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Is it possible to determine the current line under the mouse cursor?

Posted: 26 Mar 2024, 15:37
by Loop
Is it possible to determine which line my mouse cursor is currently hovering over in a multi-line edit field?

Thank you

Code: Select all

#Requires Autohotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force

Message := "1A`n2B`n3C`n4D`n5E`n6F`n7G`n8H`n9I`n10J`n11K`n12L`n13M`n14N`n15O`n16P`n17Q`n18R`n19S`n20T`n21U`n22V`n23W`n24X`n25Y`n26Z"

MyGui := Gui("-Caption", "MyGui")
MyGui.BackColor := "0x333333"
MyGui.SetFont("s13 cWhite", "Georgia")
MyGui.Add("Edit", "r20 ReadOnly w600 Wrap Background333333", Message)
MyGui.OnEvent("Escape", (*)=>ExitApp())
OnMessage(0x0200, MouseMove)
MyGui.Show("AutoSize Center")

Line := ""
ToolTip("Line number: " Line)

Re: Is it possible to determine the current line under the mouse cursor?

Posted: 27 Mar 2024, 03:07
by Noitalommi_2

Without clicking on the line first? Because if you click the line you can get the line number easily with EditGetCurrentLine.
Otherwise you'll probably have to do the math. Here is an example, I think i took most things into account.

Code: Select all

#Requires Autohotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force

Message := "1A`n2B`n3C`n4D`n5E`n6F`n7G`n8H`n9I`n10J`n11K`n12L`n13M`n14N`n15O`n16P`n17Q`n18R`n19S`n20T`n21U`n22V`n23W`n24X`n25Y`n26Z`n27`n28`n29`n30`n31`n32`n33`n34`n35`n36P`n37Q`n38R`n39S`n40T`n41U`n42V`n43W`n44X`n45Y`n46Z`n47`n48`n49`n50"

Lines := 20

MyGui := Gui("-Caption", "MyGui")
MyGui.BackColor := "0x333333"
MyGui.SetFont("s13 cWhite", "Georgia")
MyGuiEdit := MyGui.Add("Edit","r" Lines " ReadOnly w600 Wrap Background333333", Message)
MyGui.OnEvent("Escape", (*)=>ExitApp())
OnMessage(0x0200, MouseMove)
MyGui.Show("AutoSize Center")

Border := 2 ; Edit border, probably 2 pixels
DPIScale := 96/A_ScreenDPI ; if you use -DPIScale change this to DPIScale := 1
;DPIScale := 1


	if WinActive("ahk_id" MyGui.Hwnd) {

		;CoordMode "Mouse", "Client" ; CoordMode must be client. If you don't use CoordMode somewhere else in the script, this line can be omitted.
		MyGuiEdit.GetPos(,&YE,, &Height)
		MouseGetPos(, &Y)
		if Y >= (YE-Border+Height)/DPIScale ; Cursor below the edit field
			Line := 0
			Line := Round(((Y-YE+Border+Height/(Lines*2))/Height*Lines)*DPIScale) + ThumbPos("ahk_id" MyGui.Hwnd, "Edit1")
		Line := -1
	ToolTip Line
	Sleep 100

ThumbPos(WinTitle, Control) {

	static SIF_POS := 0x04
	, SB_VERT := 0x1

	if Hwnd := ControlGetHwnd(Control, WinTitle) {
		ScrollInfo := Buffer(28)
		NumPut("UInt", ScrollInfo.Size, ScrollInfo, 0), NumPut("UInt", SIF_POS, ScrollInfo, 4)
		DllCall("GetScrollInfo", "Ptr", Hwnd, "Int", SB_VERT, "Ptr", ScrollInfo)
		return NumGet(ScrollInfo, 20, "Int")

Re: Is it possible to determine the current line under the mouse cursor?

Posted: 27 Mar 2024, 04:05
by Loop
Hello thank you,
when I run the script I get the following error, which I cannot understand
error.png (18.39 KiB) Viewed 236 times

Re: Is it possible to determine the current line under the mouse cursor?

Posted: 27 Mar 2024, 06:08
by Noitalommi_2
Strange, this message doesn't appear for me. I edited the code and wrote the line MyGuiEdit.GetPos(,&YE,, &Height) into the MouseMove function, it should now work for you as well.

Re: Is it possible to determine the current line under the mouse cursor?

Posted: 27 Mar 2024, 09:56
by Loop

Re: Is it possible to determine the current line under the mouse cursor?

Posted: 27 Mar 2024, 09:56
by Loop
That's a bit strange.
The error occurs sporadically. I've run the script 5 times now, and the error has occurred 2 times. Is this a bug or is my pc too slow?

Re: Is it possible to determine the current line under the mouse cursor?  Topic is solved

Posted: 27 Mar 2024, 10:58
by Noitalommi_2
I went through the script again to find any mistakes, I also changed it a bit here and there to be able to test it better, but couldn't find anything what could be the cause of your problem.
It works for me, please test it again and maybe another forum user would be kind enough to test it and say whether it works or not.

Code: Select all

#Requires Autohotkey v2.0

Loop Lines := 1000
	Message .= A_Index  (A_Index < Lines ? "`n" : "")
MaxLines := 25
Border := 2 ; Edit border, probably 2 pixels
DPIScale := 96/A_ScreenDPI ; if you use -DPIScale change this to DPIScale := 1
;DPIScale := 1

MyGui := Gui("-Caption", "MyGui")
MyGui.BackColor := 0x333333
MyGui.SetFont("s16 cWhite", "Georgia")
MyGui.AddEdit("r" MaxLines " ReadOnly w600 Wrap Background333333 vEdit", Message)
MyGui["Edit"].GetPos(&Xe, &Ye, &We, &He)
MyGui.OnEvent("Escape", (*)=>ExitApp())
MyGui.Show("AutoSize Center")

OnMessage(0x0200, WM_MOUSEMOVE)

	static ClassNN := MyGui["Edit"].ClassNN
	, Hwnd := "ahk_id" MyGui.Hwnd

	if WinActive(Hwnd) {

		;CoordMode "Mouse", "Client" ; CoordMode must be client. If you don't use CoordMode somewhere else in the script, this line can be omitted.
		MouseGetPos(&Xm, &Ym, &Wm, &Hm)
		if Ym >= (YE-Border+He)/DPIScale ; Cursor below the edit field
			LineNumber := 0
			LineNumber := Round(((Ym-Ye+Border+He/(MaxLines*2))/He*MaxLines)*DPIScale) + ThumbPos(ClassNN, Hwnd)
		LineNumber := -1
	ToolTip LineNumber
	Sleep 100

	ThumbPos(Control, WinTitle) {

		static SIF_POS := 0x04
		, SB_VERT := 0x1
		, Hwnd := ControlGetHwnd(Control, WinTitle)
		, ScrollInfo := Buffer(28)
		, N := NumPut("UInt", ScrollInfo.Size, ScrollInfo, 0)
		, N := NumPut("UInt", SIF_POS, ScrollInfo, 4)

		DllCall("GetScrollInfo", "Ptr", Hwnd, "Int", SB_VERT, "Ptr", ScrollInfo)
		return NumGet(ScrollInfo, 20, "Int")

Re: Is it possible to determine the current line under the mouse cursor?

Posted: 27 Mar 2024, 11:30
by Loop
Thank you very much for your work. It now works very well without any errors. Thank you again!