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Progressive removal of text in Text Control?

Posted: 08 May 2024, 14:21
by kunkel321
The code makes a gui with some text. I'd like to (upon keypress) progressively remove the text string, character by character, left-to-right, and have them replaced with space characters. With the below code, the first character works, but then it stops. It seems like each call of the function should progressively add another space, and trim another text character.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2+
; disappearing text experiment

guiTitle := 'Color Change'
str := 'the quick brown fox jumps over'

mg := Gui(, guiTitle)
mg.SetFont('s16 cBlue','Consolas')
sBlue := mg.Add('text', 'w400', str)

#hotif WinActive(guiTitle)
	static val 
	val := sBlue.Text
	sBlue.Text := ' ' . SubStr(val, 2)

Re: Progressive removal of text in Text Control?

Posted: 08 May 2024, 14:58
by RussF
Try this Steve:

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2+
; disappearing text experiment

guiTitle := 'Color Change'
str := 'the quick brown fox jumps over'

mg := Gui(, guiTitle)
mg.SetFont('s16 cBlue','Consolas')
sBlue := mg.Add('text', 'w400', str)

#hotif WinActive(guiTitle)
	sBlue.Text := Changer(sBlue.Text)   

	sp_pos := 1
	While SubStr(txt,sp_pos,1) = ' '
		sp_pos += 1
	txt := SubStr(txt,1,sp_pos-1) . ' ' . SubStr(txt,sp_pos + 1,StrLen(txt)- 1)
	Return txt


Re: Progressive removal of text in Text Control?

Posted: 08 May 2024, 19:35
by kunkel321
RussF wrote:
08 May 2024, 14:58
Awesome Thanks! Really trippy how you got it to work.
Sorry for "changing the question" mid thread, but I'm trying to use the parts like Lego blocks and rearrange them so that there's a second function that trims the same text control... But right-to-left.

It does trim the first word (rather the LAST word), but it stops when it gets to the space char. Also... It's important for the still-visible letters to stay in the same spot (hence the monospace font). So I need the spaces filled in (padded?) to the right as the right-to-left trim happens.


Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2+
; disappearing text experiment

guiTitle := 'Color Change'
str := 'the quick brown fox jumps over'

mg := Gui(, guiTitle)
mg.SetFont('s16 cBlue','Consolas')
sBlue := mg.Add('text', 'w400', str)

#hotif WinActive(guiTitle)
Right::sBlue.Text := ChangerL(sBlue.Text)   
Left::sBlue.Text := ChangerR(sBlue.Text)   

ChangerL(txt) ; Russ made (Left to right)
	sp_pos := 1
	While SubStr(txt,sp_pos,1) = ' '
		sp_pos += 1
	txt := SubStr(txt,1,sp_pos-1) . ' ' . SubStr(txt,sp_pos + 1,StrLen(txt)- 1)
	Return txt

ChangerR(txt) ; New one...  want right to left
	sp_pos := StrLen(txt)
	While SubStr(txt, StrLen(txt), 1) = ' '
		sp_pos -= 1
	txt := SubStr(txt, StrLen(txt)+1, sp_pos-1) . ' ' . SubStr(txt, 1, sp_pos-1) 
	Return txt

Re: Progressive removal of text in Text Control?

Posted: 08 May 2024, 22:15
by teadrinker

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2+
; disappearing text experiment

guiTitle := 'Color Change'
str := 'the quick brown fox jumps over'

mg := Gui(, guiTitle)
mg.SetFont('s16 cBlue','Consolas')
sBlue := mg.Add('text', 'w400', str)

#hotif WinActive(guiTitle)
Left:: ((txtCtrl, side) => (
    p := side ? '^\s*\S' : '\S\s*$',
    RegExMatch(txtCtrl.Text, p, &m) && 
        txtCtrl.Text := RegExReplace(txtCtrl.Text, p, Format('{:' . m.Len . '}', ''))
))(sBlue, A_ThisHotkey = 'Right')
Something like this?
Although, when deleting characters on the right, they don't have to be replaced with spaces.

Re: Progressive removal of text in Text Control?

Posted: 09 May 2024, 12:02
by kunkel321
teadrinker wrote:
08 May 2024, 22:15
Thanks for this, Teadrinker! It works well. Very enigmatic though.

Re: Progressive removal of text in Text Control?

Posted: 09 May 2024, 14:06
by kunkel321
Teadrinker pointed out that, for the right-to-left trimming, the spaces don't really need to be added back. Keeping that in mind, I came up with the below...
It's not as elegant as the Teadrinker regex solution, and probably not as efficient/fast, but it is easier to understand -- LOL.

I made the GUI background transparent, then put a duplicate (non-trimming) gui behind it, with gray letters. Now, rather than "trimming" it has the visual effect of changing colors from the outside-in. Pretty cool effect--Check it out. Also added an undo.

Now I need to figure out the best way to "lock" the GUIs together. I'll post a different thread for that though. :D
Thanks again Fellas!

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2+
; disappearing text experiment

guiTitle := 'Color Change'
str := 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
undoArr := []

mgb := Gui(, guiTitle)
mg := Gui(, guiTitle)
mgb.SetFont('s16 q3','Consolas') ; q3 = NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY
mg.SetFont('s16 q3','Consolas')
mg.BackColor := "EEAA99"
WinSetTransColor("EEAA99", mg)
sGray := mgb.Add('text', ' cGray', str)
sBlue := mg.Add('text', ' cBlue', str)

#hotif WinActive(guiTitle)
Right::sBlue.Text := ChangerL(sBlue.Text)   
Left::sBlue.Text := ChangerR(sBlue.Text)   
^z::sBlue.Text := goUndo(sBlue.Text) 

ChangerL(txt) ; Russ' Left to right
{	undoArr.push(txt) 
	sp_pos := 1
	While SubStr(txt,sp_pos,1) = ' '
		sp_pos += 1
	txt := SubStr(txt,1,sp_pos-1) . ' ' . SubStr(txt,sp_pos + 1,StrLen(txt)- 1)
	Return txt

ChangerR(txt) ; right to left
{	undoArr.push(txt) 
	txt := SubStr(txt, 1, -1)
	Return txt

{    If undoArr.Length > 1
    {   undoArr.pop
        txt := undoArr[undoArr.Length]
        Return txt