control is checked
        GuiControlGet, file,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
        FileMove, %file%, %A_ThisMenuItem%\, 1  ; overwrite existing files
        GuiControlGet, file,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
        New_Clipboard .= file . "`n" ; concatenate the outputs
If (New_Clipboard := "")
    Gui, destroy
    ClipboardSetFiles(New_Clipboard, DropEffect := "Copy")

Gui, Hide

; Press Esc to terminate the script
Esc:: ExitApp

ClipboardSetFiles(FilesToSet, DropEffect := "Copy") {
   ; FilesToSet - list of fully qualified file pathes separated by "`n" or "`r`n"
   ; DropEffect - preferred drop effect, either "Copy", "Move" or "" (empty string)
   Static TCS := A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1 ; size of a TCHAR
   Static PreferredDropEffect := DllCall("RegisterClipboardFormat", "Str", "Preferred DropEffect")
   Static DropEffects := {1: 1, 2: 2, Copy: 1, Move: 2}
   ; Count files and total string length
   TotalLength := 0
   FileArray := []
   Loop, Parse, FilesToSet, `n, `r
      If (Length := StrLen(A_LoopField))
         FileArray.Push({Path: A_LoopField, Len: Length + 1})
      TotalLength += Length
   FileCount := FileArray.Length()
   If !(FileCount && TotalLength)
      Return False
   ; Add files to the clipboard
   If DllCall("OpenClipboard", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd) && DllCall("EmptyClipboard") {
      ; HDROP format 
      ; 0x42 = GMEM_MOVEABLE (0x02) | GMEM_ZEROINIT (0x40)
      hDrop := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "UInt", 0x42, "UInt", 20 + (TotalLength + FileCount + 1) * TCS, "UPtr")
      pDrop := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Ptr" , hDrop)
      Offset := 20
      NumPut(Offset, pDrop + 0, "UInt")         ; DROPFILES.pFiles = offset of file list
      NumPut(!!A_IsUnicode, pDrop + 16, "UInt") ; DROPFILES.fWide = 0 --> ANSI, fWide = 1 --> Unicode
      For Each, File In FileArray
         Offset += StrPut(File.Path, pDrop + Offset, File.Len) * TCS
      DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Ptr", hDrop)
      DllCall("SetClipboardData","UInt", 0x0F, "UPtr", hDrop) ; 0x0F = CF_HDROP
      ; Preferred DropEffect format 
      If (DropEffect := DropEffects[DropEffect]) {
         ; Write Preferred DropEffect structure to clipboard to switch between copy/cut operations
         ; 0x42 = GMEM_MOVEABLE (0x02) | GMEM_ZEROINIT (0x40)
         hMem := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "UInt", 0x42, "UInt", 4, "UPtr")
         pMem := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Ptr", hMem)
         NumPut(DropEffect, pMem + 0, "UChar")
         DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Ptr", hMem)
         DllCall("SetClipboardData", "UInt", PreferredDropEffect, "Ptr", hMem)
      Return True
   Return False
Posts: 140
Joined: 05 Jun 2017, 10:52

Re: Improved SendTo dialog

25 Apr 2020, 12:39

Many many thanks !
I will review this today and post my feedback.
Posts: 140
Joined: 05 Jun 2017, 10:52

Re: Improved SendTo dialog

25 Apr 2020, 12:49

Amazing ! :clap:
I will extend the logic and post updates here.
Thank you very much.
Posts: 140
Joined: 05 Jun 2017, 10:52

Re: Improved SendTo dialog

25 Apr 2020, 13:59

I added the option to provide paths of directories that contain shortcuts. The targeted directories of the shortcuts are used in the script too.

Code: Select all

; Add in this list the path of the directories
folder_paths =

; Add in this list the path of the directories that contain shortcuts
; The targeted directories are used in the script too
folder_paths_to_loop =
D:\OneDrive\............\Shortcuts & backups\START

; Create the Menu
Loop, Parse, folder_paths, `n
	Menu copy_files, Add, %A_LoopField%, copy_files
	Menu move_files, Add, %A_LoopField%, move_files
Loop, Parse, folder_paths_to_loop, `n
    Loop, Files, %A_LoopField%\*, F
        extensions := "lnk,"
        if A_LoopFileExt in %extensions%	  
            FileGetShortcut, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, shortcutTargetPath
            If( InStr( FileExist(shortcutTargetPath), "D") )
	           Menu copy_files, Add, %shortcutTargetPath%, copy_files
	           Menu move_files, Add, %shortcutTargetPath%, move_files
Last edited by Wigi on 25 Apr 2020, 16:03, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 140
Joined: 05 Jun 2017, 10:52

Re: Improved SendTo dialog

25 Apr 2020, 15:22

I marked the topic as solved but I will continue to make the script even more functional. Thanks.
Posts: 1002
Joined: 25 Feb 2014, 00:50

Re: Improved SendTo dialog

25 Apr 2020, 16:14

If you only want to copy selected files, you could also create a shortcut of your favorites folders in the sendto folder.

