Help with script running two functions at once

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Help with script running two functions at once

11 Apr 2021, 20:26

Hi there,

I've given my best shot at this, piecing together bits of code to try and make something work... And so far I've it it to do what I want, just not at the same time.

I've got two things that need to happen:
1. Spam 2, 3 and 4 with a random range (40 to 70)
2. Right click every 16 seconds.

So far I've managed to get it so I can toggle these two things on and off, but I can't get them to run at the same time. I tried to play around with a label1, label2 sort of thing.... But it really didn't work well (I had to reboot my PC because it kept right clicking everywhere). I tried fixing this several times, but pretty sure I just butchered an already pieced together code.

Any pros out there able to help?

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

toggle = 0
chatopen = 0
voiceopen = 0

_ran(min, max)
   random, ran, %min%, %max%
   return ran

#IfWinActive, Diablo III
    If toggle {
        chatopen := !chatopen

#IfWinActive, Diablo III
    If !chatopen and toggle {
        chatopen := !chatopen

#IfWinActive, Diablo III
    toggle := !toggle
    While toggle {
	If !chatopen {
	            ControlSend, , {Blind}2, Diablo III
	            ControlSend, , {Blind}3, Diablo III
	            ControlSend, , {Blind}4, Diablo III
	            MouseClick Left
	            sleep, % _ran(40, 70)

#IfWinActive, Diablo III
    toggle := !toggle
    While toggle {
	If !chatopen {
	            MouseClick Left, Diablo III
	            sleep, 16000

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Re: Help with script running two functions at once

11 Apr 2021, 21:30

Would use one or more timers instead of the sleep. This may help the problem with the threads.
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Re: Help with script running two functions at once

12 Apr 2021, 02:58

Forgive me, like I said that above code is crudely cobbled together, could you explain in layman's terms?

Any sort of simple example would help me understand better.

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Re: Help with script running two functions at once

12 Apr 2021, 05:05

Code: Select all

#IfWinActive Diablo
F3::SetTimer, R1, % (r1tog := !r1tog) ? 200 : "Off"
F4::SetTimer, R2, % (r2tog := !r2tog) ? 300 : "Off"

Send x

Send -
Explained: SetTimer

Since your script used the same variable for multiple routines, one routine could toggle the other, because variables are global by default. The script here uses two different toggles.
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Re: Help with script running two functions at once

14 Apr 2021, 04:50

Okay, I'm back at this with a fresh mind. I think I understand a little better now.

Code: Select all

F3::SetTimer, R1, % (r1tog := !r1tog) ? 200 : "Off"
F4::SetTimer, R2, % (r2tog := !r2tog) ? 16000 : "Off"

Send, 2
Send, 3
Send, 4
MouseClick Left

MouseClick Right
Am I correct in thinking that R1 and R2 are labels? I've stripped out some things I don't believe I need, including the active window as this is not for Diablo 3 (It was just left over from the code I repurposed from another forums).

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