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Breaking my teeth loading from flat file

Posted: 17 May 2021, 06:09
by kestak

First, I am not a programmer. I worked years as a computer engineer and retired. Help will be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance. I have the feeling, I just miss a small part of how to get the array coordinates rights.

I need to do something very simple. It is a two steps process. The first one is reading from a simple flat file. The lines will always be in the format A,B,C:
1234,1234 A Street,CP
5678,5678 B Street,HW
9012,9012 C Street,CP

Then I will build a simple GUI with 1 button per line (caption will be first parameter) and a two text captions on the right side of the button (Address and address type). The GUI can be build while reading.

1 - I can read the line into Word-Array with no issue.
2 - I know it is StrSplit(Word_Array[Line],",") that I need to use to split the string, but I was never able to make it work right.

Code: Select all

Word_Array 	:= []
Line 		        := 1
MaxLineArray 	:= 0
	FileReadLine, Str1, E:\Input1.txt, %Line%
    	if ErrorLevel = 1
	Word_Array[Line] := Str1     ;<----- problem one: StrSplit(Word_Array[Line],",")  here but I do not know how to set it up

	}   ;<--- I assumje this end loop will be brought down somewhere to dynamically generate the buttons.

; Problem 2: How do I generate the code between the ;***** to generate the buttons? I do not care if the window is too big. I will give it space to generate 20 buttons that will be the maximum.

	Gui, New
	;Gui, Add, Picture, x1 y1 w300 h420 vMyPicture, %CPath%Writing.jpg

	Gui, Add, Button, x320 y100 vOpt1, Button1 
	Gui, Add, text,   x380 y100 vSometext1, Text here
	Gui, Add, text,   x400 y100 vSometext2, Text here

	Gui, font, s14, Arial
	Gui, Add, Button, x590 y550 Default gOK, OK
	Gui, Add, Button, x645 y550 Default gCancel, Cancel
	Gui, Show
	Gui, Submit

;My code will be here

   	Gui, Hide
[Mod edit: [code][/code] tags added.]

Re: Breaking my teeth loading from flat file

Posted: 17 May 2021, 06:45
by just me

Code: Select all

Max_Lines := 20
Line_Index := 0
Line_Array := []
Loop, Read, E:\Input1.txt
	If (A_LoopReadLine <> "")
		Line_Array[++Line_Index] := StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine, ",")
Until (Line_Index = Max_Lines)

Code: Select all

Y := 100
For Index, Words In Line_Array
	Gui, Add, Button, x320 y%Y% vOpt%Index% , % Words[1]
	Gui, Add, Text, x380 yp vAddr%Index%,  % Words[2]
	Gui, Add, Text, x400 yp vType%Index%,  % Words[3]
	Y += 30
Not tested!

Re: Breaking my teeth loading from flat file

Posted: 17 May 2021, 07:29
by kestak
Thank you very much! It works! :bravo: It looks so simple once I see the solution. I was able to adapt what you wrote easily.

Now, I need to be able to do 2 more things. I found out with the other code I did, I just used the name of the button in a IF and associated code to it. Problem here, the name of the button is dynamic. So....

1 - When one button is pressed, how do I know which one is pressed and how can I simply msgbox the name of the button?
2 - When a button is pressed, the color of the button text needs to be changed to red for example.
I have no idea where to put that code that will If "button is pressed" msgbox Words[1] and change its color.

Here is the working code:

Code: Select all

Line_Array := []
Line_Index := 0

Loop, Read,  E:\Input1.txt
	If (A_LoopReadLine <> "")
		Line_Array[++Line_Index] := StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine, ",")

	Gui, New
	Gui, Add, Picture, x1 y1 w300 h420 vMyPicture, E:\Templates\Writing.jpg

	Y := 10
	For Index, Words In Line_Array
	Gui, Add, Button, x320 y%Y% vOpt%Index% , % Words[1]
	Gui, Add, Text,   x370 yp   vAddr%Index%,  % Words[2]
	Gui, Add, Text,   x550 yp   vType%Index%,  % Words[3]
	Y += 32

	Gui, font, s14, Arial
	Gui, Add, Button, x590 y550 Default gOK, OK
	Gui, Add, Button, x645 y550 Default gCancel, Cancel
	Gui, Show

        ; I found out I do not really need a ok for now, but I will leave it here.
	Gui, Submit

   	Gui, Hide

Re: Breaking my teeth loading from flat file

Posted: 18 May 2021, 06:18
by just me

Code: Select all

Gui, Margin, 100, 20
Gui, Add, Button, w100 gBtnLabel vBtn1, Button 1
Gui, Add, Button, w100 gBtnLabel vBtn2, Button 2
Gui, Show, , Click Test
GuiControlGet, Caption, , %A_GuiCOntrol%
MsgBox, You clicked on button %A_GuiCOntrol% with caption %Caption%
It's not easy to change a button's text color on the fly. You might try to replace the buttons with text controls (with a g-label as shown in the example).