To open the sendto folder use the command:

Code: Select all

Run shell:sendto
Posts: 140
Joined: 05 Jun 2017, 10:52

Re: Improved SendTo dialog

25 Apr 2020, 20:38

- Version where I have reformatted the file paths
- Also the directories are loaded in the menu at runtime, rather than when the script is refreshed. It could be that in the meantime locations are added so I want to have them included.
- Sanity checks were added, such that at least 1 file should be selected to do the copy or cut.
- If the user copies a file to the same folder, I add ' - Copy' as a suffix in the filename.

For now, the user needs to do a copy or cut so the clipboard is filled with files. Then hit F1 to show the userform and proceed.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force

; Create a GUI with checkboxes to save the path of the last copied files and
; copy/move selected items to other directories shown in a Menu:

; Add in this list the path of the directories
folder_paths =
Desktop `t[%A_Desktop%]
My Documents `t[%A_MyDocuments%]


; Add in this list the path of the directories that contain shortcuts.
; The targeted directories of the shortcuts are used in the script too.
folder_paths_to_loop =

; save the path of the last copied files

; Create the GUI
    If  (type == 1)  ; the Clipboard contains text or files copied
        If (DllCall("IsClipboardFormatAvailable", "uint", 15))  ; the Clipboard contains files
            ToolTip, file(s) copied/cut
            Gui, destroy
            Gui, Color, ControlColor, Black
            Gui, Font, CDefault, Lucida Console
            Gui,  Add, Button,   x30 y5 w100 h26 gMove, Move
            Gui,  Add, Button,   x230 y5 w100 h26 gCopy, Copy
            Gui,  Add, CheckBox, x20 y50 vCh200 gCheckAll   cYellow, Select All
            Gui,  Add, CheckBox, x20 y75 vCh201 gUnCheckAll cYellow, De-Select All
            Loop, Parse, Clipboard, `n, `r
                y_pos := 100 + (A_Index * 25)
                ; Gui,  Add, CheckBox, x20 y%y_pos%  vCh%A_Index% cYellow, %A_LoopField%
                SplitPath, A_LoopField, filename, path
                Gui,  Add, CheckBox, x20 y%y_pos%  vCh%A_Index% cYellow, %filename% `t[%path%]
                I := A_Index ; number of copied files
            Gui_height := 125+I*25
            ; ; ; Gui,  Show, x5 y5 w600 h%Gui_height%, SendTo ; comment out this line if you want to only show the Gui after pressing F1
            GoSub CheckAll
            Sleep 1000

; Press F1 to show the Gui if it's hidden
; ; ; F1:: Gui,  Show
; or If the command in the above function is commented out

Menu copy_files, UseErrorLevel
Menu move_files, UseErrorLevel

Menu copy_files, DeleteAll
Menu move_files, DeleteAll

Menu copy_files, UseErrorLevel, OFF
Menu move_files, UseErrorLevel, OFF

; Create the Menu
Loop, Parse, folder_paths, `n
    Menu copy_files, Add, %A_LoopField%, copy_files
    Menu move_files, Add, %A_LoopField%, move_files
Loop, Parse, folder_paths_to_loop, `n
    Loop, Files, %A_LoopField%\*, F
        extensions := "lnk,"
        if A_LoopFileExt in %extensions%
            FileGetShortcut, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, shortcutTargetPath
            If( InStr( FileExist(shortcutTargetPath), "D") )
               SplitPath, A_LoopFileLongPath, , , , OutNameNoExt
               Menu copy_files, Add, %OutNameNoExt% `t[%shortcutTargetPath%], copy_files
               Menu move_files, Add, %OutNameNoExt% `t[%shortcutTargetPath%], move_files

Gui,  Show, x100 y5 w600 h%Gui_height%, SendTo

Loop, %I%
    GuiControl,, Ch%A_Index%, 1
GuiControl,, Ch200, 1
GuiControl,, Ch201, 0

Loop, %I%
    GuiControl,, Ch%A_Index%, 0
GuiControl,, Ch200, 0
GuiControl,, Ch201, 1

