GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

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just me
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

18 May 2021, 09:49

Code: Select all

GuiControl, %type%:Hide, ListBox1
Gui, %type%:Show, AutoSize
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

18 May 2021, 22:10

Thank you very much for the suggestion and Ill read up on those sites regarding the windows "rollup". I certainly don't want to reinvent the wheel if there is something already robust out there. However, this has been a great learning opportunity!
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

18 May 2021, 22:24

Try just me's method-- possibly the easiest approach.
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

19 May 2021, 07:38

just me wrote:
18 May 2021, 09:49

Code: Select all

GuiControl, %type%:Hide, ListBox1
Gui, %type%:Show, AutoSize
Thank you Just me. Appreciate you! I give this a shot.also thanks for pointing out the errors earlier at the bottom of the script.
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

20 May 2021, 08:40

Hello! I added it to the function side of the code but the hiding of the ListBox didn't occur. I set XX as global variables as well and not sure if that was the right thing to do but that did not help. I tested it with a msgbox which seemed to work without the hiding bit. Any other ideas?

I get an error with

Code: Select all

Gui, %type%:Show, AutoSize
but if I remove the %type% the script runs but the hiding still not kicking in. I tried

Code: Select all

GuiControl, %type%:Hide, ListBox1
without luck.

Code: Select all

findings("LIVER", FFI1x, FFI1y), findings("LUNG_BASES", FFI2x, FFI2y)

findings(type, x := -1, y := 0) {
 If (x < 0) {
  Gui, %type%:Hide
 Static finding
 For k, v in scan[type]
  box .= (A_Index > 1 ? "|" : "") v.1
   Gui, %type%:New
   Gui, Color, c000111, c34294d 
   Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +LastFound
   Gui, Add, Progress, xm-1 ym-12 w150 h35 BackgroundCC6633 Disabled ;hwndHPROG
   Gui, Add, Text, xm+6 ym w100 h20 r1 BackgroundTrans Center 0x200, %type% 
   Gui, Add, Progress, xm+160 ym-12 w20 h35 BackgroundCC6633 Disabled ;hwndHPROG
   Gui, Add, Text, xm+120 ym w100 h20 r1 gShowHide BackgroundTrans Center 0x200, X
   Gui, Font, s10 cFFFFFF, Verdana 
   Gui, Add, Edit, vFindingsEdit WantTab R5 xm ym+20 w180 r1 hwndMyEditBox1Hwnd
   Gui, Font, s10 cFFFFFF, Verdana 
   Gui, Add, Edit, vImpressionEdit WantTab xm ym+40 w180 r1 hwndMyEditBox2Hwnd
   Gui, Font, s10 c6A9955, VerdanaFF
   Gui, Add, ListBox, xm ym+65 r5 w180 vfinding AltSubmit Multi Choose2, %box%
   Gui, Add, Button, Default, OK
    Gui, -Caption 
    WinSet, TransColor, 000111 110
    Gui, Show, x%x% y%y% h200 w200, % StrReplace(type, "_", " ")
    IF XX=1
    msgbox, hideit
    GuiControl, %type%:Hide, ListBox1
    msgbox, showit
    Gui, %type%:Show, AutoSize
    Gui, %A_Gui%:Submit, NoHide
    ttext =
    For k, v in StrSplit(finding, "|")
    ttext .= scan[A_Gui][v].1 ". "
    ttext := Trim(ttext) ""","""
    For k, v in StrSplit(finding, "|")
    ttext .= scan[A_Gui][v].2 " "
    ttext := """" StrReplace(A_Gui, "_", " ") """,""" Trim(ttext) """"
    MsgBox, 64, Result, %ttext%
    Loop, parse, ttext, ".",
    FileAppend, %A_LoopField%, template.txt 
    FileRead, template, template.txt
    ControlSetText, Edit1, %template% `n, DD
just me
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

20 May 2021, 09:34

Why do you think that the 'GUI_In_A_Function' concept has any advantages?

