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Reposition a MsgBox?

Posted: 21 Apr 2024, 21:44
by shipaddicted
I have created a script that shows each option in a MsgBox as it scrolls through the page, asking me if I want to select that option (which then opens that option in a new tab and then goes back to the original page). So far, I love it except for one thing -- the MsgBox pops up right over the "meat" of the webpage that it's asking me about.

Is there any way to reposition the MsgBox so that it pops up in a different section of the window? I know I can position a GUI wherever I want it, but I don't see any way to do the same with a MsgBox.

This is what I have so far, that doesn't work (maybe because I positioned the winmove stuff in the wrong place??)

Code: Select all

	cUIA:=UIA_Browser("ahk_exe chrome.exe")
	wdwHdl := WinGetTitle("A")
	tabName := RegExReplace(wdwHdl, " - Google Chrome")
	x := cUIA.GetCurrentDocumentElement() 
	y := cUIA	.GetAllLinks() 
	Loop y.Length 
		If (A_Index > 9)
			If (A_Index = 50)
			val := Mod(A_Index, 5)
			If (val = "0")
				Result := MsgBox(y[A_Index].Name "`n `n Navigate to this page? (press Yes or No)","Want this one?", "YesNo Icon? Default2")
				WinWaitActive("Want this one?")
				WinMove(1090, 507,,,"Want this one?")
				If Result = "Yes"
					cUIA.WaitPageLoad("New Tab")
					cUIA.SelectTab(tabName, 2, 0)
				If Result = "No"

Re: Reposition a MsgBox?

Posted: 22 Apr 2024, 00:48
by Draken
Hello, the MsgBox script waits for you to close it and you can't move the window using winmove, but you can work around it.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey 2.0

SetTimer MoveMsgBox, 20

MsgBox("I'm not in the usual place!", "Moved Box")
sleep 500
MsgBox("I'm not in the usual place!", "Moved Box")

    if WinExist("Moved Box")
        WinMove(0, 0, , , "Moved Box")
original script for V1

Re: Reposition a MsgBox?

Posted: 23 Apr 2024, 18:54
by shipaddicted
Draken wrote:
22 Apr 2024, 00:48
Hello, the MsgBox script waits for you to close it and you can't move the window using winmove, but you can work around it.

Interesting! Thank you!

Re: Reposition a MsgBox?  Topic is solved

Posted: 24 Apr 2024, 21:30
by william_ahk
This method is more reliable

Code: Select all

OnMessage(0x44, CB := (*)=>(DetectHiddenWindows(True), WinExist("ahk_class #32770 ahk_pid " ProcessExist()) && WinMove(A_ScreenWidth-300)))
OnMessage(0x44, CB, 0)

Re: Reposition a MsgBox?

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 01:10
by Draken
Hello, this is a very elegant solution, I would have a question how to find out the message number to track and why it is before WinMove && (AND?)? If I replace the && with a comma it also works, but I assume it has some meaning. Thank you.

Re: Reposition a MsgBox?

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 03:14
by william_ahk
@Draken I didn't discover this message code. It was well established in v1 in this thread, I just translated it into v2. It appears to be WM_COMMNOTIFY according to this table but I have no idea what that means. :D

The AND operator was to ensure WinExist is true. It's just a one-liner expressionist way to write If WinExist Then WinMove.
Here's the same callback function written in declaration syntax:

Code: Select all

OnMessage(0x44, CB)
OnMessage(0x44, CB, 0)

CB(*) {
	If WinExist("ahk_class #32770 ahk_pid " ProcessExist())
Here's an encapsulated function for easier use:

Code: Select all


MsgBoxSetPos(X?, Y?) {
	Static CB
	If IsSet(CB)
		OnMessage(0x44, CB, 0)
	If !(IsSet(X) || IsSet(Y))
	OnMessage(0x44, CB:=WM_COMMNOTIFY)
		If WinExist("ahk_class #32770 ahk_pid " ProcessExist())
			WinMove(X?, Y?)