Menu copy_files, show

Menu move_files, show

Gui, submit, nohide

; make sure at least 1 file is selected
n := 0
Loop %I%
    GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
    If (checked = 1) { ; if the control is checked
         n := 1
if (n = 0)
   Msgbox Please select at least 1 file.
vTarget_Path := RegexReplace( A_ThisMenuItem, ".*\[(.+?)\].*", "$1")
Loop %I%
    GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
    If (checked = 1) ; if the control is checked
        GuiControlGet, file,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
        filepath := RegexReplace( file, ".*\[(.+?)\].*", "$1")
        filename := StrSplit(file, "[", " `t")[1]
        ; if we copy files to the same folder, add a Copy suffix
        If (filepath = vTarget_Path) {
           SplitPath, filename, , , OutExtension, OutNameNoExt
           FileCopy, %filepath%\%filename%, %vTarget_Path%\%OutNameNoExt% - Copy.%OutExtension%, 1  ; overwrite existing files
           FileCopy, %filepath%\%filename%, %vTarget_Path%\, 1  ; overwrite existing files
Run %vTarget_Path%\
Gui, destroy


; make sure at least 1 file is selected
n := 0
Loop %I%
    GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
    If (checked = 1) { ; if the control is checked
         n := 1
if (n = 0)
   Msgbox Please select at least 1 file.

vTarget_Path := RegexReplace( A_ThisMenuItem, ".*\[(.+?)\].*", "$1")
MsgBox, 262180, Move files, Are you sure you want to move the selected file(s) to:`n`n`t%vTarget_Path%
IfMsgBox No

Loop %I%
    GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
    If (checked = 1) ; if the control is checked
        GuiControlGet, file,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
        filepath := RegexReplace( file, ".*\[(.+?)\].*", "$1")
        filename := StrSplit(file, "[", " `t")[1]
        If (filepath != vTarget_Path)
           FileMove, %filepath%\%filename%, %vTarget_Path%\, 1  ; overwrite existing files
        GuiControlGet, file,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
        New_Clipboard .= file . "`n" ; concatenate the outputs
Run %vTarget_Path%\
Gui, destroy
If (New_Clipboard := "")
    Gui, destroy
    ClipboardSetFiles(New_Clipboard, DropEffect := "Copy")

Gui, Hide

; Press Esc to terminate the script
Esc:: ExitApp

ClipboardSetFiles(FilesToSet, DropEffect := "Copy") {
   ; FilesToSet - list of fully qualified file pathes separated by "`n" or "`r`n"
   ; DropEffect - preferred drop effect, either "Copy", "Move" or "" (empty string)
   Static TCS := A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1 ; size of a TCHAR
   Static PreferredDropEffect := DllCall("RegisterClipboardFormat", "Str", "Preferred DropEffect")
   Static DropEffects := {1: 1, 2: 2, Copy: 1, Move: 2}
   ; Count files and total string length
   TotalLength := 0
   FileArray := []
   Loop, Parse, FilesToSet, `n, `r
      If (Length := StrLen(A_LoopField))
         FileArray.Push({Path: A_LoopField, Len: Length + 1})
      TotalLength += Length
   FileCount := FileArray.Length()
   If !(FileCount && TotalLength)
      Return False
   ; Add files to the clipboard
   If DllCall("OpenClipboard", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd) && DllCall("EmptyClipboard") {
      ; HDROP format
      ; 0x42 = GMEM_MOVEABLE (0x02) | GMEM_ZEROINIT (0x40)
      hDrop := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "UInt", 0x42, "UInt", 20 + (TotalLength + FileCount + 1) * TCS, "UPtr")
      pDrop := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Ptr" , hDrop)
      Offset := 20
      NumPut(Offset, pDrop + 0, "UInt")         ; DROPFILES.pFiles = offset of file list
      NumPut(!!A_IsUnicode, pDrop + 16, "UInt") ; DROPFILES.fWide = 0 --> ANSI, fWide = 1 --> Unicode
      For Each, File In FileArray
         Offset += StrPut(File.Path, pDrop + Offset, File.Len) * TCS
      DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Ptr", hDrop)
      DllCall("SetClipboardData","UInt", 0x0F, "UPtr", hDrop) ; 0x0F = CF_HDROP
      ; Preferred DropEffect format
      If (DropEffect := DropEffects[DropEffect]) {
         ; Write Preferred DropEffect structure to clipboard to switch between copy/cut operations
         ; 0x42 = GMEM_MOVEABLE (0x02) | GMEM_ZEROINIT (0x40)
         hMem := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "UInt", 0x42, "UInt", 4, "UPtr")
         pMem := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Ptr", hMem)
         NumPut(DropEffect, pMem + 0, "UChar")
         DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Ptr", hMem)
         DllCall("SetClipboardData", "UInt", PreferredDropEffect, "Ptr", hMem)
      Return True
   Return False
Posts: 140
Joined: 05 Jun 2017, 10:52

