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HOTKEYS never working properly the first time

Posted: 23 Mar 2024, 20:59
by Kolo

Code: Select all

 sleep 50
 send "{f5}"
Stupidly simple concept. U hit "q" and then a short time after it's over the {f5} key is pressed. Make it whatever key you want. The first time I start this script and use it it'll fail. I ALWays have to PRIME all the hotkeys I am going to use so they r like preloaded or something and will work for maybe an hour and then if they haven't been used for an hour or so it'll start to fail again and need a rejostling. This happens on every hotkey all the time.
#SingleInstance Force doesn't even work! U can easily get as many instances as u want by hitting reload a few times. ^r::reload
It's literally a waste of a line in my script, it functions the exact same not having it at all in there. God forbid I include a comma somewhere like it is on 90% of all posts online and have to question if I wrote it correctly.

0 reliability whatsoever in this language. The solutions for singleinstance force are the same as I've found here...u have to jiggle the key to make it remember that it exists and its supposed to work when u press it! And sometimes that's not enough u have to write an entire timer that checks and refreshes the script. But if already have a loop in the script running in one of the hotkeys...they conflict! IT can literally screwup a hotkey loop/timer just to refresh the existing keys cause it's mimicking multithreading in a terribly broken manner. Nothing is snappy whatsoever, u have to put some margin of lagg into ur scripts to make sure they r functioning
consistently enough, but it's never 100% consistency ever even with the most laggiest of lagg delays inserted everywhere. What other language can I use to make hotkeys for windows? Cause everything is beyond frustrating in AHK, and ever iteration has the same problems in a more frustrating package.....I would like to shake the guy who made v2 and ask him "what were u thinking?!?!?!? There is no syntax support! All the docs link to version 1 from google, theres less tutorials, less explanation, and the syntax being more greedy....I don't for the life of me get how it made any sense to do this...all u see is frustrating comments on how "only idiots would rewrite their v1 to v2"....isn't that literally an admission that its hard for even ppl who kno everything to swap between versions? All the questions for solving all the problems ARE IN VERSION 1 SYNTAX!! And if you work in version 1 syntax u are 'depreciated' and anything not working is 'needing to be tried in v2 syntax'....that's seriously hilarious."