Best practice for gaming performance

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Best practice for gaming performance

Post by FatCash » 30 Jul 2023, 10:42

There are a lot of guides on how to tune in windows for gaming (high fps & low input latency) They involve debloating, minimising no of running processes and adjusting using process lasso to set affinity and priority of running processes.

By such recommendations I wouldn’t even run ahk process, but I still want to remap some keys and automate repetitive in-game tasks. My questions is what is best ahk-practice in regards to making it lightweight/transparent and minimise affect on input latency?

* Roughly speaking, does ahk add a layer in front of my devices (mouse & keyboard) and regardless of what I write in script the added latency will be the same?

* As opposite to first question, if I only add a couple of keyboard mappings, will my mouse tracking & clicking be unaffected (as if ahk wasn’t running at all)?

* What process priority should I assign to ahk? Most gaming guides essentially give the game & wininit.exe high/real-time priority. Everything else (like system processes) to low/idle and move to e-cores.

Thanks, sorry for long post, just looking for general advice on the topic and links with insights of how ahk process works.

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