Re: Improved SendTo dialog

26 Apr 2020, 18:38

Hi all,

While the previous solution is very good, I still want to have as few actions as possible. So I changed the code to the following:
- user selects 1 or more files in either Windows Explorer, either the Desktop. Selecting 0 files is allowed too, then you treat all files.
- user presses the Menu key (AppsKey) in either Windows Explorer, either the Desktop
- the userform is shown, listing the files/folders that were selected
- same as before, copy or move a selection of files

Additionally, the code can treat environment variables to shorten paths. I use %HO% to point to the folder: "D:\OneDrive\OneDrive - Aexis NV"
So this is honoured to, both in contracting long OneDrive paths to %HO% as well as translating again %HO% to OneDrive at the time of copying/moving files/folders.

Ctrl-c and Ctrl-x are not captured anymore in the sense that clipboard changes are not monitored by the script below.

I will keep this version of the code but it is still not fully optimized I think. In the end, I just want to:
- select 1 or more files in either Windows Explorer, either the Desktop
- hit the Menu key
- hit the button "Copy" or "Move" and select the target location. No other logic is needed. GEV: I do admire your first code a lot, though !

In essence, a simple ListView of target paths will do. A left-mouse click can be "Move files", a right-mouse click "Copy files". Or something like that. Maybe multi-select will be allowed to copy to multiple target folders. I will probably not show the source files anymore in the userform to conserve space.

To be continued :-)

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force

; Create a GUI with checkboxes to save the path of the last copied files and
; copy/move selected items to other directories shown in a Menu:

; Add in this list the path of the directories
folder_paths =
Desktop `t[%A_Desktop%]

; My Documents `t[%A_MyDocuments%]

; Add in this list the path of the directories that contain shortcuts.
; The targeted directories of the shortcuts are used in the script too.
folder_paths_to_loop =
%HO%\........\Shortcuts & backups\COPY_CUT

; Press the Menu key to show the Gui if it's hidden
; ; ; AppsKey:: Gui,  Show
; or If the command in the above function is commented out


Menu copy_files, UseErrorLevel
Menu move_files, UseErrorLevel

Menu copy_files, DeleteAll
Menu move_files, DeleteAll

Menu copy_files, UseErrorLevel, OFF
Menu move_files, UseErrorLevel, OFF

; Create the GUI
Gui, destroy
Gui, Color, ControlColor, Black
Gui, Font, CDefault, Lucida Console
Gui,  Add, Button,   x30 y5 w100 h26 gMove, Move
Gui,  Add, Button,   x230 y5 w100 h26 gCopy, Copy
Gui,  Add, CheckBox, x20 y50 vCh200 gCheckAll   cYellow, Select All
Gui,  Add, CheckBox, x20 y75 vCh201 gUnCheckAll cYellow, De-Select All

; retrieve the selection of the user: either files/folders, either the path in the File Explorer
v =
v := GetSelectedFileFolderNames_UnderCursor()
if !v
    v := GetSelectedFileFolderNames_FolderYouSee()
    if !v
Loop, Parse, v, `n
    y_pos := 100 + (A_Index * 25)
    ; Gui,  Add, CheckBox, x20 y%y_pos%  vCh%A_Index% cYellow, %A_LoopField%
    SplitPath, A_LoopField, filename, path
    path := InsertEnvVars(path)
    Gui,  Add, CheckBox, x20 y%y_pos%  vCh%A_Index% cYellow, %filename% `t[%path%]
    I := A_Index ; number of copied files
Gui_height := 125+I*25
GoSub CheckAll
; Sleep 1000

; Create the Menu
Loop, Parse, folder_paths, `n
    Menu copy_files, Add, %A_LoopField%, copy_files
    Menu move_files, Add, %A_LoopField%, move_files
Loop, Parse, folder_paths_to_loop, `n
    Loop, Files, % ReplaceEnvVars(A_LoopField) . "\*", F
        extensions := "lnk,"
        if A_LoopFileExt in %extensions%
            FileGetShortcut, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, shortcutTargetPath
            If( InStr( FileExist(shortcutTargetPath), "D") )
               SplitPath, A_LoopFileLongPath, , , , OutNameNoExt
               vFolder_Short := InsertEnvVars(shortcutTargetPath)
               Menu copy_files, Add, %OutNameNoExt% `t[%vFolder_Short%], copy_files
               Menu move_files, Add, %OutNameNoExt% `t[%vFolder_Short%], move_files

Gui,  Show, x100 y5 w600 h%Gui_height%, SendTo

Loop, %I%
    GuiControl,, Ch%A_Index%, 1
GuiControl,, Ch200, 1
GuiControl,, Ch201, 0

