Open a specific folder and then Highlight (Select) the newest file or folder in it Topic is solved

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Open a specific folder and then Highlight (Select) the newest file or folder in it

27 Sep 2021, 01:06

Is there way to Highlight (Select) the newest file in some folder,
I got this code bellow to show me which newest file, But in my case i need to open folder then highlight which newest in it not just show name in MsgBox ...

Code: Select all

 ;author: wooly_sammot
Folder = C:\Folder ; change this to the actual folder

Loop, %Folder%\*


     FileGetTime, Time, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, C

     If (Time > Time_Orig)


          Time_Orig := Time

          File := A_LoopFileName



MsgBox, Newest file in %Folder% is %File%

Thanks in advance ..
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Re: Open a specific folder and then Highlight (Select) the newest file or folder in it

27 Sep 2021, 03:30

This post solved my problem, Thank you @swagfag


This code after modification.
Note: I know this code can be shortened, but anyway it does the job .

Code: Select all

; Open a specific folder and select the most recent file

Folder = C:\Users\HiSoKa\Downloads\ ; change this to the actual folder

Loop, %Folder%\*

     FileGetTime, Time, %A_LoopFileFullPath%, C

     If (Time > Time_Orig)


          Time_Orig := Time

          File := A_LoopFileName



MsgBox, Newest file in %Folder% is %File%
FullLoc = %Folder%%File%

MyPath := % FullLoc

	SplitPath sFullPath, , sPath
	FolderPidl := DllCall("shell32\ILCreateFromPath", "Str", sPath)
	DllCall("shell32\SHParseDisplayName", "str", sFullPath, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr*", ItemPidl, "Uint", 0, "Uint*", 0)
	DllCall("shell32\SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems", "Ptr", FolderPidl, "UInt", 1, "Ptr*", ItemPidl, "Int", 0)

	Return   DllCall("ole32\CoTaskMemFree", "Ptr", pv)

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