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How to detect context menu in some program?

Posted: 05 Apr 2024, 02:18
by 6Tom
Hi dear friends,
I am trying to find a way to check if the context menu exists, or wait for the context menu to appear in Microsoft Edge.

I found this v1 script, but it doesnot seem to work. So I didnot modify it to v2.
(Um, actually I did modify it to v2, but I'm not sure about the usage of NumPut and DllCall. Anyway, it doesn't really matter, neither of them works :crazy: .)

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1

; based on closeContextMenu() by Stefaan - 
    GuiThreadInfoSize = 48
    VarSetCapacity(GuiThreadInfo, 48)
    NumPut(GuiThreadInfoSize, GuiThreadInfo, 0)
    if not DllCall("GetGUIThreadInfo", uint, 0, str, GuiThreadInfo)
       MsgBox GetGUIThreadInfo() indicated a failure.
    ; GuiThreadInfo contains a DWORD flags at byte 4
    ; Bit 4 of this flag is set if the thread is in menu mode. GUI_INMENUMODE = 0x4
    if (NumGet(GuiThreadInfo, 4) & 0x4)
       return 1  ; we've found a context menu
       return 0

I know that ahk_class #32768 can be used to check the context menu in "explorer".
Is there a way to check context menu in Microsoft Edge or other programs?