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Issues remapping "copilot" key on new keyboard

Posted: 08 Mar 2024, 15:28
by elminster
I have a lenovo yoga book which came with a wireless keyboard. There is a 'copilot' key where the right ctrl key should be. It seems like on key press it sends multiple keys, though they key itself looks like F23.

I re-mapped F23 to RCtrl:


But when I press the key and look at the key history, I see what looks like multiple keypresses:

A0 02A u 0.09 LShift
5B 15B u 0.00 LWin
86 06E h u 0.00 F23
A3 11D i u 0.00 RControl

All 4 keys show for every time I press this key. I want the key to simply behave as RCtrl, which makes me think I need to map F23+LShift+LWin as a combo to be RCtrl, but I don't know how to go about doing this?

They keyboard:

Re: Issues remapping "copilot" key on new keyboard

Posted: 08 Mar 2024, 15:48
by elminster
Just to give it a shot I did try chatgpt for some suggestions, and tried the following (which also had me use v1, though no luck with either of these attempts):

Code: Select all

LShift & LWin & F23::Send {RCtrl}

<^<#F23::Send {RCtrl}
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Re: Issues remapping "copilot" key on new keyboard

Posted: 30 Apr 2024, 08:33
by dijek
I don't know if you ever got this working, but I had recently tried to do the same thing, and I managed to get it working using the following hotkeys:

Code: Select all

<+<#f23::Send "{Blind}{LShift Up}{LWin Up}{RControl Down}"
<+<#f23 Up::Send "{RControl Up}"
If you don't need this anymore, I hope it could help someone else trying to do this in the future.

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