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Re: Need Help with AutoHotkey Script for DeepL API Translation

Posted: 27 Mar 2024, 08:03
by mikeyww
The request might have timed out. You could see if altering the timeouts helps.

Code: Select all

whr.SetTimeouts(0, 30000, 30000, 600000)
Others here will know more. There may also be other forum posts about this.

Re: Need Help with AutoHotkey Script for DeepL API Translation

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 23:21
by tiska
Okay, so I seem to have solved the timeout issue by configuring my network settings to use the IP addresses and (Google) as my DNS servers.

Re: Need Help with AutoHotkey Script for DeepL API Translation

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 23:37
by tiska
@mikeyww, could you please assist me in incorporating the glossary management feature into the current script? Specifically, I need help adapting the AHK 2 script to perform the following functions: creating a glossary, listing existing glossaries, retrieving glossary details, retrieving glossary entries, and deleting glossaries. Please refer to the following page:

Here's a rough idea of what the script should do:

Code: Select all

; Create a new glossary
    ; Make an HTTP request to create a glossary
    ; Glossary creation logic
    MsgBox, Creating a new glossary...

; List all created glossaries
    ; Make an HTTP request to list glossaries
    ; Glossary listing logic
    MsgBox, Listing glossaries...

; Get details about a specific glossary
    ; Make an HTTP request to get glossary details
    ; Glossary details retrieval logic
    MsgBox, Retrieving glossary details...

; List entries of a glossary
    ; Make an HTTP request to list glossary entries
    ; Glossary entries listing logic
    MsgBox, Listing glossary entries...

; Delete a glossary
    ; Make an HTTP request to delete a glossary
    ; Glossary deletion logic
    MsgBox, Deleting glossary...

Re: Need Help with AutoHotkey Script for DeepL API Translation

Posted: 08 Apr 2024, 06:52
by mikeyww
Your new question appears unrelated to your initial question. I recommend starting a new thread.

Re: Need Help with AutoHotkey Script for DeepL API Translation

Posted: 08 Apr 2024, 23:23
by tiska
I started a new thread here: viewtopic.php?f=82&t=128490