process threadID suspend

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process threadID suspend

25 Jun 2021, 06:55

:sick: Hi , need help with this script ,please i don't have enough experience for myself
there example: using script from github , to suspend Thread using ThreadID
script post all threadID's , how to sort and get only ntdll.dll library TID ? (id and starting adrress in dyn and change every restart.)
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Code: Select all

Process Exist, notepad.exe
PID := ErrorLevel
   ;MsgBox % "ThreadID:" v.ThreadID "`nStartAddr:" v.StartAddr

    hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "ntdll.dll", "uptr")

    if !(hSnapshot := DllCall("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot", "uint", 0x4, "uint", ProcessID))
        return "Error in CreateToolhelp32Snapshot"

    NumPut(VarSetCapacity(THREADENTRY32, 28, 0), THREADENTRY32, "uint")
    if !(DllCall("Thread32First", "ptr", hSnapshot, "ptr", &THREADENTRY32))
        return "Error in Thread32First", DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", hSnapshot)

    Addr := {}, cnt := 1
    while (DllCall("Thread32Next", "ptr", hSnapshot, "ptr", &THREADENTRY32)) {
        if (NumGet(THREADENTRY32, 12, "uint") = ProcessID) {
            hThread := DllCall("OpenThread", "uint", 0x0040, "int", 0, "uint", NumGet(THREADENTRY32, 8, "uint"), "ptr")
            if (DllCall("ntdll\NtQueryInformationThread", "ptr", hThread, "uint", 9, "ptr*", ThreadStartAddr, "uint", A_PtrSize, "uint*", 0) != 0)
                return "Error in NtQueryInformationThread", DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", hThread) && DllCall("FreeLibrary", "ptr", hModule)
            Addr[cnt, "StartAddr"] := Format("{:#016x}", ThreadStartAddr)
            Addr[cnt, "ThreadID"]  := NumGet(THREADENTRY32, 8, "uint")
            DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", hThread), cnt++

    return Addr, DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", hSnapshot) && DllCall("FreeLibrary", "ptr", hModule)

for k, v in GetThreadStartAddr(PID)                                             
    ;MsgBox % "ThreadID:" v.ThreadID "`nStartAddr:" v.StartAddr


    if !(hThread := DllCall("OpenThread", "uint", 0x0002, "int", 0, "uint", ThreadID, "ptr"))
        return "Error in OpenThread"
    if (DllCall("SuspendThread", "ptr", hThread) = -1)
        return "Error in SuspendThread", DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", hThread)
    return true, DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", hThread)
Posts: 9
Joined: 17 Jun 2016, 08:30

Re: process threadID suspend

26 Jun 2021, 03:27

anyone )) ?help
Posts: 6222
Joined: 11 Jan 2017, 17:59

Re: process threadID suspend

26 Jun 2021, 03:53
  1. Call EnumProcessModules to enumerate the modules loaded into the process.
  2. For each module call GetModuleInformation to obtain the load address and linear address size of the module. If your (thread) address lies in that range of addresses(ie module base address + module size) then this is the target module.
use GetModuleBaseName() while enumerating to get the string "ntdll.dll"

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