Edit control to react on double click?

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Edit control to react on double click?

29 Jul 2021, 19:01

Is that possible? The documentation says, the g-label for the edit control is only executed when the content of the control is changed.

I woould like to call a function when a doubleclick into the edit control occurs, and in that function I need to know where the doubleclick was (ideally line number/ char in line, but character number in whole text would also be sufficient (the screen position is not enough, as the text may have been scrolled

I suppose I will need another control (instead of the standard edit control) if I want do highlight some parts of the text with another background color? What controls are currently available for such a purpose?
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Re: Edit control to react on double click?

29 Jul 2021, 20:06

Code: Select all

t = 234567890`n
Gui, Font, s10
Gui, Add, Edit, w200 r20 vttext, 1%t%2%t%3%t%4%t%5%t%6%t%7%t%8%t%9%t%
Gui, Show,, Test
OnMessage(0x0203, "WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK")

WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK(wParam, lParam) {
 If (A_GuiControl != "ttext")
 ControlGet, lineNum, CurrentLine,, Edit1
 ControlGet, colNum , CurrentCol ,, Edit1
 ToolTip, Line = %lineNum%`nCol  = %colNum%
 SetTimer, Off, -2000
I'm not sure about background, but other forum posts might describe that. You might be able to use ActiveX with HTML.

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