Code: Select all

   Gui, Add, ListBox, xm ym+65 r5 w180 vfinding AltSubmit Multi Choose2, %box%

   GuiControlGet, Vis, Visible, finding ; the ListBox is named 'finding', not ListBox1
   GuiControl, Hide%Vis%, finding
   Gui, Show, AutoSize
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

20 May 2021, 10:29

That is a good question. I assumed that since the labels for Liver and Lung were in the function than so should the ShowHide? I still trying to understand the global/local variable concept and still confused on how functions work since limited knowledge but learning from this script so I appreciate the time.

The new code however did not work either. Out or inside the function. I included the entire script with the new snippet to see if I keep making blunders.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 250 ;Avoid warning when mouse wheel turned very fast
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance, force

CoordMode, Caret, Relative
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative

SetBatchLines -1

OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN")

	PostMessage 0xA1,2

;Color and Brightness/transparancy
    Purple := "34294d"
    White := "FFFFFF"
    Green2 := "007369"
    Green := "6A9955"
    DarkGrey := "c000000"
    Orange := "CC6633"

    GuiColor := 0x000111
    trans := 110
    Brightness := 225


Global FindingsEdit := []
Global ImpressionEdit := []
Global Findings := []
Global Impression := []
Global scan := []
Global MyEdit1 := []
Global MyEdit2 := []
Global template := []

    := [["Clear."]
    ,["Bibasilar atelectasis."              , "Bibasilar atelectasis versus lung scarring."]
    ,["Centrilobular emphysematous changes are present." ,"Emphysematous/COPD Lung disease."]
    ,["Hiatal hernia is present."           ,"Hiatal hernia is present."]
   ,["Pulmonary nodule present."           ,"Pulmonary nodule(s). Recommend dedicated CT of the chest to assess for other nodules and initiate a Lung Cancer Screening program."]]

 := [["No biliary obstruction."]
 ,["Liver appears hypodense."                      ,"Hepatic Steatosis."]]

;Screen positions
FFI1x := 225 ;lungs
FFI1y := 1475
    FFI2x := 0   ;Liver
    FFI2y := 675 
    FFI3x := 0  ;gb
    FFI3y := 525
    FFI4x := 875  ;spleen
    FFI4y := 1400
    FFI5x := 875    ;panc
    FFI5y := 650
    FFI6x := 0     ;adrenals
    FFI6y := 1380
    FFI7x := 875   ;urological
    FFI7y := 500
    FFI8x := 655    ;bowel
    FFI8y := 500      
    FFI9x := 235    ;abd wall
    FFI9y := 500
    FFI10x := 450   ;reproductive
    FFI10y := 1500
    FFI11x := 660    ;bones
    FFI11y := 1480
    FFI12x := 450  ;vasc  
    FFI12y := 450

findings("LIVER", FFI1x, FFI1y), findings("LUNG_BASES", FFI2x, FFI2y)

findings(type, x := -1, y := 0) {
 If (x < 0) {
  Gui, %type%:Hide
 ;findings(type, x := -1, y := 0) {
 Static finding
 For k, v in scan[type]
  box .= (A_Index > 1 ? "|" : "") v.1
   Gui, %type%:New
   Gui, Color, c000111, c34294d 
   Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +LastFound
   Gui, Add, Progress, xm-1 ym-12 w150 h35 BackgroundCC6633 Disabled ;hwndHPROG
   Gui, Add, Text, xm+6 ym w100 h20 r1 BackgroundTrans Center 0x200, %type% 
   Gui, Add, Progress, xm+160 ym-12 w20 h35 BackgroundCC6633 Disabled ;hwndHPROG
   Gui, Add, Text, xm+120 ym w100 h20 r1 gShowHide BackgroundTrans Center 0x200, X
   Gui, Font, s10 cFFFFFF, Verdana 
   Gui, Add, Edit, vFindingsEdit WantTab R5 xm ym+20 w180 r1 hwndMyEditBox1Hwnd
   Gui, Font, s10 cFFFFFF, Verdana 
   Gui, Add, Edit, vImpressionEdit WantTab xm ym+40 w180 r1 hwndMyEditBox2Hwnd
   Gui, Font, s10 c6A9955, VerdanaFF
   Gui, Add, ListBox, xm ym+65 r5 w180 vfinding AltSubmit Multi Choose2, %box%
   Gui, Add, Button, Default, OK
    Gui, -Caption 
    WinSet, TransColor, 000111 110
    Gui, Show, x%x% y%y% h200 w200, % StrReplace(type, "_", " ")
    Gui, %A_Gui%:Submit, NoHide

