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What is the correct way of closing an excel workbook using COM?

Posted: 26 Jul 2021, 10:34
by fenchai

Code: Select all

xl := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application") ; init excel instance
xl.Visible := false ; set instance to not be visible

wb := xl.Workbooks.Open(filePath) ; open wb

; do whatever I want to do

; wb.Close(False) throws me an error about invalid command or something

xl.Quit() ; exit instance (this is not working, when I try to open the file again it throws me into read more only)

Re: What is the correct way of closing an excel workbook using COM?  Topic is solved

Posted: 26 Jul 2021, 11:54
by boiler
Close any open Excel processes via task manager, then run your script again with wb.Close() and/or xl.Quit().

Re: What is the correct way of closing an excel workbook using COM?

Posted: 26 Jul 2021, 22:25
by flyingDman
wb,close(0) or wb.close() will close the workbook without saving. wb.close(1) saves and closes the workbook. Any of these will not quit excel. For that, xl.quit() is needed.
See here