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Detecting change in folder..?

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 20:08
by Wazowski

I wanted to know how I can detect when a folder makes a change to so after 30 seconds make a backup, I want to apply it in this code that annex below ..

Code: Select all

FileCopyDir,C:\Folder A,%A_Desktop%\Folder B %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD% %A_Hour%%A_Min%
I want a simple backup to detect change in a folder

I hope you can help me and excuse my bad English using google translator.


Re: Detecting change in folder..?

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 20:11
by gilliduck

Re: Detecting change in folder..?

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 20:27
by Wazowski
It is only to detect?

Re: Detecting change in folder..?

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 20:33
by gilliduck
Yeah, you'll have to modify it to return information to you once it detects the change you're looking for. Once you get that then you can use your other script to do the actual folder copy. Detecting changes in a folder is kind of a heavy task, I doubt anyone is just going to hand you a fleshed out script. The parts to make what you want are here though. I'm sure with patience you can make it work.