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Please help, Data grouping, calculating total and maximum values

Posted: 08 Apr 2024, 06:55
by pho7271
Data format:

Code: Select all

Aaa 1 2.02
Aaa 6 32.1
Bbb 9 23.2
Bbb 4 332.0
CCC 5 232.0
Ddd 9 22.08
Ddd 1 12.78
Ddd 2 45.34
Eee 0 456
To achieve:
When the first column is grouped by the same value, calculate the maximum value in the second column and the total value in the third column for each group after grouping

Code: Select all

aaa 6 35.12
Bbb 9 355.2
CCC 5 232.0
Ddd 9 80.2
Eee 0 456
Is there any good solution? thanks

[Mod edit: Added [code][/code] tags for better overview.]

Re: Please help, Data grouping, calculating total and maximum values

Posted: 08 Apr 2024, 07:17
by mikeyww

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
str := "
Aaa 1 2.02
Aaa 6 32.1
Bbb 9 23.2
Bbb 4 332.0
CCC 5 232.0
Ddd 9 22.08
Ddd 1 12.78
Ddd 2 45.34
Eee 0 456
maxi := Map(), sum  := Map(), out := ''
Loop Parse str, '`n', '`r'
 Loop Parse RegExReplace(A_LoopField, '\h+', ','), 'CSV'
  Switch A_Index {
   Case 1: group := A_LoopField
   Case 2: maxi[group] := maxi.Has(group) ? Max(maxi[group], A_LoopField) : A_LoopField
   Case 3: sum[group]  := sum.Has(group)  ? sum[group]     + A_LoopField  : A_LoopField
For group in maxi
 out .= (out = '' ? '' : '`n') group ' ' maxi[group] ' ' Round(sum[group], 2)
MsgBox out, 'Results', 'Iconi'
image240408-0817-001.png (23.43 KiB) Viewed 172 times

Re: Please help, Data grouping, calculating total and maximum values

Posted: 08 Apr 2024, 07:49
by pho7271
Thanks @mikeyww for getting back to me quickly

Re: Please help, Data grouping, calculating total and maximum values

Posted: 08 Apr 2024, 11:32
by flyingDman
If you are a fan of more compact code:

Code: Select all

gmax := map(), gsum := map(), res := ""
for x,y in strsplit(str, "`n", "`r")
	z := strsplit(y," "), grp := z[1]	
	gmax[grp] := gmax.has(grp) ? max(gmax[grp],z[2]) : z[2]
	gsum[grp] := gsum.has(grp) ? gsum[grp]+z[3] 	 : z[3]
For grp in gmax
	res .= grp "`t" gmax[grp] "`t" Round(gsum[grp], 2) "`n"
MsgBox trim(res,"`n"), "Results"
Same technique. I typically prefer for-loops.

Re: Please help, Data grouping, calculating total and maximum values

Posted: 08 Apr 2024, 22:16
by pho7271
Thanks @flyingDman for getting back to me