Loop, %I%
    GuiControl,, Ch%A_Index%, 0
GuiControl,, Ch200, 0
GuiControl,, Ch201, 1

Menu copy_files, show

Menu move_files, show

Gui, submit, nohide

; make sure at least 1 file is selected
n := 0
Loop %I%
    GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
    If (checked = 1) { ; if the control is checked
         n := 1
if (n = 0)
   Msgbox Please select at least 1 file.
vTarget_Path := RegexReplace( A_ThisMenuItem, ".*\[(.+?)\].*", "$1")
vTarget_Path := ReplaceEnvVars(vTarget_Path)
Loop %I%
    GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
    If (checked = 1) ; if the control is checked
        GuiControlGet, file,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
        filepath := RegexReplace( file, ".*\[(.+?)\].*", "$1")
        filepath := ReplaceEnvVars(filepath)
        filename := StrSplit(file, "[", " `t")[1]
        ; if we copy files to the same folder, add a Copy suffix
        If (filepath = vTarget_Path)
           SplitPath, filename, , , OutExtension, OutNameNoExt
           FileCopy, %filepath%\%filename%, %vTarget_Path%\%OutNameNoExt% - Copy.%OutExtension%, 1  ; overwrite existing files
           vFullName = %filepath%\%filename%
           If( InStr( FileExist(vFullName), "D") )
               FileCopyDir, %vFullName%, %vTarget_Path%\%filename%, 1 ; overwrite existing files
               FileCopy, %vFullName%, %vTarget_Path%, 1 ; overwrite existing files
; Run %vTarget_Path%\
Gui, destroy


; make sure at least 1 file is selected
n := 0
Loop %I%
    GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
    If (checked = 1) { ; if the control is checked
         n := 1
if (n = 0)
   Msgbox Please select at least 1 file.

vTarget_Path := RegexReplace( A_ThisMenuItem, ".*\[(.+?)\].*", "$1")
Loop %I%
    GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
    If (checked = 1) ; if the control is checked
        GuiControlGet, file,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
        filepath := RegexReplace( file, ".*\[(.+?)\].*", "$1")
        filepath := ReplaceEnvVars(filepath)
        filename := StrSplit(file, "[", " `t")[1]
        If (filepath != vTarget_Path)
           vFullName = %filepath%\%filename%
           If( InStr( FileExist(vFullName), "D") )
               FileMoveDir, %filepath%\%filename%, %vTarget_Path%\%filename%, 1  ; overwrite existing files
               FileMove, %filepath%\%filename%, %vTarget_Path%, 1  ; overwrite existing files
; Run %vTarget_Path%\
Gui, destroy

Gui, Hide

; Press Esc to terminate the script
Esc:: ExitApp

    VarSetCapacity(dest, 2000)
    DllCall("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", "str", sEV, "str", dest, int, 1999, "Cdecl int")
    return dest

    if ( InStr( sLocation, "%HO%", false ) > 0 )
       sLocation := StrReplace(sLocation, "%HO%", ExpandEnvVars("%HO%"))
    return sLocation

    if ( InStr( sLocation, ExpandEnvVars("%HO%"), false ) > 0 )
       sLocation := StrReplace(sLocation, ExpandEnvVars("%HO%"), "%HO%")
    return sLocation

    ToReturn =
    hwnd := hwnd ? hwnd : WinExist("A")
    WinGetClass class, ahk_id %hwnd%
    if (class="CabinetWClass" or class="ExploreWClass")
        for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
            if (window.hwnd==hwnd)
               sel := window.Document.SelectedItems
               for item in sel
                  v := % item.path
                  ToReturn .= v "`n"
       if (class="Progman" or class="WorkerW")
          FolderPath = %A_Desktop%
       else if WinActive("ahk_class CabinetWClass")
          for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
              try FolderPath := window.Document.Folder.Self.Path
       ControlGet, win, HWND,, SysListView321, A
       ControlGet, sel, List, Selected Col1,,ahk_id %win%
       Loop, parse, sel, `n, `r
       for each, file in files
          FileGetAttrib, FileAttrib, %FolderPath%\%file%
          If InStr(FileAttrib, "D") ; a DIRECTORY
             Loop, %FolderPath%\%file%, 2,0 ; only folders
                StringReplace, FileFullPath, A_LoopFileFullPath, :\\ ,:\
                ; MsgBox, DIRECTORY: "%FileFullPath%"
                v = %FileFullPath%
                ToReturn .= v "`n"
             Loop, %FolderPath%\%file%.*
                ; MsgBox, FILE: "%A_LoopFileFullPath%"
                v := % A_LoopFileFullPath
                ToReturn .= v "`n"
    ToReturn := Trim(ToReturn,"`n")
    return ToReturn

