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AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 11:05
by Joe Glines
I just saw the link, and took, the AutoHotkey survey. I'm really looking forward to my fellow enthusiast's feedback as it has some GREAT questions! :bravo:

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 11:06
by TheDewd
I have also taken the survey. :-)

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 25 Mar 2016, 12:20
by guest3456
me three, although i felt like it was a marketing research effort to try to start selling us instructional courses

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 26 Mar 2016, 09:44
by joedf
guest3456 wrote:me three, although i felt like it was a marketing research effort to try to start selling us instructional courses
I understand your concern, the staff has peer-reviewed it. The AHK foundation manifesto prohibits site SPAM+monetization. I've noticed that it does not technically ban ads completely. I must admit that it is some sort of a loop-hole... :/ Anyhow, this is currently at a "tolerable" level, meaning the primary focus of the survey does not directly advertise anything. :silent: That said, I hoping to gain some information about AutoHotkey's usage. :)

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 26 Mar 2016, 11:14
by dmatch
The occupation question was disappointing to me in that it was woefully lacking in the sciences. Except for "Engineering" and "Research" (??) there were no science related occupations like, for instance, "Science."

Not a particularly big deal unless it is an indicator of a larger culture that is turning away from science and it's occupations.


Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 26 Mar 2016, 15:30
by TAC109
Also, some of us have the occupation of 'retired'.

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 26 Mar 2016, 19:37
by joedf
and no student... :/ oh well...

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 27 Mar 2016, 18:38
by JoeSchmoe
I loved the survey and was happy to see that people were looking into it. Who wrote it?

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 27 Mar 2016, 19:44
by Blackholyman

Joe Glines and I am working with a research company to field the survey around AutoHotKey.

And of course some of the questions are minded at figuring out if there is any grounds for selling autohotkey expertise

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Already now the Survey seems to have been well received and we're seeing intriguing implications from the first numbers

If more entrants complete the survey we'll have a better chance of seeing trends emerge

Looking forward to see if even more of the Autohotkey community complete and share it in the coming weeks

I'm hoping that's something everybody is willing to help with!

Blackholyman (Jackie)

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 15:52
by colmik
Well, I was going to do the survey, but I couldn't get past the first question.

Here are the results ...

Result - FAIL

Result - FAIL

Result - FAIL

I tried about six or eight capchas before I started copying the images. The ones below are duplicates - I don't know why. They're not in my text.

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 15:54
by Blackholyman
Can't say try turning off Capslock, if thats on at all other then that i don't know, it was working fine when i try'ed it...

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 16:01
by colmik
I didn't have caps lock on - I was holding the caps key with my finger.
I exactly copied the case of lettering in the capcha. I would have expected that would be the requirement.

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 16:03
by TheDewd
Is there some firewall that is blocking the Captcha service from receiving your answer, resulting in a fail? Are you are work behind a company firewall that is filtering traffic?

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 16:10
by colmik
No - I'm at home. Each time I attempted it, there was pink writing across the screen saying (I can't remember the wording) that it didn't work, and inviting me to try again. Now, if I connect to the site, it says "Our records indicate you have already completed the survey. Thank you for taking the time to take it however we are limiting access to one complete."

But I haven't. I didn't even see it.

I'm not going to lose sleep over this - I just thought it would be fun to do the survey, but it's really not important to me. The only reason I brought it up here is that a capcha is required for the online chat assistance also, and on many occasions, I have had several goes before one has been accepted, though I have been pretty sure they were correctly answered.

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 16:13
by TheDewd
Can you try from a different computer or your cell phone? Maybe it's your computer/connection. If you're sure you didn't complete it, then they should have no issues with you doing it again on a different device with a different IP address, etc.

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 16:19
by colmik
I don't have a different device. My phone is a Nokia 3310 - it has never heard about the Internet!

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 16:20
by TheDewd
What year do you live in?? ;)

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 16:23
by Joe Glines
I'm watching replies still come through so I think, overall, it is still working okay for most. Sorry @colmik!

We had someone automate over 90 entries so I'm very hesitant to turn off the captcha.

I've run into issues with Chrome using Captcha (and my pop-up blocker). Perhaps trying a different browser would solve the issue.

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 16:25
by TheDewd
@Joe, but it thinks he already did the survey so probably won't allow him to try again??

P.S. -- Are you writing a book to sell? :-)

Re: AutoHotkey User Survey

Posted: 30 Mar 2016, 16:31
by Joe Glines
TheDewd- if he completed it, your'e correct, it probably won't let him back in. Sorry- I'm on a conf call while trying to read through these as well...

I'm too lazy to write a book. I just like to share code and do demo videos. Jackie (Blackholyman) is much better (and has the patience) at writing and explaining things.