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About using PixelSearch for a single pixel

Posted: 11 May 2024, 16:18
by Tykvesh
I've been using this function as PixelGetColor alternative for cases when the color may have a variance. It works great, but I was wondering if what I'm doing is the best method for this.

Code: Select all

PixelMatchColor(x, y, color, variance)
	Return PixelSearch(&a, &b, x, y, x, y, color, variance)

Re: About using PixelSearch for a single pixel  Topic is solved

Posted: 12 May 2024, 02:22
by Rohwedder
I compared it with a PixelMatchColor2() based on ImageSearch. Result: No relevant difference in speed!

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
CoordMode "Pixel", "Screen"
	x:=100, y:=100 , Color := 0x2D7D9B, Variance := 10
	T := A_TickCount
	Loop 100
		PixelMatchColor(x, y, Color, Variance)
	T1 := A_TickCount
	Loop 100
		PixelMatchColor2(x, y, Color, Variance)
	T2 := A_TickCount	
	MsgBox T1-T " > " T2-T1
PixelMatchColor(x, y, Color, Variance)
	Return PixelSearch(&a, &b, x, y, x, y, Color, Variance)
PixelMatchColor2(x, y, Color, Variance)
	Static OldColor:="", Handle
	(OldColor = Color) ?"": (Handle := DllCall("CreateBitmap", "Int", 1, "Int", 1
	, "Int", 0x1, "Int", 32, "UIntP", Color, "Ptr"), OldColor := Color)	
	Return ImageSearch(&a, &b, x, y, x, y, "*" Variance " HBITMAP:*" Handle)

Re: About using PixelSearch for a single pixel

Posted: 12 May 2024, 23:32
by Tykvesh
@Rohwedder thanks for testing! On average they perform the same, and the worst result was 844 > 765 (PixelSearch vs ImageSearch). I am satisfied with this conclusion.