    ToReturn =
    ; WinGetClass, class, A
    hwnd := hwnd ? hwnd : WinExist("A")
    WinGetClass class, ahk_id %hwnd%
    if (class="CabinetWClass" or class="ExploreWClass")
        ControlGetText, currentpath, ToolbarWindow323, ahk_class %class%
        StringTrimLeft, currentpath, currentpath, 9
        if( SubStr( currentpath, 0, 1) == "\")
           currentpath := SubStr(currentpath, 1, StrLen( currentpath ) - 1 )
        ToReturn .= currentpath "`n"
        ToReturn := Trim(ToReturn,"`n")
        Return ToReturn
    else if (class="Progman" or class="WorkerW")
        currentpath = %A_Desktop%
        ToReturn .= currentpath "`n"
        ToReturn := Trim(ToReturn,"`n")
        Return ToReturn
Posts: 1002
Joined: 25 Feb 2014, 00:50

Re: Improved SendTo dialog

27 Apr 2020, 02:44

You can compile such a script

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Ignore

If !WinActive("ahk_exe explorer.exe")

WinGetActiveTitle, WinTitle

target_folders =
D:\my folder\subfolder1

Loop, Parse, target_folders, `n
	If !FileExist(A_LoopField)
		FileCreateDir, %A_LoopField%

Gui, destroy
Gui, Color, ControlColor, Black
Gui, Font, CDefault, Lucida Console
Gui,  Add, Button,   x30 y5 w100 h26 gCopy, Copy
Gui,  Add, Button,   x230 y5 w100 h26 gMove, Move
Gui,  Add, CheckBox, x20 y50 vCh200 gCheckAll   cYellow, Select All
Gui,  Add, CheckBox, x20 y75 vCh201 gUnCheckAll cYellow, De-Select All
Loop, Parse, target_folders, `n, `r
	y_pos := 100 + (A_Index * 25)
	Gui,  Add, CheckBox, x20 y%y_pos%  vCh%A_Index% cYellow, %A_LoopField%
	I := A_Index ; number of target_folders
Gui_height := 125+I*25
Gui,  Show, x5 y5 w400 h%Gui_height%, SendTo

Loop, %I%
    GuiControl,, Ch%A_Index%, 1
GuiControl,, Ch200, 1
GuiControl,, Ch201, 0

Loop, %I%
    GuiControl,, Ch%A_Index%, 0
GuiControl,, Ch200, 0
GuiControl,, Ch201, 1

Gui, submit
Activate(WinTitle " ahk_exe explorer.exe")
Selection := Explorer_GetSelection()
Loop %I%
    GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
    If (checked = 1) ; if the control is checked
		GuiControlGet, folder,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
			If !WinExist(folder " ahk_exe explorer.exe")
				Run %folder%
			Loop, Parse, Selection, `n
				If InStr(FileExist(A_LoopField), "D")
					SplitPath, A_LoopField, SourceFolderName
					FileCopyDir, %A_LoopField%, %folder%\%SourceFolderName%, 1
					FileCopy, %A_LoopField%, %folder%\, 1
		; Sleep, 500

Gui, submit
Activate(WinTitle " ahk_exe explorer.exe")
Selection := Explorer_GetSelection()
Loop %I%
    GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
    If (checked = 1) ; if the control is checked
		GuiControlGet, folder,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
		MsgBox, 262180, Move Files, Are you sure you want to move the selected files to`n`n"%folder%"?
		IfMsgBox No
		If !WinExist(folder " ahk_exe explorer.exe")
			Run %folder%
		Loop, Parse, Selection, `n
			If InStr(FileExist(A_LoopField), "D")
				SplitPath, A_LoopField, SourceFolderName
				FileMoveDir, %A_LoopField%, %folder%\%SourceFolderName%, 1
				FileMove, %A_LoopField%, %folder%\, 1	
		ExitApp  ; you can move the selected items in only one directory


	WinActivate %title%
	WinWaitActive %title%, , 2
	If ErrorLevel
		MsgBox '%title%' not found.`n`nExiting script...

   WinGetClass, winClass, % "ahk_id" . hWnd := WinExist("A")	; %
   if !(winClass ~="Progman|WorkerW|(Cabinet|Explore)WClass")
   shellWindows := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
   if (winClass ~= "Progman|WorkerW")
      shellFolderView := shellWindows.FindWindowSW(0, 0, SWC_DESKTOP := 8, 0, SWFO_NEEDDISPATCH := 1).Document
   else {
      for window in shellWindows
       try  if (hWnd = window.HWND) && (shellFolderView := window.Document)
   for item in shellFolderView.SelectedItems
      result .= (result = "" ? "" : "`n") . item.Path
   if !result
      result := shellFolderView.Folder.Self.Path
   Return result

and add it to the explorer context menu.

