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Excel Entries

Posted: 20 Sep 2021, 09:06
by Fulminare
Hello !

This seems to be simple. I am somehow entering the wrong variable when it comes to excel.

Code: Select all

Global runs, ini, track, end, override
start   := A_TickCount
minutes := 45
end     := start + 1000 * 60 * minutes
ini     := StrReplace(A_ScriptFullPath, ".ahk", ".ini") 
real    := {"Red John": "John Red", "Blue John": "John Blue", "Green John": "John Green"} ;ACTUAL NAME AS SAVED IN THE PHONE CONTACTS 
Gui, Font, s20 Bold cBlack
Gui, Add, DropDownList, h500 w300 vnick, Red John|Blue John|Green John| ; NAME IN USE
Gui, Font, s10 Bold cBlack
Gui, Add, Button, Default, Input
Gui, Show

Gui, Submit
Gui, Destroy
Sleep, 50


Gosub, Show
track := RegExReplace(nick, "[. ]", "_")
IniRead, year , %ini%, %track%, year
IniRead, month, %ini%, %track%, month
IniRead, runs , %ini%, %track%, runs, 0
If (year != A_YYYY || month != A_MM) {
       IniWrite, %A_YYYY%   , %ini%, %track%, year
       IniWrite, %A_MM%     , %ini%, %track%, month
       IniWrite, % runs := 1, %ini%, %track%, runs
} Else IniWrite, % ++runs   , %ini%, %track%, runs
done(ExitReason := "", ExitCode := "") {
 If !override && A_TickCount < end
  IniWrite, % --runs, %ini%, %track%, runs


xl := ComObjCreate("excel.application")
wrkbk :="C:\Users\user\Desktop\New Microsoft Excel Worksheet (2).xlsx")

lstrw := xl.Range("B" xl.Rows.Count).End(-4162).Row
mnth := strsplit(xl.Range("C" lstrw).value, "-").2

nwrw := lstrw + 1
nmbr := xl.Range("B" lstrw).value

if nmbr is not number
	nmbr := 0
if (mnth != A_MMM) {
	nmbr := 0


xl.Range("A" nwrw):= "%nick%"
xl.Range("B" nwrw):= "%runs%"
xl.Range("B" nwrw).NumberFormat := "## "
xl.Range("C" nwrw).value := A_DD "-" A_MM "-" A_YYYY
xl.Range("D" nwrw).NumberFormat := "[$-en-US]h:mm Am/Pm;@"
xl.range("D" nwrw).value := A_Hour ":" A_Min ":" A_Sec

In column A I want the variable "nick" to be entered
In column B I want the runs to be entered

Using %runs% and %nick% worked when I tested it with a msgbox

How to make excel enter the name selected from the DDL in column A and the runs in column B

I will be very grateful if anyone can kindly educate me.


Re: Excel Entries  Topic is solved

Posted: 20 Sep 2021, 09:18
by aifritz

Code: Select all

xl.Range("A" nwrw).value := nick
xl.Range("B" nwrw).value := runs

Re: Excel Entries

Posted: 20 Sep 2021, 09:21
by Fulminare
Thank you !

That worked :)