Trying to Find ALL cells which contains x on excel Topic is solved

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Trying to Find ALL cells which contains x on excel

23 Jul 2021, 09:52

let's say we have a random excel file:
  • No idea about what the layout looks like.
  • No idea what it contains.
  • you want to search for all cells containing "AHK" in there and get their values or addresses.
  • I do NOT want to use a specific Range as we do not know about the layout of the files.
This is the basic usage of .Find() method

Code: Select all

findit := xl.Cells.Find("AHK")
msgbox % findit.Value
I have found some info on the .FindNext() method but I have no idea how to use it.

This is a script I was testing and gave up on.

Code: Select all

xl := Excel_Get()

findWhat := "31112"
findit := xl.Cells.Find(findWhat) ; if findit is empty then it didn't find else u get the address
msgbox % findit.Value
if (findit) {
	nextFind := xl.Cells.FindNext()
	While (nextFind) {
		nextFind := xl.Cells.FindNext()
		msgbox % nextFind.Value

; Excel_Get by jethrow (modified)
; Forum:
; Github:
Excel_Get(WinTitle:="ahk_class XLMAIN", Excel7#:=1) {
    static h := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "oleacc", "Ptr")
    WinGetClass, WinClass, %WinTitle%
    if !(WinClass == "XLMAIN")
        return "Window class mismatch."
    ControlGet, hwnd, hwnd,, Excel7%Excel7#%, %WinTitle%
    if (ErrorLevel)
        return "Error accessing the control hWnd."
    VarSetCapacity(IID_IDispatch, 16)
    NumPut(0x46000000000000C0, NumPut(0x0000000000020400, IID_IDispatch, "Int64"), "Int64")
    if DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", -16, "Ptr", &IID_IDispatch, "Ptr*", pacc) != 0
        return "Error calling AccessibleObjectFromWindow."
    window := ComObject(9, pacc, 1)
    if ComObjType(window) != 9
        return "Error wrapping the window object."
        try return window.Application
        catch e
            if SubStr(e.message, 1, 10) = "0x80010001"
                ControlSend, Excel7%Excel7#%, {Esc}, %WinTitle%
                return "Error accessing the application object."
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Re: Trying to Find ALL cells which contains x on excel  Topic is solved

23 Jul 2021, 10:55

Slight change to that last script:

Code: Select all

xl := Excel_Get()
findWhat := "AHK"
findit := xl.Cells.Find(findWhat) 									; if findit is empty then it didn't find else u get the address
msgbox % findit.Value " at " findit.address 

if (findit) {
	nextFind := xl.Cells.FindNext()
	While (nextFind) {
		nextFind := xl.Cells.FindNext(nextfind)
		if (nextfind.address = findit.address)                          ; <<<<
		msgbox % nextFind.Value " at " nextfind.address
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Joined: 28 Mar 2016, 07:57

Re: Trying to Find ALL cells which contains x on excel

23 Jul 2021, 14:24

flyingDman wrote:
23 Jul 2021, 10:55
Slight change to that last script:

Code: Select all

xl := Excel_Get()
findWhat := "AHK"
findit := xl.Cells.Find(findWhat) 									; if findit is empty then it didn't find else u get the address
msgbox % findit.Value " at " findit.address 

if (findit) {
	nextFind := xl.Cells.FindNext()
	While (nextFind) {
		nextFind := xl.Cells.FindNext(nextfind)
		if (nextfind.address = findit.address)                          ; <<<<
		msgbox % nextFind.Value " at " nextfind.address

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