my script doesn't work sometimes. Topic is solved

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my script doesn't work sometimes.

01 Aug 2021, 04:17

This script shows how much battery remains in notebook.
It works well or doesn't work sometimes. How can I fix the error? Thanks for any help.


Code: Select all

^F5:: Reload
#SingleInstance, Force





ReadInteger( p_address, p_offset, p_size, p_hex=true )



value = 0

old_FormatInteger := a_FormatInteger


if ( p_hex )

SetFormat, integer, hex


SetFormat, integer, dec


loop, %p_size%

value := value+( *( ( p_address+p_offset )+( a_Index-1 ) ) << ( 8* ( a_Index-1 ) ) )

SetFormat, integer, %old_FormatInteger%

return, value










VarSetCapacity(powerStatus, 1+1+1+1+4+4)


success := DllCall("GetSystemPowerStatus", "UInt", &powerStatus)
















output := {}


output.acLineStatus := acLineStatus


output.batteryFlag := batteryFlag


output.batteryLifePercent := batteryLifePercent


output.batteryLifeTime := batteryLifeTime


output.batteryFullLifeTime := batteryFullLifeTime




Return output



#SingleInstance force










Temp := "--"




Gui, Font, s14 w700, Arial


Gui, Add, Text, w280 x10 y10 Center vGuiAcLineStatus, %Temp%




Gui, Font, s48 w700, Arial


Gui, Add, Text, w280 x10 y30 Center vGuiBatteryPercent, %Temp%\`%




Gui, Show, Center w300, AHK Battery Percent








BatteryStatus := GetBatteryStatus()




If (BatteryStatus.acLineStatus == 0)




Gui, Font, s14 w700 cRed, Arial


Temp := "Discharging"








Gui, Font, s14 w700 cGreen, Arial


Temp := "Charging"






GuiControl, Font, GuiAcLineStatus


GuiControl, , GuiAcLineStatus, %Temp%




Temp := BatteryStatus.batteryLifePercent


If (Temp == 255)




Temp := "?"








Temp = %Temp%\`%






GuiControl, , GuiBatteryPercent, %Temp%




Sleep, 1000




;set the escape key to clear GUI window

GuiEscape: ; Note: single colon here, not double

Gui, hide

[Mod edit: [code][/code] tags added.]
Last edited by gregster on 01 Aug 2021, 04:28, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Please use [code] tags. Thank you!
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Joined: 09 Sep 2014, 18:38

Re: my script doesn't work sometimes.  Topic is solved

01 Aug 2021, 10:49

Here is mine.

Code: Select all

batt := batt()
MsgBox, 64, Battery status, % batt.2 "% remaining`n`n" batt.4 " (" batt.3 ")"

batt() {
 Static bText := ["Discharging", "AC", "Fully charged", "Low", "Critical", "Charging", "High, charging"
                , "Low, charging", "Critical, charging", "Undefined", "Partially charged"]
 val := []
 For objItem in ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Battery")
  For each, item in ["BatteryStatus", "EstimatedChargeRemaining", "Status"]
   val.Push(objItem[item]) ; 1 = battery status (number), 2 = percentage remaining, 3 = status (e.g., OK)
 val.Push(bText[val.1])    ; 4 = battery status (text)
 Return val
Posts: 248
Joined: 02 Jul 2021, 20:51

Re: my script doesn't work sometimes.

01 Aug 2021, 22:16

mikeyww wrote:
It looks clear and works well.
Thanks for your help again. ^^

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