_register Copy_Move_Files_To.reg

Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shell\Copy_Move selected files to ...]
@="Copy_Move selected files to ..."

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shell\Copy_Move selected files to ...\command]
@="\"D:\\Scripts\\EXPLORER\\Kontextmenue\\Copy_Move_Files\\Copy_Move_Files_To.exe\" \"%1\""

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\Shell\Copy_Move all files to ...]
"MUIVerb"="Copy_Move all files to ..."

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\Shell\Copy_Move all files to ...\command]
@="\"D:\\Scripts\\EXPLORER\\Kontextmenue\\Copy_Move_Files\\Copy_Move_Files_To.exe\" \"%W\""
with the path of your compiled script.

_unregister Copy_Move_Files_To.ahk

Code: Select all

RegDelete, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, AllFilesystemObjects\shell\Copy_Move selected files to ...

RegDelete, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, Directory\Background\Shell\Copy_Move all files to ...
or define a shortcut in your main script to run the script

or create a shortcut of the script on your desktop and assign a custom combination in its properties.
Posts: 140
Joined: 05 Jun 2017, 10:52

Re: Improved SendTo dialog

27 Apr 2020, 17:11

Incredible ! That's a very neat idea :clap:
I will test this soon, I first need to compile the AHK script.
On my work laptop I cannot do it, so need to use a different PC.
Posts: 140
Joined: 05 Jun 2017, 10:52

Re: Improved SendTo dialog

17 Jul 2020, 18:26


After some time, coming back with my final approach and script.

Select the files / folders to be copied, press F6.
A ListView will appear with all folders as the target of shortcuts that are stored in a certain dedicated folder.
Then in the ListView, right-click a line and the files/folders will be moved to the selected folder. Double-click a line and the files/folders will be copied to the selected folder.

Here's the code, only in the beginning you should make some changes. %HO% is an environment variable on my PC and points to D:\OneDrive\..., it's the root directory where many of my folders and files reside.

Thanks again GEV !

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force

; Create the ListView with 3 columns: Nr, Long Name, Short name
Gui, Destroy
Gui, Add, ListView, vMyListView w600 gMyListView AltSubmit -Multi, Nr|Long|Short
Gui, +Resize +ToolWindow +Border

; Add in this list the path of the directories
folder_paths =

; Add in this list the path of the directories that contain shortcuts.
; The targeted directories of the shortcuts are used in the script too.
folder_paths_to_loop =

; PART 1: retrieve the selection of files
; retrieve the selection of the user: either files/folders, either the path in the File Explorer
v =
v := GetSelectedFileFolderNames_UnderCursor()
if !v
    v := GetSelectedFileFolderNames_FolderYouSee()
    if !v
Loop, Parse, v, `n
    SplitPath, A_LoopField, filename, path
    path := InsertEnvVars(path)
    Gui,  Add, CheckBox, Checked Hidden x20 vCh%A_Index%, %filename% `t[%path%]
    J := A_Index ; number of selected files

; PART 2: list all target paths
i = 0
Loop, Parse, folder_paths, `n
    MyArray := StrSplit( A_LoopField, "`t" )
	LV_Add(, i, MyArray[1], MyArray[2] )
Loop, Parse, folder_paths_to_loop, `n
    Loop, Files, % ReplaceEnvVars(A_LoopField) . "\*", F
        extensions := "lnk,"
        if A_LoopFileExt in %extensions%
            FileGetShortcut, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, shortcutTargetPath
            If( InStr( FileExist(shortcutTargetPath), "D") )
               SplitPath, A_LoopFileLongPath, , , , OutNameNoExt
               vFolder_Short := InsertEnvVars(shortcutTargetPath)
               LV_Add(, i, OutNameNoExt, vFolder_Short )

LV_ModifyCol()  ; Auto-size each column to fit its contents
LV_ModifyCol(1, "Integer")  ; For sorting purposes, indicate that column 1 is an integer

hoogte := 20 * i
Gui, Show, h%hoogte%, Copy | Move to...