    ttext =
    For k, v in StrSplit(finding, "|")
    ttext .= scan[A_Gui][v].1 ". "
    ttext := Trim(ttext) ""","""
    For k, v in StrSplit(finding, "|")
    ttext .= scan[A_Gui][v].2 " "
    ttext := """" StrReplace(A_Gui, "_", " ") """,""" Trim(ttext) """"
    MsgBox, 64, Result, %ttext%
    Loop, parse, ttext, ".",
    ;ControlSetText, Edit1, %A_LoopField% `n, DD
    ;msgbox, %A_LoopField%   
    FileAppend, %A_LoopField%, template.txt 
    FileRead, template, template.txt
    ControlSetText, Edit1, %template% `n, DD
;////////////////////MAIN GUI///////////////////////////////////////////////////

Gui, Main:Destroy
Gui, Main:+AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -border +LastFound +HwndMyGuiHwnd ;+E0x08000000
WinSet, Transparent, 190
Gui, Main:Color, %Purple%, %DarkGrey%
Gui, Main:Margin, 0, 0
Gui, Main:Font, c%White% s8, q5 Bold
Gui, Main:Add, Button, x970 y1 w30 h18 gGuiClose, X
Gui, Main:Add, Button, x885 y1 w60 h18 gSave, Save
Gui, Main:-Caption
Gui, Main:Font, s12 c%Orange%, Verdana
Gui, Main:Add, Edit, vMyEdit1 WantTab xm ym+20 w1000 r12 hwndMyEdit1Hwnd
Gui Main:Show, x+10 y1625 w1000 h270, DD


	msgbox, test
   	GuiControlGet, Vis, Visible, finding 
   	GuiControl, Hide%Vis%, finding
   	Gui, Show, AutoSize



;Manual hide/show
F11::findings("LIVER", FFI1x, FFI1y), findings("LUNG_BASES", FFI2x, FFI2y)
F12::findings("LIVER"), findings("LUNG_BASES")

;Not working
;FileDelete, template.txt
;Sleep, 20
;Gui, Main:Submit, NoHide
;FileAppend, %MyEdit1% `n, template.txt
;Sleep, 50

;Gui, %A_Gui%:Destroy

just me
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Location: Germany

Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

20 May 2021, 10:43

Using Subroutines Within a Function:
  • Such subroutines should use only global variables (not static variables) as GUI control variables.
just me
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

20 May 2021, 10:49

Sorry, did not see that the label is outside of the function. But the variable does not exist in the global context:

Code: Select all

 Static finding
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

20 May 2021, 12:11

So how would I fix this. I did declare findings as global but I guess the static findings goes against that logic. Put the ShowHide label in the function then? Your beginning to also understand my limited abilities. I'm a small fish in big waters chasing sharks and getting into trouble.
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

20 May 2021, 12:17

mikeyww wrote:
18 May 2021, 22:24
Try just me's method-- possibly the easiest approach.
Yes still working on this as it seems not to be that simple.

On the other hand getting the script to slowly function. Some guidance? Right now each GUI sends out data. Then clears the data on the next GUI adjustment. Should I somehow append these strings into one file or variable? After all the guis are submitted eventually, I would grab that file or variable and then do a loop parse to separate them out? The ultimate goal is to have it look like this:

Lungs: Clear.
Liver: Hypodense liver.

Hypodense liver suggest hepatic steatosis.
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

20 May 2021, 13:40

You can build a string without having to create a file to do it. You could have a global findings string, and a global impressions string. You can append to each string when you process each GUI.
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

20 May 2021, 13:48

Ok great I will try that and then parse using loop parse and concatenate them? Do you not suggest using stringsplit etc commmands and better to loop parse?
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

20 May 2021, 15:36

Whether you loop or StrSplit makes no difference, but if you are just building a text string for the report, then there is perhaps nothing that needs to be parsed from that.
just me
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

21 May 2021, 05:27

iilabs wrote:
20 May 2021, 12:17
Yes still working on this as it seems not to be that simple.
I also overlooked the Ok button added at the bottom of the GUIs. To make AutoSIze work as intended, it must be hidden or moved to the top.

