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Set MsgBox Button Text? a133

Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 17:09
by Larkal
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to get a message box with customized button text?

Code: Select all

OnMessage(0x44, OnMsgBox)

msgboxResult := MsgBox("Hello, world!", "This is AutoHotkey", 0x4243)

OnMsgBox(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) {
    wintitle := "ahk_id " hwnd
    ControlSetText "This", "Button1", wintitle
    ControlSetText "is", "Button2", wintitle
    ControlSetText "a", "Button3", wintitle
    ControlSetText "test", "Button4", wintitle
I'm getting
Error: Target window not found.
I think I'm misunderstanding what the hwnd id is for.

Re: Set MsgBox Button Text? a133

Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 20:47
by kczx3
What if you just use the hwnd and don’t prepend ahk_id?

Re: Set MsgBox Button Text? a133

Posted: 30 Apr 2021, 22:51
by Larkal
If I try just using hwnd it complains
Error: Target control not found.

Re: Set MsgBox Button Text? a133  Topic is solved

Posted: 01 May 2021, 02:47
by lexikos
That's because there are no buttons on the window identified by hwnd, which is probably the script's main window, not the MsgBox. You need to be more selective with your OnMessage. You also might need to find the MsgBox by using WinExist (with DetectHiddenWindows true).

The error is different if you use ahk_id because then it is restricted by DetectHiddenWindows, and the window is hidden.
The names of the buttons can be customized by following this example.
Source: MsgBox - Syntax & Usage | AutoHotkey v2
(But if used correctly, OnMessage is probably better than the timer used in the example, as it can act earlier.)

Re: Set MsgBox Button Text? a133

Posted: 04 May 2021, 04:30
by Larkal
Thanks @lexikos, that was exactly right.

I was able to get it working using DetectHiddenWindows true and WinExist.
Here's what I finally got working

Code: Select all

OnMessage(0x44, OnMsgBox)

gMsgBoxTitle := "Hello Autohotkey"
MsgBox("Hello, world!", gMsgBoxTitle, 0x4243)

OnMsgBox(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd) {
    global gMsgBoxTitle
    DetectHiddenWindows true
    msgBoxHwnd := WinExist(gMsgBoxTitle)
    if (msgBoxHwnd) {
      ControlSetText "First", "Button1", msgBoxHwnd
      ControlSetText "Second", "Button2", msgBoxHwnd
      ControlSetText "Third", "Button3", msgBoxHwnd
      ControlSetText "Fourth", "Button4", msgBoxHwnd
    DetectHiddenWindows false