	guicontrol, move, MyListView, w%width% h%height%

Gui, submit, nohide
LV_GetText(shortcut, A_EventInfo, 3)
if A_GuiEvent = RightClick
   ; make sure at least 1 file is selected
   n := 0
   Loop %J%
       GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
       If (checked = 1) { ; if the control is checked
            n := 1
   if (n = 0)
      Msgbox Please select at least 1 file.
   vTarget_Path := RegexReplace( shortcut, ".*\[(.+?)\].*", "$1")
   Loop %J%
       GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
       If (checked = 1) ; if the control is checked
           GuiControlGet, file,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
           filepath := RegexReplace( file, ".*\[(.+?)\].*", "$1")
           filepath := ReplaceEnvVars(filepath)
           filename := StrSplit(file, "[", " `t")[1]
           If (filepath != vTarget_Path)
              vFullName = %filepath%\%filename%
              If( InStr( FileExist(vFullName), "D") )
                  FileMoveDir, %filepath%\%filename%, %vTarget_Path%\%filename%, 1  ; overwrite existing files
                  FileMove, %filepath%\%filename%, %vTarget_Path%, 1  ; overwrite existing files
   Gui, Destroy

else if A_GuiEvent = DoubleClick
   ; make sure at least 1 file is selected
   n := 0
   Loop %J%
       GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
       If (checked = 1) { ; if the control is checked
            n := 1
   if (n = 0)
      Msgbox Please select at least 1 file.
   vTarget_Path := RegexReplace( shortcut, ".*\[(.+?)\].*", "$1")
   vTarget_Path := ReplaceEnvVars(vTarget_Path)
   Loop %J%
       GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
       If (checked = 1) ; if the control is checked
           GuiControlGet, file,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
           filepath := RegexReplace( file, ".*\[(.+?)\].*", "$1")
           filepath := ReplaceEnvVars(filepath)
           filename := StrSplit(file, "[", " `t")[1]
           ; if we copy files to the same folder, add a Copy suffix
           If (filepath = vTarget_Path)
              SplitPath, filename, , , OutExtension, OutNameNoExt
              FileCopy, %filepath%\%filename%, %vTarget_Path%\%OutNameNoExt% - Copy.%OutExtension%, 1  ; overwrite existing files
              vFullName = %filepath%\%filename%
              If( InStr( FileExist(vFullName), "D") )
                  FileCopyDir, %vFullName%, %vTarget_Path%\%filename%, 1 ; overwrite existing files
                  FileCopy, %vFullName%, %vTarget_Path%, 1 ; overwrite existing files
   Gui, Destroy

    VarSetCapacity(dest, 2000)
    DllCall("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", "str", sEV, "str", dest, int, 1999, "Cdecl int")
    return dest

    if ( InStr( sLocation, "%HO%", false ) > 0 )
       sLocation := StrReplace(sLocation, "%HO%", ExpandEnvVars("%HO%"))
    return sLocation

    if ( InStr( sLocation, ExpandEnvVars("%HO%"), false ) > 0 )
       sLocation := StrReplace(sLocation, ExpandEnvVars("%HO%"), "%HO%")
    return sLocation

    ToReturn =
    hwnd := hwnd ? hwnd : WinExist("A")
    WinGetClass class, ahk_id %hwnd%
    if (class="CabinetWClass" or class="ExploreWClass")
        for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
            if (window.hwnd==hwnd)
               sel := window.Document.SelectedItems
               for item in sel
                  v := % item.path
                  ToReturn .= v "`n"
       if (class="Progman" or class="WorkerW")
          FolderPath = %A_Desktop%
       else if WinActive("ahk_class CabinetWClass")
          for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
              try FolderPath := window.Document.Folder.Self.Path
       ControlGet, win, HWND,, SysListView321, A
       ControlGet, sel, List, Selected Col1,,ahk_id %win%
       Loop, parse, sel, `n, `r
       for each, file in files
          FileGetAttrib, FileAttrib, %FolderPath%\%file%
          If InStr(FileAttrib, "D") ; a DIRECTORY
             Loop, %FolderPath%\%file%, 2,0 ; only folders
                StringReplace, FileFullPath, A_LoopFileFullPath, :\\ ,:\
                v = %FileFullPath%
                ToReturn .= v "`n"
             Loop, %FolderPath%\%file%.*
                v := % A_LoopFileFullPath
                ToReturn .= v "`n"
    ToReturn := Trim(ToReturn,"`n")
    return ToReturn

    ToReturn =
    ; WinGetClass, class, A
    hwnd := hwnd ? hwnd : WinExist("A")
    WinGetClass class, ahk_id %hwnd%
    if (class="CabinetWClass" or class="ExploreWClass")
        ControlGetText, currentpath, ToolbarWindow323, ahk_class %class%
        StringTrimLeft, currentpath, currentpath, 9
        if( SubStr( currentpath, 0, 1) == "\")
           currentpath := SubStr(currentpath, 1, StrLen( currentpath ) - 1 )
        ToReturn .= currentpath "`n"
        ToReturn := Trim(ToReturn,"`n")
        Return ToReturn
    else if (class="Progman" or class="WorkerW")
        currentpath = %A_Desktop%
        ToReturn .= currentpath "`n"
        ToReturn := Trim(ToReturn,"`n")
        Return ToReturn

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