Intellibot meets AutoHotkey.Interop

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Intellibot meets AutoHotkey.Interop

Post by burque505 » 20 Aug 2019, 16:30

A work-in-progress plugin I compiled in VS Studio 2019 CE. But good progress :D . I don't have ipcHandler working yet in Intellibot yet, but I'm very hopeful. The rest of the AutoHotkey.Interop functions are complete, however. The videos for Intellibot are pretty informative, and if I can write a plugin, anyone can. I find this platform extremely interesting, and the Community Edition is free. It is difficult to use multiline strings, but it can be done.

These are many of the examples at the AutoHotkey.Interop github..
IntelliAHK2.gif (600.26 KiB) Viewed 6752 times

The functions available from the plugin:

New functions.PNG
New functions.PNG (19.23 KiB) Viewed 6752 times

Posts: 1736
Joined: 22 Jan 2017, 19:37

Re: Intellibot meets AutoHotkey.Interop

Post by burque505 » 26 Aug 2019, 17:37

Updated plugin for Intellibot. Workflow below uses modded AutoHotkey.Interop (via plugin) to change title of Notepad via Hwnd and SendMessage. Unlike most RPA platforms, Intellibot's "Start App" activity has a Data Out port that sends the Window Id. You can assign it to a variable or use it directly via the Data Out port. Here I used a variable (this makes the Data Out port disappear). I won't bore you with a GIF of Notepad with a different title. :)
window_handles_notepad.PNG (53.12 KiB) Viewed 6696 times

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