I spent some time on your last script version. I would do something like

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn   ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 250 ;Avoid warning when mouse wheel turned very fast
#SingleInstance, force
SetBatchLines -1
SendMode, Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
CoordMode, Caret, Relative
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
;Color and Brightness/transparancy
Purple := "34294d"
White := "FFFFFF"
Green2 := "007369"
Green := "6A9955"
DarkGrey := "c000000"
Orange := "CC6633"
GuiColor := 0x000111
Trans := 110
Bright := 225
Global Scan := []
   := {X: 225, Y: 300
     , Findings: [["Clear."
                 , ""]
                , ["Bibasilar atelectasis."
                 , "Bibasilar atelectasis versus lung scarring."]
                , ["Centrilobular emphysematous changes are present."
                 , "Emphysematous/COPD Lung disease."]
                , ["Hiatal hernia is present."
                 , "Hiatal hernia is present."]
                , ["Pulmonary nodule present."
                 , "Pulmonary nodule(s). Recommend dedicated CT of the chest "
                 . "to assess for other nodules and initiate a Lung Cancer "
                 . "Screening program."]]}
   := {X: 0 , Y: 300
     , Findings: [["No biliary obstruction."
                 , ""]
                , ["Liver appears hypodense."
                 , "Hepatic Steatosis."]]}
; Main GUI
Gui, Main:Destroy
Gui, Main:+AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -border +LastFound +HwndMyGuiHwnd ;+E0x08000000
WinSet, Transparent, 190
Gui, Main:Color, %Purple%, %DarkGrey%
Gui, Main:Margin, 0, 0
Gui, Main:Font, c%White% s8, q5 Bold
Gui, Main:Add, Button, x970 y1 w30 h18 gMainGuiClose, X
Gui, Main:Add, Button, x885 y1 w60 h18 gSave, Save
Gui, Main:-Caption
Gui, Main:Font, s12 c%Orange%, Verdana
Gui, Main:Add, Edit, vMyEdit1 WantTab xm ym+20 w1000 r12 hwndMyEdit1Hwnd
Gui Main:Show, x10 y600 w1000 h270, DD
; Findings GUIs
For Name, Obj In Scan {
   GuiX := Obj.X
   GuiY := Obj.Y
   BoxList := ""
   For I, Entry In Obj.Findings
      BoxList .= (A_Index > 1 ? "|" : "") . Entry[1]
   Gui, %Name%:New, -Caption +AlwaysOnTop +LastFound
   Gui, Margin, 0, 0
   Gui, Color, c34294d, c34294d
   Gui, Add, Progress, x1 y1 w198 h29 BackgroundCC6633 Disabled ;hwndHPROG
   Gui, Font, s14, Webdings
   Gui, Add, Text, xm ym w30 h30 gShowHide vBtnShow cWhite BackgroundTrans Center +0x0200, 6
   Gui, Font
   Gui, Font, s10 Bold
   Gui, Add, Text, x+0 ym w140 hp cWhite BackgroundTrans Center +0x0300 vCaption, %Name% ; SS_NOTIFY = 0x0100
   Gui, Add, Text, x+0 ym w30 hp gStore cWhite BackgroundTrans Center +0x0200, OK
   Gui, Font, s14, Webdings
   Gui, Font
   Gui, Font, s10 cFFFFFF, Verdana
   Gui, Add, Edit, vFindingsEdit WantTab xm y+0 w200 r1 hwndMyEditBox1Hwnd
   Gui, Font, s10 cFFFFFF, Verdana
   Gui, Add, Edit, vImpressionEdit WantTab xm y+0 w200 r1 hwndMyEditBox2Hwnd
   Gui, Font, s10 c6A9955, VerdanaFF
   Gui, Add, ListBox, xm y+0 w200 r5 vFinding AltSubmit Multi Choose2 Hidden, %BoxList%
   WinSet, Transparent, %Trans%
   Gui, Show, x%GuiX% y%GuiY% AutoSize, %Name%
OnMessage(0x0201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN")
   If Scan.HasKey(A_Gui) && (A_GuiControl = "Caption")
      PostMessage 0xA1, 2
   GuiControlGet, Vis, Visible, Finding
   GuiControl, Hide%Vis%, Finding
   GuiControl, , %A_GuiControl%, % (Vis ? 6 : 5)
   Gui, Show, AutoSize
   WinSet, Transparent, % (Vis ? Trans : Bright)
   Gui, Submit, NoHide
   FindingsList := ""
   ImpressionsList := ""
   For Each, Index In StrSplit(Finding, "|") {
      FindingsList .= Scan[A_Gui, "Findings", Index, 1] . ". "
      ImpressionsList .= Scan[A_Gui, "Findings", Index, 2] . " "
   Result := """" . StrReplace(A_Gui, "_", " ") . ""","""
           . Trim(FindingsList) . ""","""
           . Trim(ImpressionsList) . """"
   MsgBox, 0, Result:, %Result%
;Manual hide/show
   For Name In Scan
      Gui, %Name%:Hide
   For Name In Scan
      Gui, %Name%:Show
;Not working
;FileDelete, template.txt
;Sleep, 20
;Gui, Main:Submit, NoHide
;FileAppend, %MyEdit1% `n, template.txt
;Sleep, 50
;Gui, %A_Gui%:Destroy
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

