Problems with ControlSend success rate?

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Problems with ControlSend success rate?

10 Oct 2021, 10:42

Each line of the script is executed separately without any problem
But executing them in succession will miss many steps
Even if I add "sleep" to every operation, it doesn't solve

The script manually sets the selection for the image
Then automatically sends the cut and paste and saves it to the specified location
it work for
Some Wintitle contain Chinese

Code: Select all

paintdotnet := "ahk_exe paintdotnet.exe"

A_Clipboard := "F:\Documents\Pictures\001 00412222.jpg"

ControlSend("^+x", ,paintdotnet), Sleep(100) ;crop image
ControlSend("^+s", ,paintdotnet), Sleep(100) ;saveas windows

WinWait(_saveAS := "另存为 " paintdotnet), ControlSend("^a^v", "Edit1", _saveAS), Sleep(100) ;paste path to saveas windows
while ControlGetText("Edit1", _saveAS) != A_Clipboard ;check if paste?
    ControlSend("^a^v", "Edit1", _saveAS), Sleep(100)
ControlSend("{Enter}", "Edit1", _saveAS), Sleep(100) ;enter for saveas windows

WinWait("保存配置"), ControlSend("{Enter}", ,paintdotnet), Sleep(100) ;enter for save configuration windows
WinWait(""),ControlSend("^w", ,paintdotnet), Sleep(100) ;close picture tag

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