21 May 2021, 08:34

I really appreciate you taking the time to review the entire script!

This worked well. How do I default it to keep the list box open instead of closed on first load and if user wants to minimize it later? This was mainly so that it can be minimized if in the way of the images but I guess can be moved as well so not a big issue.

I modified it to also add the Edit box for each gui a FindingsEdit and a ImpressionEdit so that the user can elaborate on the items choosen in the list. I'm assuming the """,""" to to help parse this at a later time?

Code: Select all

   Result := """" . StrReplace(A_Gui, "_", " ") . ""","""
           . Trim(FindingsList) . ""","""
           . Trim(FindingsEdit) . """" . ""","""
           . Trim(ImpressionsList) . """" . ""","""
           . Trim(ImpressionEdit) . """"
Last edited by iilabs on 21 May 2021, 09:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

21 May 2021, 09:04

mikeyww wrote:
20 May 2021, 15:36
Whether you loop or StrSplit makes no difference, but if you are just building a text string for the report, then there is perhaps nothing that needs to be parsed from that.
I figure I still need to parse and concatenate since the data are not really in format I want for a report?

I was able to parse and concatenate a report in the EditBox and a file saved as template. Would you mind looking at the code if this was optimally done?

My last step is to add a "`n" after each findings and impression. Ive tried everywhere including editbox, in the string split command, and also tried in the file append without luck. Last step folks!!

Code: Select all

   Gui, Submit, NoHide
   FindingsList := ""
   ImpressionsList := ""

   For Each, Index In StrSplit(Finding, "|") {
      FindingsList .= Scan[A_Gui, "Findings", Index, 1]    ;removed . ".  "
      ImpressionsList .= Scan[A_Gui, "Findings", Index, 2]  ;removed . " "
   ResultT := StrReplace(A_Gui, "_", " ") . ": " . "," ;added ":"
   ResultF := ResultT . Trim(FindingsList) . " "
              . ","

   ResultI := Trim(ImpressionsList) . " "
               . ","

   loop, parse, ResultF, `,
     DraftF := DraftF . A_LoopField
     ;MsgBox, %DraftF%
     Sleep, 20
DraftF :=  DraftF . FindingsEdit

   loop, parse, ResultI, `,
     DraftI := DraftI . A_LoopField
     ;MsgBox, %DraftI%
   Sleep, 20
DraftI := DraftI . ImpressionEdit

ControlSetText, Edit1, %DraftF% %DraftI%, DD
Last edited by iilabs on 22 May 2021, 08:43, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: GUI help with control in autoselecting items.

22 May 2021, 06:15

iilabs wrote:
21 May 2021, 08:34
How do I default it to keep the list box open instead of closed on first load and if user wants to minimize it later? This was mainly so that it can be minimized if in the way of the images but I guess can be moved as well so not a big issue.
I figured this out by removing "hidden" from the listbox code. Thanks!

Code: Select all

   Gui, Add, ListBox, xm y+0 w200 r5 vFinding gStore AltSubmit Multi Choose2, %BoxList%

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